November 30, 2006
Ten and Counting
When I was 17, I was working in a video store, one of the many jobs I held down at the time. My little sister was sleeping with this sleezy guy from a town over and he had come in to see her. He brought this guy with him. I couldn't stand him. The two of them came into the store a couple times more and with the help of some gifted jelly beans, the guy and I became friends. We were married three years later and the rest, they say, is history.
So I'd like to say Happy Anniversary to my Hubby, without whom I'd feel as if I was missing an appendage. I love you. Thank you for ten wonderful (and interesting) married years. Here's to many more.
Ahh, but you didn't think I'd leave you without giving you all an idea of who my hubby is did you? Here are some of the reasons I'm privileged to be married to him:
He laughs at my pathetic attempts at jokes;
He holds me when I'm sick;
He makes me dinners - one only sees in restaurants;
He eats Korean food;
He's my mom's favorite person;
He lets me pick food off his plate;
He eats food I can't or won't eat off my plate;
He shares his beer with me since I can't drink much anymore;
He feigns surprise and disgust when I miss a question on Jeopardy;
He holds my hand when we are driving or walking somewhere;
He tells me he loves me every day;
He calls me at least twice a day to let me know he has been thinking about me;
He clears a path in the snow for me so I won't get snow in my shoes;
He starts my car when it's cold outside;
He cuts my grandma's grass cause she's 82;
He plays with my hair when he thinks I'm sleeping;
He dances in the kitchen with me when no one is looking;
He overlooks my obsessive internet spending habits!;
He worries about me when I'm driving home at night;
He kisses me everyday;
He always makes me laugh;
He loves me even though I'm fat;
He supports my every endeavor;
He shares all the responsibilities with me;
He followed me to Philly when I went to college;
He gave me a beautiful son; and
He accepts me for me - flaws and all.
Oh sure, he steals the covers and makes fun of me when I can't find my keys, but he loves me. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the momentary look of horror on his face as I came tumbling down the hill after bailing off the quad this weekend. I know that sounds bad, but sometimes I wonder how deeply he cares. Of course, he told me he was just worried about the quad - but I know better.
I'm also always amazed that he can even stand to be married to me - I can't even stand to talk to myself in the mirror. When we married, people told him that it wasn't a good match - that he'd feel intimidated by me or over shadowed - see, I'm an Ivy Leaguer and he didn't finish college. I work with the high-brow crowd and he's blue collar. But, he isn't intimidated by me or my successes. He doesn't care and neither do I. I couldn't be prouder of him and his accomplishments - He cooked for the Pope after all!
I couldn't be married to a white collar business man or doctor or lawyer - he couldn't be married to the ninnies he works with either. We are a good match and always have been. He doesn't envy me nor do I look down on him. We don't try to change one another and we are always supportive - we work well together.
Oh, and he makes up cheesy, and tacky songs when we road trip, and sings them to me to howls of laughter!
So, ten years ago today, at 1:30 p.m.- his buddies had a moment of silence for him, and I was married to this goofball, in a wedding gown I bought the night before, by the preacher who baptised my daddy, and the goof stuck around. Who'da thunk it?
Here we are, in all our naive glory. Man, I wish I was that size again . . . Happy Anniversary Baby, I'll let you buy dinner tonight!

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Happy Anniversary Oddy.
And here's to many, many more!
What a wonderful post....And a gorgeous picture!!
posted by
Tammi at November 30, 2006 06:35 AM
Wow. That is wonderful. I hope you have many more enjoyable days and years!!!
posted by
vw bug at November 30, 2006 07:21 AM
Happy Anniversary!!!!! What a wonderful tribute to a great marriage and the guy who helps make it that way. :)
Seriously, the hubby sounds like a keeper. ;)
posted by
pam at November 30, 2006 08:00 AM
He lets me pick food off his plate;
At first glance... and second... it looked like it said, "lick." I thought, "10 very interesting years, indeed."
Happy Anniversary, Oddy and Hubby!
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 30, 2006 08:58 AM
OK, I need a tissue too this morning....Happy tenth anniversary, to you and many many more
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 30, 2006 10:27 AM
I thought getting food picked off your plate was something standard in the wedding vows. You mean it's actually optional? :-)
Happy Anniversary
posted by
Harvey at November 30, 2006 10:51 AM
A very Happy Anniversary to you both! Sounds like this marriage thing may just work out for you *grin*
Love the picture - it's wonderful!
posted by
Teresa at November 30, 2006 11:39 AM
Happy, happy!
posted by
Jenna at November 30, 2006 02:19 PM
Congratulations and wishing you many more happy years!
posted by
spurs at November 30, 2006 05:56 PM
Happy, happy anniversary!! And I wish you both many more...
(I looooove the picture - gorgeous! Then and now!!)
posted by
Richmond at November 30, 2006 06:12 PM
Happy 10th anniversary!!!! Hope you guys whoop it up tonight.
posted by
Jerry at December 1, 2006 12:27 AM
Very Happy Anniversary!!
; )
posted by
Christina at December 1, 2006 09:53 AM
... congratulations, girl... many happy returns....
posted by
Eric at December 1, 2006 10:36 AM
Congrats! Here's to ten more!
posted by
Carmen at December 1, 2006 06:58 PM
*wiping tears from my eyes* Beautiful post. Happy Anniversary.
posted by
sticks at December 1, 2006 08:21 PM
What a beautiful story...Congratulations to the both of you!
posted by
Mrs_Who at December 1, 2006 11:01 PM
Happy belated Anniversary. It is wonderful to hear success stories in marriage. And I wish you both many, many, many more.
posted by
Tink at December 2, 2006 12:25 PM
Sorry I'm late, but Happy Tenth. Sounds like you both hit the long ball.
posted by
Jim - PRS at December 4, 2006 07:13 PM
I'd say it sounds like you both picked a winner.
Congrats on 10 and 90 to go!
posted by
Nancy at December 5, 2006 01:05 AM
Happy Belated Anniversary! I loved your post - everything you need in a marriage was described perfectly :) I wish you both many, many more years of happiness and health.
posted by
Napster at December 5, 2006 05:29 PM
Sorry I'm late, but happy anniversary. You two look great!
After that write up, does the guy have a brother? ;-)
posted by
Sissy at December 7, 2006 09:44 AM
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November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving Recap
Well, Thanksgiving was a success. We had a wonderful meal, spent time with family and relaxed. Wow, "relaxed" is a word I can't say I use very often.
On Black Friday, my mom and I braved the hordes and did the 5 am shopping - for ourselves!
On Saturday, I took my Grams shopping and she completed her Christmas shopping. Then we went to hubby's best friend's home for a dessert party. The hubby made a Pumpkin Cheesecake Creme Caramel. YUMMY! That is all I can say.
On Sunday we saw my nephew for a few and then the hubby and I got out the quads and the helmets for some trail fun. All was going smoothly until we got to a 10 foot drop off which was riddled with ruts. Hubby made it down ok, my quad started to tip forward after hitting a rut about 1 foot deep and I bailed. My hubby sat at the bottom a little startled for he had seen me inch toward the drop, turned to pull forward and when he turned around, I was rolling end over end down the hill with the rider-less quad coming toward him. In the process of the bail, I hit a stump and I've a nasty bruise to show for it. Nothing like eating dirt on a quad ride - I'll tell ya.
So, I spent quality time with the hubby, quality time with the boy and quality family food time. It was a wonderful weekend. As an added treat, I'm posting the following pics:





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Yummmmmmmy. Looks good enough to eat right off the pictures. So glad to hear that you got nothing more than some bad bruises. You could have really been hurt bad.
posted by
Tink at November 27, 2006 11:37 AM
We went down to see my father and ended up going to a restaurant this year...only the second time in my life I've gone out to eat on Thanksgiving. It's not something I'd like to repeat. The food was great and all, but sitting in a crowded restaurant, eating what the chef decides is a Thanksgiving menu (there were no turnips), and having no chance to show off my pie-making skills kind of took some of the charm of the holiday away. And I only got a little itty bit of cranberry sauce!
posted by
Pam at November 27, 2006 12:49 PM
Everything looks wonderful! Happy to hear to didn't get hurt... those things are so much fun... but I guess you know the pitfalls of riding!
Couldn't help myself... ;)
posted by
pam at November 27, 2006 01:43 PM
Looks fabulous!! :-)
posted by
Richmond at November 27, 2006 03:54 PM
And OWIE! Glad you're okay!!!
posted by
Richmond at November 27, 2006 03:56 PM
Your table and meal look WONDEFUL. That baby just needs to be hugged!! LOL
And I am just sooo glad the tumble down the hill ended with only a bruise. Holy Cow!!!
posted by
Tammi at November 27, 2006 08:33 PM
a gorgeous table!! loved the china, and the turkey looked where is the kimchi recipe, do you think I can make it?
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 27, 2006 08:38 PM
It all looks so yummy. Especially that cute little turkey!
Glad to hear you're ok!
posted by
caltechgirl at November 27, 2006 11:53 PM
My days working in the hospital have left me with nothing nice to say about I will simply say that I am glad that you are ok. :-)
My Turkey Day was nowhere as nice as yours.
(/turkey envy)
posted by
SarahthePenguin at November 28, 2006 10:37 AM
Looks YUMMY! Glad you've only a bruise to show for your fun.
posted by
Carmen at November 28, 2006 05:45 PM
*steals pie*
posted by
Harvey at November 29, 2006 02:44 PM
How wonderful. You always have such wonderful pictures. The little turkey is just adorable.
I'm very glad you didn't get hurt worse in the quad spill! Yikes.
posted by
Teresa at November 29, 2006 05:10 PM
Looks very nice and ya'll also have great taste.
posted by
Catfish at November 29, 2006 05:35 PM
Mmmmmm. Pie. Mmmmmmm.
posted by
Jerry at November 29, 2006 11:17 PM
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November 22, 2006
Giving Thanks
With Thanksgiving tomorrow - I did not want to lose sight of what the Holiday is about. It isn't just Turkey and dressing and pie - though that is huge at my house! It is about being thankful for what you have. So, in no short order I am thankful for the following:
1. My family - the love of my life and the joy of my life, my husband and son;
2. My job - without which my love and joy and me would be out on our collective fannies in the cold;
3. My health and the health of my family - we have issues, sure, but overall we boast good health and God has blessed us; and
4. My friends, internet friends included - Some of my dear friends have lost a lot this year, yet still can be thankful for each other - those friends have taught me strength and courage and continue to hold a dear place in my heart, I'm thankful for them. Others are there when I need an ear, a lending hand or a kind word, for you - and you know who you are - I am thankful. Others take my place when I can't be the best mom or wife - they care for my family, feed my husband when I can't make it home and generally love and support us, for you - I am thankful!
That sums it up in part anyway, how about you? What are you thankful for? I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving - I'll eat a piece of pie just for you *wink*.
Show Comments »
I too am blessed...
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 22, 2006 10:40 AM
Can I be thankful that there will be pie this year? :) :) :)
posted by
Ogre at November 22, 2006 11:34 AM
I am thankful for many of the tings you have listed here, Oddy. And thankful that I can call you friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
posted by
Richmond at November 22, 2006 01:14 PM
I'm thankful that my children and grandchildren are happy and healthy.
And I'm thankful that my wife (my Prize) and I will be at one of their homes tomorrow.
An I'm thankful for my freedom and for my right to blog, to say what I want when I want.
I'm thankful for the right to pray.
And I'm thankful for my right to travel, to enjoy plays, movies and symphonies .................... and lots lots more.
posted by
Mickysolo at November 22, 2006 05:01 PM
Jane and I are thankful for all you enumerate and I am always reminded at this time of the year of the poem, “If I Had Only…,” by Hugh Prather. The last words go like this:
“But it’s morning. I have been given
another day. Another day to hear and read
and smell and walk and love and glory.
I am alive for another day.
I think of those who aren’t.”
posted by
Edd at November 22, 2006 06:32 PM
All of that plus I got to have my son home for an entire week... (well, minus the two days he drove to Vermont to see his friend. *grin*)
posted by
Teresa at November 22, 2006 07:01 PM
I am thankful for my faith, without which I would probably be a miserable wretch. I am most thankful for the incredible little human being that is called my son. And I am very thankful for you and bloggers like you, who have helped shine the light on the path for me to find my way back home.
I meant it! Thank you!
posted by
michele at November 23, 2006 01:04 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Oddy! To all of you!
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 23, 2006 10:24 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Day to Oddy and all her family!
posted by
Mrs_Who at November 23, 2006 11:20 AM
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November 17, 2006
Thanksgiving part deux
Well, now that I got my angst-filled mental scream out - let me explain.
I do have twelve people total for Thanksgiving. This includes my core group. Of the twelve, my son will be the only child. Why? Because my sister has decided she doesn't want to be part of our family anymore, and thus has decided that her son cannot be part of our lives either.
Which brings me to why I'm hosting Thanksgiving. She usually does the hosting, but having decided she'd rather spend time with drug dealers and the like, well, I'm stuck with the job.
The group includes, this year for the first time, my inlaws. Yay. Also, included are my "aunt" and my cousin who now lives with us.
The kimchi, comes into play because, well, because I'm 1/2 korean. We have kimchi all the time and at this particular time, I have it in abundance.
Ok, now, my "aunt" is not really my aunt at all. When my mom moved to Western Pa with my dad in January 1977, she didn't speak much English and I was not quite 1. Obviously, she didn't know many people aside from our immediate family. Shortly after moving here, she met Un Hwa. Un Hwa and her three children lived nearby. Her husband lived in Korea, cause he couldn't get a job as a preacher here - so he went back.
For the last 29 years, my mom and Un Hwa have been friends. The only two Koreans in my school district. She's been a part of the family. My dad did odd jobs for her - he was fixit man, chauffer and friend as her English is not so good either.
Last year, as you many have read, my mother's Sister came to visit and her visit ended with a trip that I took a trip to Korea. While here in the States, she and Un Hwa began to talk - they are more close in age than my mom and Un Hwa. They discovered they were from the same extended village destroyed 55 years ago during the war.
That cannot be! Only relatives are from the same village. So, more conversations, more memories, more names were discussed, and lo and behold, we are related! Distantly, as someone from Un Hwa's family married someone from my Grandmother's family - so a distant cousin of a cousin . . . Hmpf.
For 30 years my mom and Un Hwa have been friends - like sisters. To think, that all this time they were actually distant relatives was phenomenal.
This Thanksgiving, Un Hwa will be with us as she is most holidays. She and my mom enjoy kimchi with every meal, even turkey. We will have, among the other dishes upon my table, a dish of kimchi, possibly some seaweed and rice as well. It is a pretty dish, and will likely compliment the table. My worry is that my in-laws, may not be so fond of it. Specifically my f-i-l who despises all things Korean (likely including my family) - he was stationed there for 2 years with the Army and likes to remind us that it was a miserable time for him.
Luckily Un Hwa's English is still not that good after all these years. Or, better still, she and my mom can tell each other what an ass he is in Korean.
So, this Thanksgiving I'm starting a new tradition. Thanksgiving will be in my home, and everyone is welcome. The menu doesn't change much through the years, but here it is:
-Brined and herb roasted turkey
-red-skinned smashed potatoes and gravy
-classic sweet potato casserole
- a roasted vegetable (tbd)
-baked ham
-tossed salad
-pumpkin pie
Pretty well-rounded. I may even throw some other things in there too. Who knows.
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I was always taught as a rule of thumb, 1lb of turkey per person.
So 12 people, 12lb turkey.
I am still trying to figure out why I have a 12lb turkey sitting in the fridge while there will only be 2 people at my house.
posted by
Quality Weenie at November 17, 2006 12:16 PM
I was always told a good rule of thumb was 1 pumpkin pie per person.
So 12 people, 12 pies.
I am not having a problem with too many pumpkin pies in my fridge, although I wouldn't mind that problem.
posted by
Ogre at November 17, 2006 03:48 PM
Uuuuhhhhhh I *personally* would go with a bigger Turkey. (no offense mean,t QW) Mine is 17lbs to searve 8. Otherwise, it sounds like you have a lovely celebration planned.
Too bad your Sis is having issues with celebrating with your family this year. I hope that it gets better with her soon...
posted by
Richmond at November 17, 2006 06:47 PM
We will celebrate Thanksgiving this year with family and extended family (one grandson, Tee, my two nieces are with their father this year) and six adults. Jane and I originally hoped one of our children would host the meal because Jane and I leave for Gettysburg, PA. at first light on Friday - but they all wanted to come home. I have not had Kimchi since my mother died in 1984. My father served in Korea during the war and taught mother how to cook it. I can honestly say that my father having flown combat missions in WWII and Korea, never held a grudge. Our last tour of duty was in Japan where I attended school from the 8th to the 10th grade with the 11th in Germany. So have a grand time and I’ll be thinking of your Grand Kimchi.
posted by
Edd at November 17, 2006 07:52 PM
I think your celebration will be so 'American'! That's what America should be...eating whatever you want for Thanksgiving!
posted by
Mrs_Who at November 17, 2006 08:04 PM
My mom once served cow's tongue for Thanksgiving.
Not in addition to turkey... instead of turkey.
We've never let her forget it.
As long as you have turkey, you can serve anything else you want to.
(And I would even try your kimchi if I was there.)
posted by
Roses at November 17, 2006 09:12 PM
This is a very delicious, and pretty salad. My Father who does "not eat salads", will actually eat this one. It also looks lovley in a crystal bowl on your Thanksgiving table.
-I think the last time I prepared this I used sliced almonds instead of cashews. I also used grated Romano, instead of Swiss. It is such a delicious and versitile salad have fun.
-Also I mix my dressing in "old mayonaisse jars, just shake well....."
-One more thing, as always dressing can be served on side.......
1 large bag of pre-washed Romaine lettuce (more if serving a large number)
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1 cup cashews
½ cup craisins ( sweetened dried cranberries)
1 red Gala apple (cubed/not peeled)
1 red pear (cubed/not peeled)
Dressing (Mix in a blender)
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2/3 cup oil
1 tablespoon poppy seed
Mix the lettuce with the cheese and craisins. I mix the apple and pear in the dressing so they don’t discolor and add just before serving. Also add the cashews just before serving so they don’t get soggy. Might not need all the dressing. It depends on how much lettuce you have. If you increase the lettuce, increase the cheese etc. The ingredients for the salad don’t need to be exact except for the dressing ingredients.
DH wants your kimchi recipe...thanks
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 17, 2006 10:16 PM
Oh what a wonderful list of goodies you have. Just ignore and don't let grumpy grandpa dampen your day. He would be grumpy in the most perfect happy setting it seems.
love, family and giving thanks is what the day is about for me. You've got 3 or 3 so the rest is gravy!
May it be fun and joyous.
posted by
michele at November 17, 2006 10:41 PM
I think you should serve whatever YOU want, who cares about the in-laws, as YOU are doing the cooking! and anyone who says anything about it, should be politely and firmly told that they didn't cook, therefore they have no say.
I think the menu looks fantastic!
And I cook a bigger turkey so everyone can take home leftovers.
posted by
Bou at November 18, 2006 01:29 PM
Ohhh darlin'. I think your menu sounds wonderful, something for everyone.
As for your FIL not liking kimchi, he doesn't HAVE to eat it so he shouldn't mind that it's on the table. My rule has always been I'll make a lot, I'll make a variety, you don't like it - don't eat it. More for me!
posted by
Tammi at November 19, 2006 07:31 AM
Sounds like you have a lovely meal planned. For a group that size - you need a 15-17lb turkey so you have enough of each type meat. I did a 12lb for the 3 of us (because that's about as small as whole turkeys come)... and I have enough left over for 5 more meals at least. The smaller turkeys are more bone than meat - this works out well for less people. I'd do only a breast, but I like dark meat.
As for the FIL - I'd have something to say to him about his mother teaching him to be polite in company... *grin* No one is making him eat kimchi! Good grief what is with people. In any case, if he wants to sulk, just ignore him... that'll teach him. LOL.
Personally, I'm not a fan of kimchi, (I'd tell those who like it - that leaves more for them *grin*) but I do love Korean bbq.
posted by
Teresa at November 20, 2006 01:17 PM
Sounds great. Can I come over?
posted by
Jerry at November 21, 2006 12:20 AM
One of these days, I'm going to have to actually try kimchi.
What's it like?
posted by
Harvey at November 22, 2006 09:51 AM
Harvey, Kimchi is salted and rinsed cabbage (usually) and radishes which have been marinated in hot peppers and other seasonings and which then is allowed to ferment or age. It will burn the pupils of your eyes out! Tastes wonderful!
posted by
oddybobo at November 22, 2006 10:09 AM
Hey- what about the bulgogi? (Okay, so I'm kidding)
Hope you have a wonderful, family-filled thanksgiving! It sounds like it will be memorable. :)
posted by
Rave at November 22, 2006 10:26 AM
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November 16, 2006
Thanksgiving angst
I have 12 people coming for Thanksgiving and this is my list of angst-driven problems:
A. My table only seats 8!
B. Is a 23 pound turkey enough? I got a 10 pound ham just in case.
C. Will two pumpkin pies feed these monkeys?
D. Who is going to help me clean my house?
E. When am I going to clean my house?
F. You want me to stuff what - where?
G. Will my other guests like kimchi with their turkey?
One week - 7 days - till Thanksgiving!
Oh and for some added fun read Harvey's fun facts about PA!
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Just make 12 pies. I assure you everyone will be happy.
posted by
Ogre at November 16, 2006 11:48 AM
Kids eat first. *grin* Then they go play while the adults eat. We used to do it all the time at my grandma's. Of course that was 30-40 people.
posted by
Teresa at November 16, 2006 12:07 PM
What frightens me is that I know what kimchi is.
Double ack!
posted by
Roses at November 16, 2006 02:11 PM
You'll be fine. Now is it 12 *including* you guys??
Teresa's idea of feeding the kids first is a good one - or set up a "kids" table. That will help.
Do you want my recipe for Oatmeal Pie?? It's fabulous and filling - that should cover you pie wise.
To hedge your bets just make a macaroni and cheese! It goes great with everything - Kimchi too!
The house will be fine. You'll see...
posted by
Richmond at November 16, 2006 02:42 PM
I put a card table at the end of my table with a table cloth. It works for us...
Kimchi with your turkey? Sure! Have them try something NEW!
posted by
Bou at November 16, 2006 10:24 PM
DH loves kimchi, I am not a fan.
I have a very pretty salad that is great with Thanksgiving dinner.
I will find it and send it.
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 17, 2006 02:04 PM
You are sooo blessed! You have wonderful loving people to surround you this holiday. I found when my friends were alive that what mattered most was great company in a joyful atmosphere was more than we ever asked for. We learned that when one year while we celebrated in our weekend home in PA my dog bit into the turkey and took off with it in it's mouth. we couldn't get him back in the house for the rest of the day for he knew he was in trouble.
There was another time that we went out to play touch football and the turkey burned to a crisp. We had chicken, side dishes and pie and it was great. Having them to hug and hold is the most important thing and they're coming to spend time with you AND they're grateful they have a place to go AND they can get a bite to eat in the process.
All will be well!
posted by
michele at November 17, 2006 10:24 PM
Two of YOUR pies will not be enough for 12 :-)
posted by
Harvey at November 22, 2006 09:53 AM
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November 13, 2006
To one of my dearest blog-buddies, Happy Birthday.
To all of you out there in bloggy land - go wish Richmond a happy birthday.
Oh, and Rich, since I'm not there to bake you a pie, this will have to do as a gift!

*stolen shamelessly from this year's hot firemen calendar*
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I think I hurt myself when I fell outta my chair over this one.....
Do they even MAKE them like this anymore?????
Holy shit!
posted by
Tammi at November 13, 2006 10:54 AM
Wow! Now THAT'S a present. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at November 13, 2006 11:00 AM
Dang. He looks even more luscious than your pumpkin pie, Oddy! And that's sayin' something...
I wonder how he goes with whipped cream... Mmmmmmm.... ;-)
posted by
Richmond at November 13, 2006 03:02 PM
ROFLOL! You guys are funny. Yeah, he's nice to look at but for me I need something more, a lot more... YOu guys!!!!! I'm refering to level of intelligence and sense of humor. Anywho, I'll go visit Richmond and wish her a happy. Thanks for letting us know.
posted by
Michele at November 13, 2006 09:04 PM
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November 12, 2006
It has been decided!
Navy was the first to reach goal of $45,000.00. The Marines pulled out a late night charge and surpassed everyone in donations - obviously assisted by the Navy!
But, what we have all been waiting for? The results of Michelle's contest. Who will win Michelle's favors?
The tally is complete, the official vote count was entered into our supersecret computer.
And the winner is:
AIR FORCE, by a late night upset! Wow! It was Army for a long time, but it is Air Force by 1/2 a vote. 1/2 because RSM split his vote early on in the contest. Otherwise, there would have been a tie between Army and Airforce. Seriously man, you couldn't write two comments? Sheesh! Go Airforce. I always loved a man who could fly!
Now, there will be no whining. I am the official arbiter! If your guys didn't win, it is because you didn't vote early and often! Be prepared for next year . . .
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Yeah Air Force. (but then I would have said that no matter who won, although AF holds a very dear and special place in my heart). Thanks for arbitrating Oddy.
posted by
Tink at November 12, 2006 10:41 AM
A Conservative Plan for Iraq
Anyone who questions the lack of a realistic and comprehensive Iraq strategy is labeled a friend of fascism by the Republican leadership. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) recently said, “I wonder if [Democrats] are more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people.” Republicans are paralyzed with the fear of being thought ineffective on national security and the war.
Meanwhile, the Democratic leadership cannot seem to accept that—regardless of how we got there—we are in Iraq. They have not made a convincing case that an arbitrary phased or date-certain troop withdrawal is in the best long-term interest of the United States. Rather, they seem to think that withdrawal will undo the decision to have gone to war. Rubbing President Bush’s nose in Iraq’s difficulties is also a priority.
This political food fight is stifling the desperately needed public discussion about a meaningful resolution to the fire fight. Most Americans know Iraq is going badly. And they know the best path lies somewhere between “stay the course” and “get out now”.
Some Truths
1) Iraq is having a civil war between the Sunnis and Shiites. The Kurds will certainly join, if attacked. It may not look like a civil war, because they don’t have tanks, helicopters, and infantry; but they are fighting with what they have.
2) Vast oil revenues are a significant factor behind the fighting. Yes, there are religious and cultural differences—but concerns about how the oil revenue will be split among the three groups make the problem worse.
3) Most Iraqis support partitioning Iraq into Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish regions. (Their current arrangement resulted from a pen stroke during the British occupation, not some organic alignment.)
4) Most citizens of the Middle East who support groups that kill and terrorize civilians—such as Hezbollah, Hamas, or al Qaeda—in part because of their aggressive stance against Israel and the United States, but also because they provide much needed social services, such as building schools.
5) Both Republican and Democratic administrations have spent decades doing business with the tyrants who run the Middle East in exchange for oil and cheap labor. This has been the one of the rallying calls of Bin Laden and Hezbollah—that we support tyrants who abuse people for profits. In fact, our latest trade deals with Oman and Jordan actually promote child and slave labor; it’s so bad the State Department had to issue warnings about rampant child trafficking in those countries.
6) Iran is using the instability in Iraq to enhance its political stature in the region. Leaving Iraq without a government that can stand up to Iran would be very destabilizing to the region and the world.
From the U.S. perspective, this is all mostly about energy. As things stand, a serious oil supply disruption would devastate our economy, threaten our security, and jeopardize our ability to provide for our children.
New Directions
Success in Iraq and the Middle East in general requires us to work in three areas simultaneously: (1) fostering a more stable Middle East region, including Iraq, (2) pursuing alternative sources of oil, and (3) developing alternatives to oil. To these ends we must:
1) Insure that the oil revenues are fairly and transparently split among all three groups: Shiite, Sunni, and Kurds based on population.
2) Allow each group to have a much stronger role in self government by creating three virtually-autonomous regions. Forcing a united Iraq down their throats is not working. Our military would then be there in support a solution that people want, rather than one they are resisting.
3) Become a genuine force for positive change, thus denying extremist groups much of their leverage. Driving a fair two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem should be our first priority. We should also engage in projects that both help the average Middle Easterner and Americans, such as supporting schools that are an alternative to the ones that teach hate and recruit terrorists. We should also stop participating in trade deals that promote child and slave labor by insisting on deals that include livable wages and basic labor rights.
4) Declare a Marshal Plan to end our Middle Eastern energy dependency with a compromise between exploring for new sources, reducing consumption, and developing of alternative energies. For example, we should re-establish normal relations with Cuba so we can beat China to Cuba’s off-shore oil. We should also redirect existing tax breaks for Big Oil into loan guarantees for alternative energy companies.
Once we no longer need so much oil from the Middle East, we can begin winning over its people by using our oil purchases to reward positive and peaceful behavior from their leaders. This would ultimately reduce tensions and encourage prosperity in the region.
We will have to live with the threat of Islamic radical terrorism forever; but these solutions are a start to reducing the threat. Both parties have to put politics aside and put together an honest and reasonable plan that the American understand.
posted by
John Konop at November 13, 2006 07:20 PM
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November 11, 2006
A Hallowed Veterans' Day
I've been away at a conference since Thursday, but wanted to take the time to thank a veteran. In fact, I would like to thank them all.
To those that made the ultimate sacrifice, to those that sacrifice still, to those that served in the great armed forces that protect me and mine:
Happy Veterans' Day. It is because of you that we are safe.
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November 07, 2006
Have you made a donation yet?
That's right, I'm going Navy . . . I can't resist a man in uniform, but since the Marines are adequately covered, the Army's Strong and the Air Force is looking down on us, I'm going Navy.
Also, for those of you in the know, you know I've a soft spot for my Navy cousin/foster kid. He makes me proud.
So, go out there and give, anything will help. A little, a lot - anything. Valour-IT is a wonderful project to aid our men and women who have made such sacrifices on our behalfs. No matter what team you choose, know it is for a wonderful cause!
Now, get out there and donate!
And so you can see how it's going:
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Thanks for taking up challenge and being Judge, jury and executioner of all weird commenters. This should be fun and hopefully others will get in on the act.
posted by
michele at November 7, 2006 11:05 AM
Boo, Hiss!
Marine Corps!
posted by
Ogre at November 7, 2006 11:17 AM
I tried to email you from the right sidebar and it keeps bouncing back.
Welcome to the Navy tema. I have "stuff" to share.
Please email me so I can get you on the list!
Thanks for jumping in...
posted by
xformed at November 7, 2006 11:17 AM
Holy Crap! What happened?!?!?!
When I looked late last night Army was leading!!!
posted by
Tammi at November 7, 2006 11:24 AM
Well dang, the Air Force is in last.
Hiya Oddy!
posted by
Irishpixie at November 7, 2006 06:09 PM
What happened was one of the Team Navy guys kept after the contact on Powerline Blog....
And that's gonna give the entire team a boost to reach the $180K.
Hey get over to the auctions and see how much you want all the stuff!
posted by
xformed at November 7, 2006 07:31 PM
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November 06, 2006
Pie's the Word!
Ok, so you all know I was at Richmond's this past weekend. Let me tell you, what a wonderful woman.
We had been talking about this meeting for some time. Finally! I was on my way to Richmond's with Boy in tow. I alight from Midway, hop in a ride and drive the toll-polluted highways of Illinois until I arrive at my destination - Wisconsin. Land O' Cheese. *which I forgot to buy!*
I am greeted at the door by a simply lovely woman and the sweet smell of potato soup. MMMMMM. At this point I also meet Mom and Pop. Talk about fabulous parents! Richmond and her clan are so lucky to have them.
You may recall, Richmond's dad had a birthday recently and it was revealed that he loved pie - pumpkin to be exact. I made a promise that day to "so make him a pie" and so I did. Two of them.
They were yummy. They could have been even better, but I didn't time them - I sorta just cooked till it looked right! *snicker, snicker*
Anyway, I was privileged to spend the afternoon conversing with Richmond's mom and dad. I think I bragged a bit too much about myself - you know, cause I never get enough of talking about myself *groan*, cause next thing I know, the room empties. . . oh wait . . . my ego is safe for now! The room emptied because Richmond's fabulous hubby brought in steaks hot off the grill! Yummy, palate-pleasing steaks. Richmond knows how to entertain!
Where was I? Oh, Richmond's hubby is a handsome quiet man who knows his way around a grill! And her girls? The most "cutimous" girls. They really were sweet to my Boy and he, I am sure, had a secret crush on the oldest. When we left on Friday evening, he told the girls "Goodbye Ladies, I had a great day with you."
The Boy and I retired to the Best Western on Friday evening, where we donned our swimming attire and proceeded to take in the "hot pool" or the hot tub as it is more commonly referred to by civilized folk. The Boy loves him a "hot pool".
After a night of rest, we found ourselves back at Richmond's (after a quick morning swim). She was busy readying the house for guests! Blog-buddies!!! Of course the food was delectable, and she takes all the credit for that!
Soon to arrive were Daddy and his lovely bride. Though Harvey had to leave early, he made sure to grace us with his presence. I got to spend more time talking to the both of them this visit. It was so nice to see them again. And for the record, Harvey gives great hugs! Oh, and he indulged in two pieces of my pie! Ate the first right out of the tin! That Harvey, you have to watch him! *smile*
Next to arrive, albeit a little on the later side, was the always lovely - and very tall - Tammi. She was tall! Very, very tall. Her striking black knee boots added about three inches, so she was tall! I love Tammi. It was so very nice to see her and hug her again. And let me tell you, I don't buy her excuse for needing a beverage as the reason she was late! She was sooo showing off her stunning boots and cunning smile and forgot the time!
And, not to be forgotten, we got to teleblogvisit with That1Guy whose presence was missed greatly. So I did the only honorable thing and told him that it was chilly, the leaves were falling from the trees and the smell of pumpkin pie was in the air. I tell ya, I'm so "nice" sometimes it scares me! *wink*
We also visited with AW who is always a pleasure - as an added bonus I got to hear Pink Ninja's delightful laugh in the background. I also had the pleasure of speaking with Chou who was awash in 8 year old pseudo testosterone without a saving parent in sight. Though our visit was cut short by those elusive parents coming out of their cages in search for their young broods, we will converse again - soon.
Well, there you have it. The blogmeet came to a close, we spent Sunday afternoon at the park after indulging in wonderful yummies made by Richmond. And we telephoned Teresa because she too was missed! What a lovely woman. I cannot wait to meet her.
Alas, I was sad to leave. The Boy assured Richmond that he would be back "tomorrow" in fact. Because his world is filled with many tomorrows. After hugs all around we were off - much better people for having indulged in the company of these wonderful friends.
Richmond, you have a beautiful family and Awesome folks. I am proud to call you friend! You all have a place in my heart - and you feel like family. Thank you again for your hospitality!
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It was great to see you again also - and how much do I love that little boy of yours....what a sweetie.
Oh, and for the record, seriously, I got lost. It's not unusual for me.....
And damn - that Richmond can cook!!!
posted by
Tammi at November 6, 2006 11:46 AM
And I'm somehow betting that there's not one little tiny piece of pie left over.
posted by
Ogre at November 6, 2006 11:52 AM
You are welcome here any time, my friend. Hug that cutie boy for me! And I am sooooo looking forward to the next time...
posted by
Richmond at November 6, 2006 12:36 PM
I am so glad all yawl had fun!!
The menu sounded as good as the company...
I also hear Richmond's folks are about as nice as they come!!
Maybe next time.
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 6, 2006 04:10 PM
Maybe next time. It was good to talk to you even if I wasn't allowed to join the blog meet. I hope your trip home went without a hitch.
posted by
Teresa at November 6, 2006 09:52 PM
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November 04, 2006
At Richmonds!
We are at Richmonds. The Boy and me. We are having a really nice time. The company could not be any better. Richmond's family is just wonderful. Her daughters are gorgeous and her Moose and Grandy rock! I love them. I could talk with them for hours.
They probably all think I'm some wacko from PA - afterall, I have a thing for cigar indians . . . by gones . . . But hopefully we've made a good impression. The Boy certainly has. He called Richmond's girls "ladies" and thanked them for a nice day.
Oh, and before I forget!!!! I made pie. Richmond has pictures!
Now, we are just waiting for a few more bloggers to arrive . . . YAY!!
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running late as usual.
But I'm comin'. You can bet on that!!!!
posted by
Tammi at November 4, 2006 12:55 PM
i'm just a transient freak from cyber space stopping by to admire your pie prOn. tell me more...
posted by
i eat pie at November 4, 2006 01:03 PM
i am jealous!!!
have fun!!!!
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 4, 2006 03:50 PM
.. y'all play nice, now.... and enjoy the pie!..
posted by
Eric at November 5, 2006 03:08 PM
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November 02, 2006
I'm making pie!
Yep, but not in my kitchen - no. I will be invading the sacred kitchen of the Richmond! And I'm making pie!
Are you jealous? You should be . . . I don't make my pie for just anyone. *crosses fingers, hopes pie is good*
Whoo Hoo! I'm going to Richmonds!
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Lemme guess... pumpkin pie?? :)
I have the fixings... can't wait to make one!
posted by
pam at November 2, 2006 03:06 PM
Yay, pie! Save me some!!!
posted by
Ogre at November 2, 2006 03:43 PM
I am not jealous. Nope. Cause I'm gonna help eat that pie.
posted by
Tammi at November 2, 2006 05:11 PM
I am... wish I could be there *sigh* Y'all have a great time.
posted by
Teresa at November 2, 2006 07:43 PM
Yep! jelous here. :(
posted by
michele at November 3, 2006 12:49 PM
And it was (and will be again) delicious!! You're welcome in my kitchen anytime!! :-)
posted by
Richmond at November 4, 2006 09:51 AM
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