August 28, 2006
Dogwood - Firewood
I wish I had a picture of the beautiful flowering dogwood tree that stood prominently in my backyard to the side of the swingset. The blooms lasted longer than any other dogwoods on the property and were the most perfect specimens.
That is, until my husband, in his infinite wisdom, chose to put in horse-shoe pits in the back yard. Alas, my beautiful dogwood was deemed to be "in the way" and while I was away, down she came. I returned home to a pile of limbs and the remnants of that 15 year old dogwood tree.
My husband is lucky he is not ambling about with a horseshoe stuck up his ass, because, trust me, it almost happened.
My beautiful dogwood for pitching? Seriously, I own 13 1/2 acres of ground - he couldn't have picked a better, spot to put pits? And in my backyard no less? So now when I go to the window to admire the view, it will be marred by sand pits, backstops and rebar. I should kill him-skewer him on his own rebar. Ack!
But, since I cannot put back that which was unceremoniously chopped down, I shall simply have to kick his ass at pitching. Hmmph!
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Oh My God!!! I have to say that being from the midwest, my husband and I have a greater appreciation of trees than most people I meet out here in the northeast. My husband wouldn't cut down a tree unless it was dead and going to fall on the house. LOL. I'm so sorry... now polish up those horseshoe skills and whup the boy.
posted by
Teresa at August 28, 2006 05:23 PM
Priorities! The horseshoe pit needs to be closer to the house so it's easier to get to the beer in the fridge.
posted by
Contagion at August 28, 2006 07:58 PM
Was this before or afte redneck fest party?
A flowering tree cut ddown....a perfect flowering tree. Yeah, my DH would be fearful of a branch up his ass....
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at August 28, 2006 09:03 PM
oh that's such a pity!
posted by
michele at August 28, 2006 10:29 PM
It happens...when you go out, husbands cut down me--it happens. You're not the only one. ;)
posted by
Jo Janoski at August 28, 2006 10:29 PM
Hey, it was a Dogwood. If they're anything like they are here, it will grow back in about a month...
posted by
Ogre at August 29, 2006 11:19 AM
Errr, you did say "pitching" with a "p", right?
posted by
joated at August 29, 2006 12:46 PM
Darling, please tell me how you froze the peaches!!
Just do a darn post on it...
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at August 29, 2006 03:45 PM
Oh crap - that is soooooooo something my hubby would do. Poo.
posted by
Richmond at August 30, 2006 01:29 PM
Hey, what you all ladies bitchin' 'bout. Shoot, I went to work one day, come home, and the wall were painted forest green! Went out of town, to come hom to find he walls painted red, and the cabinets white. Do you know how many coats of white it takes to cover that up that gawd aful green when you get ready to move. I don't like the levelin' of a pretty dogwood no matter what, but I am sayin' the street doth run both ways on the "while you're away" deal.
I agree with 2.0 on this one but you know, you should've just bought him a cooler with wheels and a handle and put stadium seating somewhere on the back forty. Problem solved, well, problem could've been solved anyway.
posted by
RedNeck at August 30, 2006 09:41 PM
Kill comes to mind. Reminds me of my X trading my fire opal set in a platinum necklace for a fishing net. Notice he is now my X. But if this is the only major dumb thing your dh has managed then count yourself lucky.
posted by
Tink at September 1, 2006 06:41 PM
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August 23, 2006
How to Excite a Redneck
On Sunday morning the fire siren blew and the husband, child and I were off to lend service to our neighbors.
This call was for a dog stuck in a drainpipe. My husband went to the hall to get our gear, whilst the Boy and I went to the scene to "scope it out."
When we arrived, we learned that it was, in fact, two dogs stuck in a drain pipe with a very angry groundhog. The wirehaired terrier and the westy had the groundhog pinned and, in fact, the westy was laying partly atop the groundhog's head. It was surmised that the groundhog would need to be euthanized so that the dogs did not suffer additional injuries. For surely, once one dog was rescued, the groundhog would attack the other, or the three would begin the fight again. It was decided that the groundhog, being a worthless creature, would be shot in order to safely rescue the wee-pups.
Now, to the part on how to excite a redneck . . . .
Once we learned that we would get to do some small game hunting in a drainpipe, we and I mean we all, jumped to see who got to go home for a gun first. It being Sunday, we all had seamingly left our firearms behind. I offered the .38 or the 9mm - too much power. We settled on a .22. I have a revolver and a snubbed pistol, but a long-gun it was to be. Off raced my dear friend to retrieve a .22 with which to dispatch the ornery groundhog.
We redneck firefighters stood around salivating at the prospect of the smell of gunpowder on a sunday morn, when the westy backed out of the drainpipe with help from a pike pole. Covered in blood, the westy was whisked away to be cleaned up. Peering into the drainpipe, it was discovered that the groundhog had, in fact, managed to make a stealthy escape through the maze of drainpipes. The wirehair was rescued and all was right in their world again.
It was with sadness that we all retreated to our vehicles and homes, as we had all gotten very excited and were let down tremendously. No sunday shootin for us.
So, the moral to the story? It is easy to excite a redneck, the prospect of shooting and killing one of God's more ornery and worthless creatures is but one way. The prospect of shooting and killing one of God's more tasty creatures is but another . . . I think I'll have venison for dinner . . .
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Aw - sorry about the loss of a shootin' opportunity. But there's always the chance you'll be called upon in the future for such a thing. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at August 23, 2006 04:39 PM
It was probably pretty excitin' for the 'Neck to see his dawgs get rescued... Gun powder or not. Trust me on this one Oddy... 'Necks aint that hard to excite...
posted by
RedNeck at August 23, 2006 06:54 PM
God, that's like having sex and not climaxing!
posted by
Contagion at August 23, 2006 07:12 PM
Why can I just picture this?!?!
posted by
Tammi at August 23, 2006 07:41 PM
Oh hey.... Your house is so very exciting! :)
posted by
Richmond at August 23, 2006 09:20 PM
Ok, I want to come visit you. I want to go shooting!!!
posted by
vw bug at August 24, 2006 07:13 AM
Wait, what about the rest of the story? Did you all leave before the person with the .22 got back? Did they get to shoot anything?
posted by
Ogre at August 24, 2006 12:01 PM
Now that's an exciting Sunday morning!
posted by
michele at August 24, 2006 07:39 PM
I'm with Orge, And now for the rest of the Story........
posted by
Tink at August 26, 2006 11:17 AM
Funny, lol. My boyfriend keeps trying to talk me into a rifle (with silencer) to be used to shoot one of the many deer in the neighborhood that keep eating my landscaping. So far, i've kept him from turning into the great white hunter.
posted by
trouble at August 28, 2006 02:33 PM
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August 21, 2006
Eye Candy

Nuff said!
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Oh waaay cute! Eye candy indeed! :)
posted by
Richmond at August 21, 2006 06:14 PM
The cuteness monitor just red-lined! That first picture is sosososo precious!
posted by
pam at August 21, 2006 08:07 PM
Super cute kiddo! Love that blonde crewcut.
posted by
40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 21, 2006 10:14 PM
certified cutie patootie!
I love the pic of him wading in the water to his knees.
posted by
Michele at August 22, 2006 02:47 PM
He's getting soooo big!!
; )
posted by
Christina at August 22, 2006 07:10 PM
What a cutie.
posted by
Tink at August 26, 2006 11:18 AM
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August 18, 2006
50 Years Young!
I want to take this opportunity to wish a very happy birthday to my blog-cousin Tink.
She is 50 TOMORROW so go wish her the best. I'm saying happy birthday today cause I don't blog on Saturdays.
Oh and so that your 50th is just a little sweeter . . . here's a little something I had stashed away in the closet for just such a celebration! They are at your beck and call! *wink, wink*

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i know that sure made MY day!!!!
posted by
Tammi at August 18, 2006 09:18 AM
If I get these for my 50th, I think I will turn 50 every year. Thanks Oddy.
posted by
Tink at August 18, 2006 10:43 AM
Maybe my sis will let me borrow one or two.
posted by
vw bug at August 18, 2006 10:43 AM
My 16 year old daughter was flirting with a bunch of young firemen the other day--and they were flirting back. At least they had their shirts on! Darn washboard ab flexing show-offs! ;-)
posted by
40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 18, 2006 09:04 PM
Sorry sis/blog mom, their all mine. No sharing with relatives allowed.
posted by
Tink at August 19, 2006 10:46 AM
Nice...very nice... great pick me up! (and carry me off and...well, nevermind)
posted by
Lisa W. at August 22, 2006 02:39 PM
Your colleagues?
posted by
Nancy at August 23, 2006 04:11 PM
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August 16, 2006
The World is an Ashtray
Many of you know that I recently returned from an extended weekend at the beach. It was wonderful. The temps never got over 90 degrees, the sun and clouds were beautiful in the blue sky. Everything was grand.
Except . . . why is it that when persons who present themselves as normal decent people, shit all over things that are not theirs?
Take for instance, the lovely lady who had set up her beach spot directly behind mine. She was a chain smoker. But, as we were in the great outdoors, I did not mind. After each smoke, she put her butt out in the sand. That was ok too.
After which she dug a hole with her delicate foot and promptly deposited said butt in the sand covering it so that others around her were none the wiser.
What gives? What makes a person think that that is ok? Just because the beach is covered in beautiful exfoliating sand - does not mean that it is your own personal ashtray. Be considerate of the person who will pick that spot tomorrow. Surely you would not want to be laying on decaying butts. Common sense says that with the first strong wind or two those butts will be exposed.
You have just littered, ma'am!
Since my three year old was within ear shot, and the lady left before I had the opportunity to unleash my anger over her stupidity - I did not tell her what I thought of her and her kind.
Great swaths of sand does not equal giant ashtray! Don't be a butt - dispose of your butts.
Ok, now that that is over, here is a lovely picture of the boy in the surf!

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looks like fun, sorry about the litterbutt
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at August 16, 2006 01:48 PM
The kid's having a blast. I might just have to go to the beach this weekend!
posted by
40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 17, 2006 08:32 AM
When a cat buries stuff in the sand like that, it's called a litter box. When a person does it, that's an ash-hole.
posted by
Bob at August 17, 2006 01:25 PM
Cute cute cute!
Except for the butt lady - that's just damn tacky...
posted by
Richmond at August 17, 2006 03:03 PM
That was one of the things that used to piss me off about going to the beach after a storm. Butts everywhere, going in a nice long line up and down the beach.
And not the desirable butts...
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 17, 2006 05:45 PM
Great picture.
And just so you know, as a smoker - I hate that too!! I've clocked many hours on some beaches and I DO NOT leave butts (of any kind btw) in the sand. That's just rude.
posted by
Tammi at August 17, 2006 08:35 PM
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August 14, 2006
Back from the Beach!
It's Monday, here is how I feel:

Wishing I was back on this beach! On a side note - the Boy is cute even when he's being silly!
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That's EXACTLY how I feel!
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 14, 2006 06:16 PM
You and T1G - you're KILLIN' me with this beach/water stuff. KILLIN' ME!!!!
(glad you had a good time! he is adorable!!!)
posted by
Tammi at August 14, 2006 07:11 PM
I think he's showing everyone's sentiments regarding you being at beach while we work...
Hope you had a great time!
posted by
Ogre at August 15, 2006 08:45 AM
There's another good one to save for the "show his girlfriends album" when he's older! Keep it right on the coffee table at all times. That's what my mom did! ;-)
posted by
40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 15, 2006 09:03 AM
I need that blown up into poster size... ;)
posted by
pam at August 15, 2006 02:00 PM
I'm lovin' that picture.
posted by
Bou at August 15, 2006 02:32 PM
I'm with Pam, I'd love to have this in poster size. Glad you had a great time.
BTW, your Phillies beat my Mets by a slammin' margin... GRRRRRR!
posted by
Michele at August 15, 2006 10:53 PM
That is great picture. Maybe you can photoshop that lady's huge ass out of the background.
posted by
Jerry at August 17, 2006 11:20 PM
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August 09, 2006
Beachy Keen
I'm headed to the beach for the weekend! My little guy and me need some mommy - boy time . . . hopefully my laptop won't get in the way!
See ya'll Monday!
Assateague - HERE WE COME!
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August 07, 2006
Attack of Three Year Old Body Snatchers
There must have been a rattle in my humm, or a disturbance in the force because this weekend my three year old, was - well - three.
Every thing about him. Usually, he is well-behaved, listens attentively, never talks back and never displays an unruly toddler moment.
This weekend? He was a different child. It took all I had to restrain myself from completely throttling him in between my insane laughter from the thought of his about face.
Not only was he defiant, he was openly hostile, ran from me when we needed to "talk" and made comments and gestures that normally would garner a quick ass-beating.
But as I said, I was laughing from the sheer lunacy of it all, and he was crying from my shrill attempts to keep laughter and anger in check that I didn't have the heart to beat him.
No, instead he was met with wimpy mom-a mom who I usually reserve for children who are not mine.
Take for instance the trip to Costco - where he told me - nay demanded that I buy him a certain toy because "he said so." Then there was the moment when I told him to sit in time out and not only did he say "No" but ran from me - MORE THAN ONCE! Seriously, my angel child turned into a demon child in a split second and all I could do was laugh. He was held down in time out, and then he was sent to bed, but not before I realized I sounded exactly like one of those mom's I'm always turning my nose up at : "if you don't . . . I'm gonna spank you . . . I mean it" and I didn't. If ever he should have been spanked - I missed the moment. Trust me, he was thoroughly wounded after being reprimanded in front of several people (he hates to be embarrassed) though. But I'm not usually that mom, and he is not usually that child.
I'm not sure what was going through his brain as he knows that he just cannot test the waters, but he was.
But in the end, he got his. My trusty two year old pal made sure he had his share of pain this weekend. He has a very large bruise on his noggin and two very scraped knees. Oh, and a little wounded pride too.
Me? I'm just glad the weekend is over - and he has lived through it! I'll chock it up to being three, and maybe just a little too much sugar.
How was your weekend?
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Hey, it gets better. My 17 year old daughter just finished cleaning the kitchen AND scrubbing the floor--and I didn't even have to say anything to her. She just did it on her own. Frankly, I'm speechless!
posted by
40 Ounce Loudmouth at August 7, 2006 02:51 PM
Ohhh.... Must have been the phase of the moon or something, Oddy. *Both* of my (usually very well behaved) girls were terrible yesterday. Snotty, mulish, defiant, pissy, disruptive - and that was at church!
They subsequently spent 4 hours yesterday afternoon alternating between cleaning chores and sitting *very* quietly with a book.
I was just about ready to throttle them both....
posted by
Richmond at August 7, 2006 03:19 PM
Mine waited until today. Bou tried to talk to me on the phone while Tot through a tamtrum... sigh...
posted by
vw bug at August 7, 2006 03:33 PM
All I can say is Youch. Yeah, I remember those days...the only advantage I had, was I could send them home!
Hope this phase passes quickly - for both your sakes.
posted by
Tammi at August 7, 2006 06:44 PM
Heheheh... Uh... I mean: Good luck, Oddy. Yeah. That's what that meant...
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 7, 2006 07:08 PM
Sugar = kiddie cocaine.
posted by
Jerry at August 7, 2006 10:29 PM
It's the age. I used to say, "Who stole my child and replaced him with this?!" Age 4 is wonderful. It's my favorite age.
posted by
Bou at August 8, 2006 10:22 PM
My daughter, after a horrible year of being two, was fabulous at three. But my son was great at two, and went through his terrible two's at three. Some weekends, it almost feels like a relief to go back to work.
posted by
trouble at August 9, 2006 09:11 AM
He sounds like ... well ... a boy. Which is to say he's acting like a puppy and won't respond to your pleading "We need to talk." All the conversation that a defiant boy can understand is a sharp swat on the tush and a firm "No!" The swat doesn't even need to be painful to be effective -- the point is to let him know you disapprove of his unruly behavior.
Please understand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with boys acting like boys, so there's no need to shame him just because he's decided to test the limits of his domain, but you do need to make those limits clear. He needs to know that three-year-olds do not make the rules.
posted by
Bob at August 9, 2006 10:44 AM
So why didn't my usually unruly boy become well-behaved during this aberration?
posted by
tink at August 10, 2006 03:58 PM
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August 01, 2006
More from the McCutie Files
Since I've absolutely nothing to say today (too tired) and I must pay some bills,
I will just give you some pics . . . with context.
In this first picture, we have the boy standing before a beautiful fountain in Philadelphia (one I have in fact jumped in, in the past) and trying hard not to damage his retinas from the sun.

In this next picture we capture the boy attempting to climb into the T-Rex exhibit at the Natural History Museum.

And lastly, here is the boy, with sad face, after getting reprimanded for climbing into the T-Rex exhibit . . .

Even scrunched up or sad - he is still a cutie-pie
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he is adorable
Philadelphia looks fun
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at August 1, 2006 09:36 AM
He's a cutie pie indeed!
posted by
Rave at August 1, 2006 02:28 PM
Oh yeah.... Cuteness cubed. :)
posted by
Richmond at August 1, 2006 04:11 PM
Heheheh... thank gott you weren't photographing the tumbled remains of the T-Rex.
Love the pout..
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 1, 2006 04:58 PM
All boy. And I love that face. Definitely can express his opinion!
posted by
vw bug at August 1, 2006 07:20 PM
I'll second the adorableness, raise you a major cutie factor and tell you he's beautiful here, attitude and all.
posted by
Michele at August 2, 2006 12:06 AM
Be sure to save those scrunched up pictures to show his girlfriends when he's a teen! He'll love that! ;-)
posted by
sir ian cognito at August 2, 2006 10:07 PM
I love his big boy haircut. It makes his cheeks look so smoochy!!!
posted by
Bou at August 2, 2006 10:36 PM
Oh, my! He's adorable! I love the fountain picture. :D
posted by
pam at August 3, 2006 11:28 AM
How can you reprimand a face like that?!?! He is adorable......
posted by
Tammi at August 4, 2006 02:59 PM
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