May 27, 2008
What a Weekend!
Can I tell you how much fun we had? On Friday morning, we headed down to Orlando for a four day stay at the Nickelodeon Hotel with my son and nephew in tow.
The boys didn't know ahead of time and I purposefully kept it that way. When we pulled into the parking lot, the car exploded into shouts and dramatic shouts of "my dream come trues." That was just at the parking lot. They had no idea what awaited them:

The hotel was great for a 5 and 6 year old. They met some friends:

They swam:

They goofed:

They got along!

They smiled:

That was worth it right there. But, the Boy got picked for a poolside show and was ecstatic. He was on the Blue team for the game "When Life Hands You Lemons, You Make Lemonade" He was the "cup" and the team took "lemons" and squeezed them into the "cup." The first to the finish line won. Unfortunately, his team lost, but Below is what happens to the winners!

Even though his team didn't win, the workers were so sweet to the kids.

In fact, everyone at the hotel was sweet - out of their ever living minds - but sweet. The kids loved every second. The Boy exclaimed with arms outstretched, "I love this place!" and "I want to live at Nickelodeon." They were sad to go. The fun they had, the memories, it was worth every second.
On a side note: I got to catch up with three wonderful ladies. The Happy Family welcomed the Boy and I into their home. The kids all got along wonderfully, my son discovered lizards. Then I met Sticks and Bou came with her family. It was great. So much fun catching up with these people in person rather then on their blogs. I love putting faces to the blog voice!
Thank you VW for your hospitality. Thank for Sticks and Bou for showing up to meet the Boy!
It was a fabulous weekend and now, I need to get back to work! Hope yours was wonderful too.
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Looks like Heaven... for kids! Great pictures! ;)
You were in my neck of the woods... and I was elsewhere. I think most people got out of town last weekend. :D
posted by
pam at May 27, 2008 10:02 AM
So very glad you had a great time!!
; )
posted by
Christina at May 27, 2008 10:12 AM
It was GREAT! I loved meeting you and having the 'boy' over. My boys want to know when everyone is coming back! hahaha...
posted by
vw bug at May 27, 2008 12:02 PM
Forget the kids, I want to try out that slide!
posted by
Ogre at May 27, 2008 02:05 PM
What an AWESOME trip!! Yay!! : )
posted by
Richmond at May 27, 2008 03:06 PM
I enjoyed meeting you and "the boy". It was a wonderful time. Hurry back to Florida.
posted by
sticks at May 27, 2008 03:51 PM
Your son... makes my heart smile. What a wonderful kid. A blog cannot do it justice as it doesn't have how he moves, the way he says things, just... the way he is. I laugh when I think of him.
And he's so daggum smoochy! It took all I had not to grab him up and kiss all over those cheeks and that neck of his! I think I controlled myself rather well! ;-)
That's my favorite age, btw. Sunday reminded me why.
BTW, I saw one of our big curly tailed lizards today and thought of the boy. I'm so sorry he didn't see one of those. They look like tiny dragons.
posted by
Bou at May 27, 2008 06:34 PM
Awww, how sweet he looks!!! Sounds like all had a great time; makes the lowpoints in life sorta worth it sometimes, huh?
posted by
Michele at May 28, 2008 01:57 PM
I'm glad you all had a good time. When you gonna take him to Florida and let the boy unleash his fishin' skills? Nickolodean needs a bass pond. I'm just sayin'. ;)
posted by
RedNeck at May 28, 2008 07:35 PM
Holy crap...if I can get past all that spam above, I'd like to say those pictures show some very happy boys. What a treat for all of you.
posted by
Mrs. Who at June 1, 2008 08:41 PM
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May 18, 2008
What a day! The weather was wacky. Sometimes sunny, sometimes raining, sometimes both!
And the Boy - holy crap! He was so out of character. Like he was mainlining sugar. Bouncing off walls, off chairs. Not listening to anything. He even got spanked - twice! Yet, still, a nut. I'm thinking the erratic weather has him a bit stir crazy!
The puppy and cat had a cat fight. The dog ate popcorn. The husband ate roast. The cousin cleaned! Whoo Hoo!
Oh, yesterday we attended a gun raffle, you know, cause us Pennsylvanians cling to our religion and guns - but seriously, we apparently breed within the family as well! Good Gawd!
So, that was my erratic, nutty weekend. Not that any of you cared, but, there it is.
Next weekend, I will bask in the smoke and smog of Florida -- See ya there!
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posted by
vw bug at May 19, 2008 01:26 PM
Whee - Florida! : )
posted by
Richmond at May 20, 2008 03:32 PM
It's good to hear that things are getting back to "normal" and going well with you these days!
posted by
Ogre at May 21, 2008 09:14 AM
What folks don't know is... he is even smoochier in person. Good Lord is your son cute!
posted by
Bou at May 26, 2008 07:57 PM
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May 13, 2008
Worth it
Almost makes it worth it to put up with piddle puddles!

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Sam was right, he'll always remember her.
posted by
Christina at May 13, 2008 10:29 AM
Oh good heavens. That needs to be blown up Mural Size and put on a wall somewhere.
Beyond adorable....
posted by
Tammi at May 13, 2008 10:36 AM
Aaaaawwwww..... too sweet!!!
posted by
pam at May 13, 2008 11:05 AM
My teeth are hurting from the sweetness oozing from that picture!
posted by
Quality Weenie at May 13, 2008 11:17 AM
It's good that they've got each other. They can tucker each other out. Cute!
posted by
Jerry at May 13, 2008 10:51 PM
Geez, I dunno what to say except that Tammi's right.
posted by
zonker at May 14, 2008 09:51 AM
Oh my goodness... That is the cutest thing ever!! :)
posted by
Richmond at May 14, 2008 10:11 AM
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May 11, 2008
Hey ya'll meet Harley-girl. Our new puppy. We met her and couldn't leave her at the beastly place she was living, so she came home with me. If I could have, I would have brought all the puppies home. The people who had her were not nice and I don't think they were feeding her. So, meet Harley. She helped point out the weeds past my back patio, and helped the Boy get good and dirty. He is in love with her, and we all like her too. Check out her one blue eye! She is part aussie shep. part coonhound and part something else. But darn cute. She is 9 weeks old.

Yes I'm a glutton for punishment, why do you ask?
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Now that's as cute as it gets. An adorable boy hugging his lovable pet. They'll make the best of pals. :)
posted by
h~ at May 11, 2008 07:40 PM
Give me a call this week!!!
posted by
vw bug at May 11, 2008 08:12 PM
Way too cool...Swimmer Boy will remember her as long as he lives. Good job.
posted by
Sam at May 11, 2008 08:56 PM
Welcome, Harley! Good for you... can't wait to watch this baby grow...! :D
posted by
pam at May 12, 2008 06:40 AM
Ah, a boy and his dog, nothing greater than that! *S* The 9-year-old has had his dog for almost a year and we had to leave vacation one day early to come home because he was homesick for his dog!!
posted by
Michele at May 12, 2008 08:39 AM
Oh what a cute puppy!!!
posted by
Bou at May 12, 2008 09:03 AM
Oh Cuuuuuuute!!!! Yay Harley!!
posted by
Richmond at May 12, 2008 10:28 AM
AWWW - how incredibly cute. Have fun!
posted by
Teresa at May 12, 2008 11:43 AM
Welcome to the wonderful world of Doggie Blogging!
What a cutie!
posted by
Quality Weenie at May 12, 2008 12:23 PM
If you're starting a pool, put me down for $20 on "4 remote controls chewed beyond operability in year one." :-)
posted by
Harvey at May 12, 2008 08:19 PM
She's beautiful! (kinda matches that cute boy you've got there :-) )
posted by
caltechgirl at May 14, 2008 03:54 PM
Is she smoking in that first pic?
posted by
That 1 Guy at May 16, 2008 03:00 PM
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May 07, 2008
Fish On!
Fish On! That is what I heard on Monday mid-day as I called my husband to ensure that my baby had not fallen out of the Jon-boat they'd taken out to fish. He had not. In fact, they were too busy to talk to me as they were wrassling a couple nice bass.
These two in fact.

The boys grilled these up, fried up some Walleye from a couple weekends back and ate dinner - WITHOUT ME.
But, seriously, isn't my Boy cute? The fish ain't bad neither.
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That's awesome!
Hope you are feeling okay.
Something is headed your way...
; )
posted by
Christina at May 7, 2008 09:11 AM
Adorable doesn't BEGIN to cover it!!!
posted by
Tammi at May 7, 2008 09:49 AM
OMG! That first picture is a classic!!!! He just gets cuter and cuter! :)
posted by
pam at May 7, 2008 10:56 AM
Way to go! Now we'll call him the Angler Boy. I bet that fish was tasty, too.
posted by
Dash at May 8, 2008 12:26 PM
Awesome!! Yay!! :)
posted by
Richmond at May 8, 2008 04:41 PM
Heheheheh... Looks almost like a mini-Jimmy Houston to me... glasses and all. Did he kiss the fish? Jimmy does.
posted by
RedNeck at May 8, 2008 04:44 PM
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May 05, 2008
War for Oil
Make no mistake, the war for oil - isn't being fought in Iraq. It is here, on our shores. The demobrats think it is good for them to tout the profits made by oil companies and their plan to take those profits from those private companies. TAKE THOSE PROFITS. How very Gestapo of them. But Gott save you if you want to freeze taxes at the pump.
Oil companies make about .10 cents a gallon on gas sold at the pump. The Federal government makes about .18 cents a gallon and the states average about .24 cents per gallon and some even more. So, tell me, who should be forced to disgorge their profits? I'm thinking since the government makes even more per gallon of gas than those evil oil companies who posted hefty profits, the government should have to pay up.
When are we going to hold our government and our democratic Congress accountable? It isn't the evil oil companies - it is our own government.
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Yep! Great post; everyone should be made aware of this. Instead of making the oil companies the bad guy we should look to our own government.
Of course, Florida has cut our taxes back so much that civil services are being shut down; I don't think they would give back any of that taxed oil money... ;)
posted by
pam at May 5, 2008 04:56 PM
according to the 'logic' behind windfall profits tax plans, we should tax every industry to bring all prices down.
Hope. Change. Free Stuff!
posted by
Barry at May 11, 2008 05:48 AM
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