June 30, 2006
Happy Birthday!
Today is my dear friend Christina's birthday. If you have met her or know her online, you no that she is wonderful so . . .
Go over there and wish her a happy one!
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She is pretty awesome, isn't she.
And that cake? You sure do know how to make a girls day!!! Good for you darlin'!
posted by
Tammi at June 30, 2006 03:05 PM
Girlfriend, you are awesome!
; )
posted by
Christina at July 3, 2006 08:42 AM
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June 28, 2006
Just when I had decided that my President was swinging way too far away from my personal values, he does something to redeem himself, ever so slightly!
Good job. Showing through actions that you care about our soldiers in and out of harms way, goes a whole lot farther than claiming on the Congressional floor that what you are doing or asking is for "the good of our soldiers".
George W. Bush is a man of strong character. I don't always agree with him - Immigration is a glaring example - but when it comes to our military men and women, he is a stellar leader!
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Amen, sister!
posted by
Richmond at June 28, 2006 04:24 PM
uh huh, me likes mister bush. he's cute and competent. course i'm a twisted nutcase, so there.
posted by
shoe at June 30, 2006 07:47 AM
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June 26, 2006
I just read over at Acidman's that he has died. His daughter put up a post that he has left this world.
My condolences to her and her family. I met Rob just once. He had many demons, hopefully it wasn't a demon that took him.
Comments seem to be off at his place and I wanted to send my thoughts to his family.
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So frigging sad. Poor Sam and Quinton.
posted by
caltechgirl at June 26, 2006 02:19 PM
I started reading his blog about 3 years ago. He was one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place. I hope he's found the peace that has eluded him in recent years. And, I hope his son will remember him as he should, as a man who loved that boy, desperately.
posted by
trouble at June 26, 2006 03:34 PM
Rough times for sure. I'm gonna miss him.
posted by
RedNeck at June 27, 2006 08:46 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
01:38 PM
Comments (3)
» Technicalities TracksBack with:
I'm alive
Just really busy. Once I get through this week, I should be good to go.
I'm still reading, but no time to form a thought to write something!
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You need a drink.
posted by
Tink at June 26, 2006 11:21 AM
You are missed!
; )
posted by
Christina at June 26, 2006 02:06 PM
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June 16, 2006
Cherry Season!
It is cherry season in these parts. Tart-red cherries. Perfect for pies and other yummy desserts. Nothing puts a pucker on your face like a tart cherry *wink, wink*
Ok, minds back out o' the gutters please, we are talking fruit here!
Whenever cherry season swings round these parts I have a fond rememberance of days past.
When I was in elementary school, the son of my parents' dearest friends was my dearest friend. I spent more time with his family than my own.
His grandparents lived on a horse farm and had the best, most productive cherry trees. One late spring we - all us kids ranging in age from 6 to 16 - decided to pick cherries. We picked bushels and then set about pitting them. After we were all covered in cherry juice, someone got the bright idea to start a pit-war. We set up teams and got some plywood from the barn to use as a shield/fort. At about mid-orchard two team members squared off and walked off a good distance, like a proper duel and pits began flying!
When each side had run out of pits and went through some respective crying and nashing of teeth - "you did that on purpose!" "Moooooom!!!" "That really hurts!" "Stop aiming for my eyes!" we began gathering smooshy, rotten cherries from the ground below.
Now, the sting of pits hitting our bare flesh was accompanied by the squish of rotten fruit. But neither side let up until the oldest and the youngest on one team began a fist-fight of unknown origin.
We, to every member of each team, were covered in pits, and cherry juice and mud and grass and stickiness. We were forbidden from entering the house to change clothes. Each of us stripped to skivvies (we were younguns!) and got hosed off by a very cold garden hose.
That sunny late june day will always stick out in my mind. For that one day, all us kids, cousins, step-children and friends, got along the best we could, took out all our frustrations in an hour and managed to have a great time all day!
I haven't had much contact with the kids from that sunny afternoon. I see a couple now and then, but we have all gone our separate ways. I wonder if they remember that cherry pit war like I do. I wonder if when they stand in a cherry tree orchard they have the urge to fling rotten cherries at the nearest bystander.
My husband will attest, I enjoy flinging rotten fruit at him at picking time. Cherry picking in my house is not a peaceful event. I relive that june day to a small extent every season.
My trees are ripening now, and soon, the house will be filled with the smell of those tart cherries baking into pies. I make a mean cherry pie! But I wonder, what kinds of innocent experiences will my son have that he will remember far into his adulthood. What scent or scene will take him back? Will the smell of cherry pies baking remind him of when his momma chased him around the cherry trees pelting him with rotten fruit? Better still, will that be a good memory - or one he'll need years of therapy to come to terms with? Ahhh, the questions!
For now, I'll await my cherries and I'll sit in the orchard on picking day remembering a pit-war fought long ago.
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I'm placing my order for two cherry pies, please.
Your story about picking cherries reminds me of a few of ours... wish I had more time.
posted by
That 1 Guy at June 16, 2006 09:53 AM
I was just going to do a piece on cherries. $2.99 a pound here and delicious.
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at June 16, 2006 10:25 AM
; )
posted by
Christina at June 16, 2006 10:40 AM
What a wonderful memory, I felt like I was in the midst of the war... :)
posted by
pam at June 16, 2006 12:02 PM
That was a wonderful post!
I think about what my children will remember from their childhood....what things I can do to help influence it.
I also remember cherry picking when I was little....and for some unknown reason, I don't eat cherries any more....hmmm...funny....
posted by
Rave at June 16, 2006 12:16 PM
Mmmmmmmm Cherry Pie.....
In my house they just don't make it to the crust. Hubby will eat them until he makes himself sick.
posted by
caltechgirl at June 16, 2006 12:33 PM
Soooo cool! We had a sour cherry tree in our backyard growing up. Oh the faces we would make eating those things... :} Great post!
posted by
Richmond at June 16, 2006 03:31 PM
Here's my adventure in picking cherrys.
Sister Bay WI
One of the best times of my life...
posted by
confabulator at June 16, 2006 04:16 PM
what wonderful memories! I love cherry pie, but even more I love bing cherries.
posted by
michele at June 17, 2006 08:18 PM
Ours are ready too. I'll probably start picking tomorrow.
posted by
Jerry at June 18, 2006 12:50 AM
I have no doubt your young'n will someday laughingly recall how Mommy used to fling rotten fruit at Daddy. (And in response the little tyke's therapist will ask, "How did that make you feel?")
posted by
Bob at June 19, 2006 01:26 PM
I wonder if cherry pie can survive a fedex delivery?
posted by
michele at June 19, 2006 10:47 PM
I don't know about you, but I think I'm cherried out already. And it's only day two of cherry season. It's the pits. Har de Har!
posted by
Jerry at June 20, 2006 10:16 PM
Great story. Thanks for sharing.
posted by
Freddie at June 21, 2006 07:47 AM
*flings cherry pit at Oddy*
posted by
Harvey at June 21, 2006 09:48 AM
Princess Z would love some of those cherries. And do you know that it is almost impossible to type while a 2-year old is pulling on your shirt?
But I loved the images that your story evoked. I can just see you out in the orchard taking everyone down.
posted by
Tink at June 21, 2006 10:28 AM
Cherry tart. Is that an oxymoron?
posted by
zonker at June 22, 2006 04:19 PM
$5.99 a lb now....
holy crap
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at June 23, 2006 12:29 PM
That's so funny, I was thinking about cherries this week, too. Oddy, blogmeet in the burgh next week. Check my blog. I hope you can come this time. :)
posted by
trouble at June 23, 2006 02:31 PM
posted by
paperback writer at June 23, 2006 06:58 PM
I like cherries so much...I can snort 'em. That's a fact.
posted by
Yabu at June 25, 2006 04:12 PM
I like cherries. Just not fond o the fruit...
Think I OD'd on cherry flavor growing up. Cherry was the first flavor synthesised and widely distributed. It was the first artificially flavored gum and everything else - including medicine... blech!
Anyway... don't mind cherry cheesecake so much. Love cherry coke....
Just different tastes.
posted by
GaMongrel at June 30, 2006 02:58 PM
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June 15, 2006
E.R. Stat!
Well, last night we spent the evening in the emergency room, the pet emergency room.
Our pup got a big gash in her side, from who knows what, and we took her to get stitched up.
The Boy was a little mother hen the whole way saying: "Casey, we gonna take you to the "bet" that's a doctor for doggies and the "bet" is gonna make you all better. You will feel better soon! Ok? I promise."
Then, while in the waiting room, he announced to those other pet-parents that: "Casey is my baby and we bring her here so the "bet" can fix her bloody boo-boo."
He was quite proud of himself for making sure that Casey was well taken care of.
Oh, word to the wise - the little vet E.R. visit set me back $400 simoleans. Why? Cause my son would be heartbroken if I hadn't fixed his baby. I'm a sucker for that little boy!

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But where is the poor furry baby?
posted by
Quality Weenie at June 15, 2006 11:02 AM
Pet Insurance will help. Basically it pays for itself since it will reimburse shots, heartworm pills and the like. Call me sometime and I'll tell you about it. It saved us $900 on an $1800 bill for Happy Dog.
posted by
vw bug at June 15, 2006 11:42 AM
Oh, yikes!
Glad to see everyone in the family is well, but that's steep for a pet, beloved nonetheless.
No idea what happened?
You're a great mom!!
posted by
Christina at June 15, 2006 11:44 AM
Holy cow! Poor puppy... I hope that all is well now.
posted by
Richmond at June 15, 2006 11:51 AM
A loving, compassionate little boy will grow into the same kind of man... congrats, Mom!
Hugs to poor bloody Casey. ;)
posted by
pam at June 15, 2006 12:09 PM
Holy crap! Vet Emergency Rooms? Insurance? Oh yeah, the economy is definately BOOMING in this country!
posted by
Ogre at June 15, 2006 12:57 PM
"I'm a sucker for that little boy."
And who wouldn't be? Very cute.
posted by
Freddie at June 15, 2006 01:07 PM
Poor Casey. Good for the little man that he didn't get scared.
Pet insurance is great, just make sure you get it BEFORE they get diagnosed with something expensive and chrinic.
Jes' sayin'
posted by
caltechgirl at June 15, 2006 01:11 PM
The things we do for our little preciouses. Hope the 'baby' is doing better.
posted by
Tink at June 15, 2006 05:50 PM
Maybe he'll grow up to be a "bet" someday.
posted by
Jerry at June 15, 2006 10:04 PM
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June 12, 2006
The Life That Surrounds You
Bou posted a great piece about enjoying those things around you that someone somewhere may never get to do.
It is an awesome post and one you should all read. She asks:
"What is it you have around you, in your state or your area of the country, that you have done, that you do or see frequently, that some may take for granted, that you feel certain that there are people in America who will NEVER ever experience?"
The comments to this post rock! I've done a number of things on the list and intend to try to do others. I thought I'd take a second here and answer that question (far better, hopefully, than in my comment)
I live in Western Pennsylvania. We have rolling hills, forests, farmland, lakes, rivers, streams, and history. Lots of history.
Here, where I make my home, I live on the George Washington Trail. It is where, at the age of 21, George Washington set out to deliver a message to the French, demanding that they evacuate the area immediately. He nearly drowned in the Allegheny, was fired upon by Indians in my little neck o' the woods and nearly died from exposure to the elements.
We can walk or drive the trail and imagine what it must have been like back then.
We also have the remnants of the steel city. See - Western PA is an immigrant area where the wealthy steel barrons had houses up on the top of the hills and all the blue collar workers built in tight communities down the sides of those hills.
Because of this, we are rich in ethnic flavor. We can get fresh pierogies bathed in butter and onions - mmmmm. We can get fresh pretzels, we can get kielbasa and sausages like no body's business. We go to the bakery and get kolachi and cookies you just can't get at most bakeries. We have greek festivals and polish festivals and irish festivals and croation and ukranian etc . . . We have amish and with it dutch cooking, we have all this. Now, I know cities like New York are rich in this ethnic diversity as well, but I don't live in New York. I live in podunk Western PA.
We say pop and yinz (I don't) and we put french fries and coleslaw on our hoagies. It is great!
And I know that somewhere out there is someone who has never experienced any of this. The three rivers, the Pittsburgh valley, Lake Erie, the Allegheny Mountains, four seasons. We have all that here. I am thankful for it and I try not to take it for granted! And I would hope that everyone could have a chance to experience it.
I brought my family back to this part of the state so my son could grow up here. Raise a cow or a pig or a horse. Learn to enjoy the sweet smell of a summer night, be able to see the stars in the sky unobstructed by city lights or street lamps, hunt for fireflies by the glow of the full moon, fish all day on a quiet lake or play roly-poly by rolling down the hillside.
Perhaps he'll swing out over a creek on a rope swing, or jump out of a hay loft to the soft but scratchy hay below, or throw stale bread to the carp at the spillway, or crash a dirt bike into a mud pit. I did all these things and more as a kid and I hope he can enjoy them too.
See, part of enjoying what surrounds you, and appreciating it as there are so many out there who can't enjoy the same, is recognizing it and sharing it with others.
So, if any of you are headed my way, stop on in for some kolachi and a nice sunset over a hay field! I'd love to share it with you.
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Great post; it all sounds delightful, and where I should be... not that I don't see the beauty that surrounds me every day and appreciate it... I really do... I just belong in farm country. ;)
posted by
pam at June 12, 2006 01:41 PM
It's cool that you know the local history. Too many people don't know the historical importance or relevance of what happend in their neck of the woods.
posted by
Contagion at June 12, 2006 09:16 PM
I LOVE this post!!! I've not done any of this.
posted by
Bou at June 12, 2006 09:24 PM
Great post. You ought to send it to whomever is in charge of attracting tourists to Pennsylvania. Really.
posted by
Jim - PRS at June 12, 2006 09:41 PM
.. Jimbo is right....
posted by
Eric at June 13, 2006 06:42 AM
Great post! And I'd love to drop in and see you one day... :)
posted by
Richmond at June 13, 2006 01:19 PM
posted by
Nancy at June 13, 2006 02:39 PM
I lived in Harrisburg off and on for 8 years. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state.
posted by
Jerry at June 13, 2006 10:41 PM
Hiya friend... ;-)
It DOES sound lovely, and it reminds me of one of my favorite business trips of all time - to your lovely State of Pennsylvania - out there in the rural areas, in the small towns in the hills south of Allentown. I remember thinking to myself "this is America!" so many times. It is such a beautiful state you live in - I could live there myself if you guys have any more room for "Liberals" ;-)
posted by
Gun Toting Liberal at June 14, 2006 12:13 AM
Ahh Pennsylvania. A beautiful state with honest-to-god seasons. And not just Summer and Summer wanna be.
posted by
Tink at June 15, 2006 05:54 PM
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Summer? What Summer?
It is cold here. It is supposed to be "summer break" but it is cold. Oh sure, we have some sunshine, but I was in jeans, a sweatshirt and a jacket yesterday. Cold.
Usually at this time of year it is already in the high 80's and beyond, but this year? There is a chill in the air. My orchids, believe it or not, love it! They are blooming up a storm.
Me? Not so much. But, I must say, I'll take the chill and sun over rain.
But seriously, when's it gonna warm up? Is this global warming at work?
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It was cold here this weekend too. I went down to Louisville to visit my niece and it was almost 20 degrees warmer there. My house was freezing when I got back. It's pretty nice today again.
posted by
Jerry at June 12, 2006 12:16 PM
I'll be happy to send some heat your way. According to the thermometer outside my kitchen window, the temp hit 110 degrees yesterday.
posted by
Jenna at June 12, 2006 12:24 PM
Hey, Bobes, you want a "chill in the air"? C'mon up here to Maritime Canada. Today it's sunny (for the first time in almost a week) and the temp might get up to 65. Maybe. It's been in the mid-50's to low 60's all this past week...and wet, wet, wet.
Ahh, the things I do for a paycheck...
posted by
Elisson at June 12, 2006 01:52 PM
My red shoulders and back after this weekend begs to differ with your view...
posted by
Ogre at June 12, 2006 02:30 PM
I'm with you Oddy. For the past week we've been cold and wet... *sigh* Today - sun and in the low 70's (at least by me maybe it was warmer in Boston itself).
I've been asking about this global warming thing for years now - as I slowly froze to death in the Chicago "summers". I approve of global warming... I want to be warmer... so where IS IT?
posted by
Teresa at June 12, 2006 04:56 PM
It's cold here too. We set a record low of 46 degrees here today.
posted by
Contagion at June 12, 2006 09:17 PM
Just watched the weather forecast, next 7 days ; highs 94 ; lows 74...
Of course I am on the dock of the bay....
posted by
confabulator at June 12, 2006 10:27 PM
100 here today. I think we had a cool front come through one day last week. It only hit 90.
posted by
Dash at June 13, 2006 05:08 PM
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June 05, 2006
Playing with Firemen Pt. 2
I am back from my weekend of playing with fireman and every part of me hurts.
My legs, my ankles, my hips, my elbows, my shoulders, my chest, my armpits. Everything! Even my eyes hurt.
I limped into work this a.m. beat. But boy did I have fun! We had some of the best instructors, and had a blast. Got really, really, really wet and ran around in the dark, tied stuff up *snicker, snicker*. It was great.
Oh, and I learned a new phrase this weekend, that women firefighters live by:
"Just because I have one, doesn't mean I am one!"
That was proven this weekend many times over! Oh, and I earned the right to say, "no one can ever tell me I don't know how to handle a hose!" Cause, do I ever!
One last thing afore I slip off and catch a quick nap - those boys were hot! Damn Hot!
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I wonder if you'll get any good google hits for this one....LOL
posted by
Carmen at June 5, 2006 09:51 AM
tisk, tisk, tisk. But at least now I know why I was stood up, snicker.
posted by
Tink at June 5, 2006 12:01 PM
Sounds fabulous! Well, except for the ouchiness.... ;)
posted by
Richmond at June 5, 2006 12:44 PM
So you're complaining that you're in pain because you were wet whilst playing with hot firemen all weekend? I was going to say, "you're doing it wrong," but then again, I think you're doing it right....
posted by
Ogre at June 6, 2006 02:36 PM
Absolutely outrageous behaviour for a woman of your social standing. Er, tell me about those women firefighters...
posted by
Extreme Dad at June 6, 2006 09:22 PM
gal's a gusher for fireman and his hose...
posted by
GaMongrel at June 7, 2006 09:33 PM
I'm a sucker for a firefighter. Boyfriend is former EMT/Paramedic, and that's close enough.
posted by
trouble at June 8, 2006 01:24 PM
mmmmm firemen. well miss hose handler, i for one am green with jealousy. but then again, i'm checking in to my own educational erotica this evening, so i guess we're kinda even there. nanny nanny, you know.
posted by
shoe at June 8, 2006 01:58 PM
Haha, I love that quote. And I guess it can be used for boys or girls :-)
I'm glad you had fun!
posted by
Sissy at June 9, 2006 11:59 PM
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June 02, 2006
Fun with Firemen
I have fireschool all weekend - blech.
I will be surrounded by hundreds of cute, sweaty men in fire gear.
Wait! I will be returning on Monday with a smile on my face!
What are your weekend plans?
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I will be dressing up in my archaic regalia and participating in graduation as a faculty member for the first time.
posted by
caltechgirl at June 2, 2006 09:34 AM
I am dealing with a sick husband, enjoying the first Saturday I've had off in a while, (the last two were when I attended the Austin blogmeet and the other was when I attended my dad's funeral).
Which probably explains why I have mixed feelings about the time off.
posted by
Nancy at June 2, 2006 10:54 AM
I am soooo jealous!
*mumbling words not repeatable*
How come I never get to do fun things.
posted by
Quality Weenie at June 2, 2006 11:22 AM
Tennis Tournament in 100 degree weather!
The Joy!
Have fun!
; )
posted by
Christina at June 2, 2006 11:42 AM
Enjoying one day with no children and watching the entire first season of Numb3rs. Whoo Hoo. But wait there seems to be a drink or two in the equation.
posted by
Tink at June 3, 2006 10:42 AM
Hot Sweaty Firemen?!?!
I wanna play! I wanna play!!!!
Damn - I hope you had a good time! You did take the camera, right? I have a birthday comin' up, ya know. ;-)
posted by
Tammi at June 5, 2006 08:02 AM
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June 01, 2006
So, Tink went and hit me with the five things meme! She wants to guilt me into drinking with her in Atlanta, she obviously has never read about my pseudo-alcohol allergy. That's ok. Next time I'm in Hotlanta I'll make a point to have a beverage with her!
And! I have been remiss! Caltechgirl also tagged me so here goes!
So here goes, five things bout me!
5 things in my fridge:
"animal milk" - Dannon's Danimal yogurt drinks
ranch dressing
5 items in my closet:
My clothes
a Lady Smith .380
a Taurus .22 snubby
my cat (usually)
5 items in my purse:
I don't carry a purse, but in my all-purpose bag:
a working draft of my will
my inhaler
my ipod
my camera
5 items in my car:
car seat
turn-out gear and helmet
emergency bag
flashlight and cone
spare black shoes
and just to be rogue - 5 items on my desk
My blackberry
My cell-phone
picture of the Boy and me on a carosel
glass flower paperweight
and my Joe Cocker cd
There you have it. I'm not passing this one on cause its made the rounds already! Oh and Tink, your time is comin!
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dude, I tagged you too!
posted by
caltechgirl at June 1, 2006 05:58 PM
My time is coming? Ohhh I'm so excited.
posted by
Tink at June 1, 2006 06:17 PM
Heh... And what the heck is "blog verification"?
posted by
Richmond at June 2, 2006 01:17 PM
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Boy Sick Drama
Here at the insane asylum in which I live, I heard these words:
"My tummy is berry unhappy."
Just before he threw-up all over my car. Yikes.
Up till four and he still couldn't hold a drop of liquid down. Poor baby.
How is your day?
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Ohh, I hate it when the babies are sick. :-(
Here? Packin' and stuff. Almost done.....
posted by
Tammi at June 1, 2006 08:38 AM
Poor little guy; hope he feels berry much better soon...!
[Poor Oddy, too. ;>]
posted by
pam at June 1, 2006 08:53 AM
Ew. Migraines are bad, but sick kids are worse.
posted by
Jenna at June 1, 2006 10:10 AM
Poor baby... and poor car. Hope he's better very soon.
posted by
Teresa at June 1, 2006 10:59 AM
Hope he is better soon!
posted by
Laughing Wolf at June 1, 2006 11:33 AM
Oh Noooooooo!!!!! Poor kid. Poor you. Poor car... I hope he's feeling much better soon! (And the smell goes away in the car...)
Oh! Did it get on you cell phone?? ;)
posted by
Richmond at June 1, 2006 01:27 PM
Hey, he gave fair warning, lol.
And I tagged you. Tried emailing to let you know but it bounced back.
posted by
Tink at June 1, 2006 04:34 PM
yecch. Poor little man.
posted by
caltechgirl at June 1, 2006 05:59 PM
hope he gets better berry soon & you're able to get some rest.
posted by
michele at June 1, 2006 07:44 PM
Oh, Yikes!
I hope he is feeling much better now.
posted by
Christina at June 2, 2006 07:19 AM
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