Happy Halloween

have a safe and Happy Halloween. And if you are in need of assistance eating those mini snickers . . . .I'm your girl. :)
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I'll take any Nestle Crunch bars and Bottle Caps you're willing to part with...
posted by
diamond dave at October 31, 2008 10:09 AM
Dibs on the Reece's cups!
posted by
Michele at October 31, 2008 02:38 PM
Twick or Tweet!!!
Snickers, Reeses, and M&M's with Peanuts...preez.
Give to me now or suff'a dire consequences!
Happy Haldol-Ween!
Great Reader KIM Jong IL
posted by
JihadGene at October 31, 2008 03:28 PM
I'll take Reeses cups and hersey bars please! hahahaha
posted by
vw bug at November 2, 2008 09:58 AM
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Take That
So, I'm always one to give big ups to a true Karmic Bitch Slap. Last night, to the best of my vodka addled recollection, the Night Clown told me it was below freezing where he resided. I told him that it was "in the 40s" where I resided.
I guess when I awoke, I should not have been surprised that the Heaven's decided I was a little too bold in my assessment that "It isn't even Winter yet!"
For behold my morning bitch slap:

On the brightside, it was still above freezing, and the pup was enjoying her first snowfall.
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Whoa... there's a dog out there? All I see is white!
posted by
pam at October 29, 2008 08:23 AM
You got more snow than we did for sure... Sheesh! I guess winter is really coming.
posted by
Richmond at October 29, 2008 09:06 AM
Wow...what's all that white stuff on the ground?
posted by
zonker at October 29, 2008 09:13 AM
Interesting....such a display would spin the grocery stores and gas stations in this neck of the woods into pandemonium....
posted by
Tommy at October 29, 2008 09:26 AM
Hahahaha, that karma comes to visit when least expected.
posted by
Sissy at October 29, 2008 06:01 PM
Dang, and I checked my mail today in a thong...
posted by
P'cola Titan at October 29, 2008 11:15 PM
posted by
Catfish at October 30, 2008 03:56 AM
I WANT SNOW! It's been cool at night (mid 40's) to 76 during the day here. I am SOOO ready for winter!
posted by
Rave at October 30, 2008 08:26 AM
My dog hit the pool yesterday, it was so warm.
posted by
JihadGene at October 30, 2008 09:48 AM
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Better you than me! I thought it was bad when we had just a bit of snow flurries last week.
posted by
Contagion at October 30, 2008 06:39 PM
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Cat and Mouse
It is cold here. It is going to snow today. With the cold, come small rodents into the warmth. We don't get many, just a few. We have a cat and two mouse killing dogs - oh, and a resident snake in the basement - they don't last long in my home.
Last night, I watched my cat kill a mouse (sorry, the picture I took is too dark to post) as I provided a running commentary for the spectacle. "He tosses him up - the mouse attempts a feeble squeek" "and we are Off - wait, the cat heads him off at the pass!" etc. . . The Boy asked many questions . . .
At the end of the commentary, I did tell the cat - Stu is his name - to finish it off or he (Stu) was sooo going into the dryer *snicker*. He sauntered past me - mouse in his mouth - to the open door and out he went.
I need to get out more, or maybe stay in where others can't be exposed to my lunacy.
Carry on.
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Good for Stu... earning his keep. ;)
posted by
pam at October 28, 2008 10:31 AM
We live out in the sticks; I say a mole yesterday in the living room! Problem is, we don't have (or want) a cat!! Guess we'll just have to get the butterfly net out and catch the sucker! Wanna come over and give a play-by-play on that?? *L*
posted by
Michele at October 28, 2008 02:39 PM
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Hysterics at Eric's
You can't make this shit up - seriously! You have to live it first hand.
Blogmeets are . . . interesting. It takes all kinds and you'll meet all kinds. Fortunately, I've met some of the best kinds and this weekend the Hysterics at Eric's was no exception! Not even a hotel fire could dampen the festivities.
Eric and the Mrs. throw one helluva party, and chatting with Richmond, Zonker, Bou, Jerry, Elisson, Teresa, Jimbo, Denny and yes, even Redneck is always a pleasure. And if you've never had the pleasure of witnessing the picking from the Elderly Brothers - "nanny-nanny boo-boo!" Cause seriously? You are missing out.
Then there were those I'd never met who were just fabulous:
Erica - she rawks! For a first-timer, she is a dead-aim too. I could chat with her all day.
Dax - a bigger gentleman I've yet to meet. And I mean big as in tall with size 14 feet!! This man towers over me - of course, I hear tell I am abnormally short so . . . Sir, it was my pleasure to finally make your acquaintance and I cannot wait to meet with you again.
Kenny of Bodyguard fame - you are a treat. Your Bombs are da'bomb and you are one serious pool shark. Until we meet again!
Sissy - Yay!!! I finally met Sissy! She is sweet, beautiful and calm even in the morning hours after precious little sleep. So great to finally meet you and hope to see you again soon.
Georgia - Dear, I shall never look at a dryer or a calico cat in quite the same way again. Thank you. :)
Recondo - A charming guy whose image is quite literally seared into my brain - and likely will be for all eternity.
Big Stupid Tommy - neither big, nor stupid. Tommy is a gentleman and a scholar, sorry we hadn't more time to chat.
John Cox - though he didn't break out the sketch pad - he livened up the party with his one-man percussion section.
Johnny - Oh - He's a pool shark! And a delight.
SWMBO and the Straight White Wife - Elisson and Eric are so very, very lucky. These are two of the finest women I've ever met! Seriously awesome ladies.
Morrigan - She let me touch her belly and she liked my baking. She is tops in my book. When heading down to the hills of Tennessee, she was one I just had to meet. She did not disappoint. And she is gorgeous! Morrigan I can't wait to meet up with you again.
Ok, these are the newest editions to my circle of blog-peeps and they didn't disappoint. I don't believe I missed anyone but if I did it is because of my lack of sleep overall this weekend. I learned a few things about myself and I heard a few things that I shall not soon forget. As with all things epic, you seriously had to be there.
I learned that permits to carry a concealed weapon in Tennessee look remarkably similar to a drivers license while those from Pennsylvania look like a library card. I learned that I am mighty comfortably and strangly tingly after firing a few rounds from some fine pieces of machinery. I learned that despite an uncanny knack for always being able to keep a straight face - even in the most troubling of times, the mere presence of the Zonker causes me to fall into fits of laughter. Perhaps it is a side effect of my being height-challenged, or maybe he dosed my drink . . . I am unable to keep my face from wearing a constant smile whenever we are chatting. Thank you sir.
Think what you will, but I am taking with me the following gems from the weekend . . .
"what is this, spot? . . . no it's fluffy"
"he's one big strapping fellow"
"I've always wanted to see what you'd look like with nuts under your chin" (I stand corrected 'Neck)
"bet it took forever to clean out that lint trap"
"what have you got against balloons?"
"watch out for the stabby grass!"
"it had the highest budget ever, for a porno"
"Choo! Choo!"
"Art Thou a Witch?"
He said: "I could make love to this pie," She said: "cover this up, that movie American Pie was written about him."
"Jesus . . . damn . . . fishin"
"take it out of the frame and it's a pop-up!"
"asshole, just damn, kosher salt"
and my favorite . . . "that's why I don't mess with her - she's one of those Western PA redneck racists who clings to her guns and religion."
That's all you get folks, that is all you get.
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Holy shit. I had completely forgotten some of these quotes. I'm laughing all over again. The pie... Amercian pie. Heh.
And Recondo being seared into your brain... good God, there is more story to that one too. Holy shit.
Oh and my favorite quote you missed... you were up with Denny on the 2nd floor, we were all out in the parking lot and I was saying how at least we got to watch the firemen, and being we were where we were (locale), I was sure they were hot. Farm boys during the day and firemen on call...
Finally Jerry looked at me and said, 'I'm a farmboy. Do I make you hot?" Mo, Sissy and I nearly spit. Holy shit.
It was so GREAT to see you again. That last quote... I told my husband when I got home, "Man, Oddy can shoot. She killed every balloon, but hell, she's a western PA rascist..." and BEFORE I could finish he finished "Who clings to her guns and religion?" I was laughing.
posted by
Bou at October 27, 2008 12:40 PM
If you want to have a poddy,
A great big birthday poddy,
Be sure you don't forget
To invite the Bobo (Oddy).
(But watch out for the guy
Who really likes your pie!)
Great seeing you again after - what? - two and a half years? Too damn long, sez I. SWMBO and I had a blast.
posted by
Elisson at October 27, 2008 01:36 PM
I was so glad to finally meet you! You are a delight!
See you at Word Twist! ;-)
posted by
Sissy at October 27, 2008 04:43 PM
I hate to be a ... nitpicker, but it was "nuts under your chin", not balls, nuts...
It was fun seein' and chattin' with you again. Cooler's in pickup trucks can and do double for a decent seat at a show like that one Sat.
posted by
RedNeck at October 27, 2008 06:10 PM
OH- SUCH a pleasure. I had such a great time talking with you. So much talent beyond shooting...there's cooking and knitting too. What more could one want. ;-) Look forward to next time.
posted by
Morrigan at October 27, 2008 09:40 PM
Sounds like everyone had a complete and total blast! Thanks for sharing!
posted by
Mary at October 27, 2008 09:46 PM
Spending time with you is always a delight, Oddy. Thanks for making the long drive down to the party!
posted by
People Covered In Fish at October 27, 2008 09:57 PM
Oh 'neck's comment about the nuts is the funniest thing I've heard in ages.
Next time we have a fire, you must join us in the parking lot. ;-)
posted by
Teresa at October 27, 2008 11:17 PM
A real pleasure to meet you! Given the size of my britches and the fact that I lose the teevee remote if it's in the other hand, I'll dispute both those compliments, lady ;).
Hope to see you again soon!
posted by
Tommy at October 28, 2008 10:03 AM
You Steelers fans are always clinging to stuff.
posted by
Cappy at October 29, 2008 06:50 PM
Glad you all had a wonderful time. Been eatin' my heart out over here in Norf Korea (Calif) over it. Sound likes a great crew and wonderful laughs!
posted by
JihadGene at October 30, 2008 09:43 AM
Wished I could'a been there looong time!
Great Reader, KIM Jong IL
(Wed Neck's Arch Enemy)
posted by
JihadGene at October 30, 2008 09:51 AM
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Fall Fling
It was a fabulous weekend. I met a few new delightful people. And I spent some time with great peeps I've known. One of the best parts (of course) was getting to spend some face-time with a couple of my dearest friends. I am exhausted. The drive was breathtaking, but I was fairly close to sleep driving . . . the spontaneous shower bursts after dark didn't help - can I just tell you?
When I post a recap ... some names may be changed to protect the innocent. :)
Let me just tease this: Though our hotel didn't actually catch on fire, I think I was still feeling the effects of my alcohol consumption when the fire alarm went off (after a mere 3 hours of sleep) and all the smoke simply nauseated me - not a great way to start a day of driving.
Thank you to Eric and Fiona for hosting a fine event, gracing me with their hospitality and allowing me to add to my list of peeps. The pleasure was mine.
*sneaky p.s.* People Covered In Fish
Here are some pictures from my beautiful - if not a little strange - drive home - no blogmeet pics - What? I don't play and tell.

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You are da bomb, sister...a real kindred...I could listen to you talk and look at your cute face all day. And for the record, if Christina is reading this, YES, she gave me a serious, big ole hug from you, so thanks for that!
It was truly a pleasure getting to schmooze with you (and hanging out with all of youse in the f**king parking lot of the hotel at Before The Crack O'Dawn Thirty). Hey, what's a Blown Eye Blodgemeet without a good, old-fashioned Drahr Fahr, am I right?
posted by
Erica at October 26, 2008 10:53 PM
Came over from Eric at Straight White Guy - I have enjoyed your comments for a while. Don't know what took me so long to come over and visit your blog! 1)You have a beautiful family; 2) you take great pictures; 3) You are reading my mind as to the current state of politics and the upcoming elections!
I'm so glad I found you!
posted by
Mary at October 26, 2008 11:46 PM
Wow! Love the pics! Glad you made it there before dark!!!
It was fabulous seeing you again and thank you for the wonderful pies.
posted by
Teresa at October 26, 2008 11:48 PM
Gorgeous scenery.
Yay! You delivered Erica's hug!!
; )
Very glad you made it home safely.
posted by
Christina at October 27, 2008 07:14 AM
... great to see you again!.... and your desserts were incredible!..... thank you for making the trip down!..
posted by
Eric at October 27, 2008 07:59 AM
Is that West Virginia scenery? Particularly the middle picture (New River Gorge)? Looks awfully familiar.
posted by
diamond dave at October 27, 2008 06:39 PM
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Again with the Cute
Got some hiking in this morning at our favorite state park and took some more pictures. Sundays belong to the Boy and I and we made the most of our morning.
Here is a nice one:

And another . . .

And more:

And again . . .

And another . . .

And my favorite of the day . . .

Which one do you like?
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The bottom one, no doubt. What's better than playing in a massive pile of dried leaves? Sheer joy.
posted by
Erica at October 19, 2008 05:20 PM
I actually gasped at the bottom image!!!! Beautiful, all of them, especially with your little cutie in 'em, but the bottom one is glorious!
Now... WHAT kind of camera do you have?? :)
posted by
pam at October 19, 2008 06:33 PM
Definitely the bottom one. Looks like a blast
posted by
vw bug at October 19, 2008 07:08 PM
#3 - very presidential that... :)
posted by
Richmond at October 19, 2008 07:35 PM
Oh wow those are great! It's a tie for me between the close up in the middle and the last one. I also want to know what kind of camera you are using. ;)
posted by
Carmen at October 20, 2008 09:14 AM
It's clear he's lost his "baby" look and is all "big boy" now! Wow.
posted by
Omnibus Driver at October 20, 2008 12:02 PM
I'm with Richmond. I was loving #3. :) I love all of them, but #3 cracked me up.
posted by
Bou at October 20, 2008 07:40 PM
He takes some good pictures. All of them are great. He is a natural plus he is growing like a weed.
posted by
Catfish at October 21, 2008 12:48 AM
OK, that last one is AMAZING! Thats one for the wall. For sure.
They are all cute, but that last one is just....perfect!
posted by
Tammi at October 21, 2008 07:26 AM
LOL - they're all great - but I'm with Rich and Bou I #3.
posted by
Teresa at October 21, 2008 09:37 AM
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More with the Cute
Cause my twitchiness from yesterday is gone . . . and Murtha is still a bastard . . . This makes me smile and forget for a second that this political season is so scary. Go Steelers!

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Love it!
and him.
; )
posted by
Christina at October 16, 2008 09:30 AM
What a cutie!! (Being a Browns fan, though, can't say much for the uniform,,,)
posted by
Michele at October 16, 2008 09:45 AM
How sweet is that?!!? I love it!! :)
posted by
pam at October 16, 2008 10:03 AM
Dang, your boy has a little head. What's up with that?
posted by
Two Dogs at October 16, 2008 10:25 AM
Get 'em, Tiger!! Love the game face!
posted by
Richmond at October 16, 2008 06:04 PM
First thing I thought of was Four-Arms from Ben10.... hahahaha.. cute fella
posted by
vw bug at October 16, 2008 07:03 PM
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John Murtha, you despicable piece of horse-shit.
I learned from you today that those of us - all of us - residing in Western Pa are racist. Thank you for pointing that out to me. My multicultural family is so impressed and so is my black neighbor. Because by saying that "there's no question that Western Pennsylvania is a racist area" you have lumped us all in - dogs, cats, humans, rats.
So, my Asian mom thanks you for pointing out that she is racist, my black neighbor thanks you too.
Oh and let's not forget me, I can't afford to be racist as I am the product of two races, but it must be so as you've made it so.
So wait, while I am talking directly to you John Murtha, SUCK A TIT - YOU SHIT-EATING BAG OF MONKEY JIZZ.
There is a special place in hell reserved for people like you. You want to race-bait, do it someplace else - I'll be damned if I am going to listen to some rich, white man tell me I am the one who is a racist. Bastard!
So ends my attempt to ignore politics for a week.
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Uhm, I like looking at photos of your family instead. Could you bring those back, please?
My Mom, who is voting for The Hope-y Change-y Guy, told me on the phone last night that I was being a racist on my blog. WTF?
I told her I would have been THRILLED if Condie or Colin ran. What is this racist thingie of which she speaks?
People are being a rare form of crazy lately, the likes of which I, in my short life, have never ever seen before. I hope it ends soon, in our favor. I fear it won't.
My heart goes out.
posted by
Erica at October 15, 2008 08:23 PM
I love your new name for Murtha. Fits the rat bastard to a tee.
posted by
pam at October 15, 2008 09:05 PM
Ambiguity is certainly not your strong suit, Oddy. That comment from Murtha is just so out of character, he always seems so rational and intelligent. And his character is certainly above reproach, you know turning down that 50,000 dollar ABSCAM bribe. He never did let it be known what the necessary amount was that he was willing to take. Honor.
And he almost became the Speaker. Pelosi must have been awesome to beat Murtha out.
posted by
Two Dogs at October 16, 2008 12:08 AM
You Western PA racists just need some sensitivity training:
posted by
Jerry at October 16, 2008 12:40 AM
ROFL- Loved it! Rant on Babee! Rant on!
posted by
Rave at October 16, 2008 08:40 AM
Why you gotta be so nice when talkin' about that son of a bitch? ;-)
Really, what you say is true, but he's much MUCH worse. Not many politicians I hate more than him.
That being said - I'm with you, trying very hard to NOT write about the politics. Unlike you, I have no cute pictures to post, so I'll just come over and look at yours.
posted by
Tammi at October 16, 2008 10:28 AM
tell us how you really feel! OTOH, you made me spit all over my screen!
posted by
caltechgirl at October 16, 2008 11:54 AM
Wow. If Western Pennsylvania is that racist, what does that make us toothless rednecks here down Sowth in Jaw-ja?
Even worse - I'm originally from West Virginia, just a few hours drive from your neck of the woods.
posted by
diamond dave at October 16, 2008 02:28 PM
Get him, Oddy!!! What a complete jackass!
posted by
Richmond at October 16, 2008 06:03 PM
I hope you didn't offend any bags of monkey jizz by lumping that jack in with them...
posted by
T1G at October 17, 2008 08:28 AM
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More cute
If the below pictures didn't tweak your ovaries (ladies) or just make you smile (guys) These should or you are a cold, cold being - Kidding! More fall pics that at least make me smile! -- OOO and there is some scenery to boot.

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Those pictures sure do show how TALL he's gettin'. Holy Cow!!!
posted by
Tammi at October 14, 2008 10:08 AM
That's a kickass camera you have there.
posted by
Christina at October 14, 2008 11:58 AM
Great pics!! :)
posted by
Richmond at October 14, 2008 03:07 PM
Wonderful pictures!!! In the 2nd pic he still looks like himself, but in the 3rd you can tell how much he's growing up!
posted by
pam at October 14, 2008 04:48 PM
Okay, first and second. I never was good at anything to do with numbers... ;)
posted by
pam at October 14, 2008 04:49 PM
Gorgeous... both the setting and the little boy that is growing up!
posted by
vw bug at October 16, 2008 05:19 AM
Excellent photos - he sure is a handsome li'l dude!
posted by
Elisson at October 17, 2008 11:36 AM
... yeah, what Elisson said!...
posted by
Eric at October 17, 2008 06:49 PM
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October Rawks!
I love October. It is cold, it is warm, it is cool. Today was wonderful. It got up to 80 degrees today, and was just beautiful so I took the Boy to take some pictures of the leaves. There is this lovely spot I know of high above the trees. We call it the rock it is also known as Cleland Rock and is a part of a local state park system. The rock juts out over a ravine and you can see for miles and miles from it. It is treacherous but well worth the visit. I could and have sat on it and just stared out - it is a great spot to meditate.
Here are some of my favorites from the day.

But this last one . . . This last one is my very favorite - not because of the subjects or the scenery. It has been a tough year and you can see it in their faces. The pictures I took just before and just after they were laughing or pulling faces, but this one which I took on speed shutter - was unplanned and unexpected. It broke my heart, but I still love it because it put on film the way I've felt for months - a little lost, a little frustration, a little sadness - like something is missing and you can't get it back but you try to pull it close all the same - yes - I see all that in this simple picture and it breaks my heart.

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That last photo...just Wow.
posted by
Erica at October 12, 2008 08:25 PM
Life, my friend. You captured it.
posted by
Christina at October 12, 2008 09:34 PM
Gave me chills. Wonderful photos.
posted by
vw bug at October 13, 2008 05:09 AM
Those are all just so beautiful. Thank you for sharing all that color and beauty.
But that last pic? Brought tears to my eyes. Wow.
posted by
Tammi at October 13, 2008 07:40 AM
Great pics!
posted by
Dash at October 13, 2008 09:39 AM
Wow. Just wow...
Beautiful pics, Oddy. Hang in there...
posted by
Richmond at October 13, 2008 10:26 AM
ALL the photos are truly beautiful... always love seeing the big eyed boy and the changing colors... but that last image? Yeah, it brought tears to my eyes as well. Amazing capture!
posted by
pam at October 13, 2008 10:42 AM
Wonderful photos, especially the last.
posted by
Teresa at October 13, 2008 01:41 PM
Got some great pictures here.
So, could he lift that pumpkin?
posted by
diamond dave at October 13, 2008 02:08 PM
Life...such beauty and joy...and such hardships, too. But the beauty and joy is there. We can't ever forget that.
posted by
Mrs. Who at October 14, 2008 08:43 PM
Wow. I absolutely love the boy hugging the pumpkin...that's a framer pic.
And the two 'men' is another!
Just gorgeous...scenery and family!
posted by
Rave at October 15, 2008 10:50 AM
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Cause I like pie and I got pie apples yesterday . . .

And cause I've not posted a picture of Harley in a while . . .

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Hope you had a very relaxing and restful retreat.
Welcome home.
; )
posted by
Christina at October 5, 2008 08:38 PM
Looks like Harley's waiting for pie!
posted by
Joan of Argghh! at October 5, 2008 08:38 PM
Drooling over the pie and wondering if I could beat Harley to it!!!
posted by
vw bug at October 6, 2008 05:09 AM
Dogs and pie!! Two of my favorite things together!! :)
posted by
pam at October 6, 2008 07:21 AM
Pam likes dog pies?? ;)
Great pics Oddy. :)
posted by
Richmond at October 6, 2008 01:52 PM
I like pie. My dogs like it when I give them a bit of pie crust.
posted by
Peter at October 7, 2008 01:23 AM
That dog looks abnormally short.
posted by
zonker at October 8, 2008 08:35 AM
mmmmmmm pie........
posted by
Carmen at October 8, 2008 02:42 PM
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I'm going on a retreat. Gonna find myself so to speak. Scream, yell, talk to the voices in my head. Retrace some steps, fix some wrongs. Anyway, I'm going on a retreat.
So till I get back, if I come back . . . this handsome honey will stand vigil over this blog that only a handful of you read anyway . . .

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Handsome young man, he is.
Can I go with you?
posted by
Christina at September 30, 2008 10:04 PM
Wait... don't forget me! I'll bring enough money to stick in the dancer's g-strings!!
Not that kind of retreat? Well, I'll be here when you get back!!
posted by
pam at October 1, 2008 06:35 AM
I wanna go too! Girls Retreat! Yah- Let's go....hey, why you driving away without me?....
posted by
Rave at October 1, 2008 10:08 AM
Hold the bus, I wanna go too!! Oh well, too late,,,don't be gone long, k?
posted by
Michele at October 1, 2008 11:52 AM
Hey - if Christina gets to go I wanna go too!!
: )
posted by
Richmond at October 1, 2008 08:54 PM
I'm coming too! I'll bake!
My goodness he's a handsome guy :-)
posted by
caltechgirl at October 1, 2008 11:01 PM
Why don't you retreat down here and bring that cutie with you? no? Darn... **hugs**
posted by
vw bug at October 2, 2008 05:16 AM
.... you gotta give the kid credit..... he wears that tie with absolute panache.... and hey, when it comes to wearing a suit and a tie, it's all about The Attitude......
posted by
Eric at October 2, 2008 08:51 AM
I want a little boy mainly so I can force him to wear ties. What a great photo. Hope you have a wonderful retreat.
posted by
Matthew M. F. Miller at October 2, 2008 11:34 AM
gxJdkd rwsaheewinfu, [url=http://uakfmreewgbx.com/]uakfmreewgbx[/url], [link=http://bsqgqkrmgmes.com/]bsqgqkrmgmes[/link], http://pmjysiwnqskf.com/
posted by
zduhmk at October 4, 2008 09:48 PM
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