October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween to you all! In honor of this day, I am posting the below photos of the Boy in his power ranger costume, his pumpkin and his goofy daddy. We also carved the Boy's initial into the side of the pumpkin.
Have a safe and happy Halloween.

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Is that his dad in the second picture? ;)
posted by
Ogre at October 31, 2006 11:11 AM
Cuuuuuuute!!!! :) (Daddy too...)
posted by
Richmond at October 31, 2006 02:34 PM
two too cute!
posted by
caltechgirl at October 31, 2006 11:17 PM
adorable!! They did a great job on the jack o lantern!!
btw, who is the Amish looking guy?
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 1, 2006 10:06 AM
Cutest Halloween pictures EVER! :)
posted by
pam at November 2, 2006 03:08 PM
ahhh, great pics. YOu can tell you're son is sooooo excited and happy it's halloween.
posted by
michele at November 3, 2006 12:48 PM
What a cutie!!! Love the costume and what a great pumpkin.
posted by
Napster at November 4, 2006 12:07 PM
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October 30, 2006
Halloween Party Blues
As most of you know, the hubby unit is a chef by training, though he no longer works in a restaurant.
That of course didn't stop his boss-man from requesting his skills to cater a Halloween party for 140 people. How could DH say no? Major brownie points were there for the taking, afterall.
140 people, out of my kitchen. Can I tell you how tired we are? Cause I did a lot of the grunt work - I made some of the dishes - including my signature chili, and I did all of the pretty stuff, i.e. getting the tables set for food.
The menu, was interesting but I had nothing to do with it - the Boss picked it all.
Korean BBQ style-beef short ribs
Pork Spareribs - (DH signature style)
Lemon-Rosemary chicken breasts (also DH style)
Hot Dogs and fresh smoked Kielbasa
Chili (my recipe)
Macaroni and Cheese - can I tell you this was a major hit?!! And, I used Richmond's recipe so I must send major props to her!
Squash casserole - Let me stop here for a second. A request was made that the said squash casserole not be "sweet and savory" so my husband - literally made up a recipe in the kitchen. He made a bchamel-like sauce and topped with crackers and baked. Everyone raved about this damn casserole. You'd have thought he'd just invented light - seriously!
Roasted Potatoes
Broccoli salad
Spiced carrots
For the broccoli and the carrots, I hollowed out two large pumpkins and lined them with crockpot bags - and served out of the pumpkins.
Also, instead of name cards for each foodstuff, I used mini-pumpkins and I wrote the names of each dish on them.
The party was a success, we each pocketed some much needed christmas cash and I'm still dead on my feet.
How was your weekend.
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Oh, yum!
posted by
Christina at October 30, 2006 08:44 PM
Tammi made me laugh & now you made me hungry after a weekend of not eating due to flu. Wow, its great that you all worked on this together.
I love squash! (mental note: must wriggle an invite to Bo's for next year's halloween party.)
posted by
michele at October 30, 2006 11:01 PM
Hooray! Sounds fabulous. And I am so glad the mac-n-cheese worked out!!
posted by
Richmond at October 31, 2006 03:05 PM
My favorite barbecue joint is rich in ribs, chicken and brisket and the best mac n cheese I've ever had. They use a rich, sharp cheddar. It's one of those sleepers that's not served enough.
posted by
Michael Solomon at October 31, 2006 03:05 PM
What, no recipes posted? How could you? LOL. Sounds like a wonderful dinner party menu.
posted by
Tink at November 1, 2006 10:17 AM
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October 26, 2006
World's Best Wakeup
My three year old son still sleeps with me - don't leave me comments about that, I don't care . . .
So this morning, as I was snuggling waiting for the alarm to go off - my husband was out on an early morning firecall, the Boy burst out with the most delightful belly laugh. Not a giggle, a full on belly roar. He woke himself up too. I asked him what was so funny and he said "I not know, I sleep now." He promptly fell back asleep.
Folks let me tell you, there is no sound sweeter than a child's laugh. The innocence, the joy. When they are sleeping it is so much sweeter.
So, I woke with a smile and a belly laugh to start my day, how about you?

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He is adorable!!
; )
posted by
Christina at October 26, 2006 09:35 AM
all i'm going to say about that is if you sleep with a 3 year old, then sooner or later, you are going to wake up in a puddle o pee. happens. glad i'm not hogging this glamourous life all to myself.
i love your boy, he's too cute!
posted by
shoe at October 26, 2006 05:22 PM
I awoke to a face full of wet, slobbery kisses. No not Mr Weenie, the puppies. They get excited because wake-up means eating time.
Your son is such a cutie, I feel sorry for the girls already.
posted by
Quality Weenie at October 27, 2006 10:47 AM
posted by
Honza P at October 27, 2006 12:26 PM
You know, my son sometimes does that in the middle of the night & when he does I wind up laughing with him.
its great knowing they're having such fun that it carries over into their sleep.
posted by
michele at October 30, 2006 11:07 PM
There's so many mornings I wake up and want to say exactly the same thing...
posted by
Ogre at October 31, 2006 11:10 AM
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October 24, 2006
Leon Frederic
I recently bought something with which to adorn my off-white office walls.
Prints of one of my favorite art pieces - actually not one but four. It is a series of four panels entitled "The Four Seasons". The artist is Belgian Symbolist painter: Leon Frederic. The paintings are housed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art where I once stood admiring them for several hours. I no longer live in Philadelphia so I cannot indulge my absolute love for these panels.
Anyway, "The Four Seasons" depict cherubs bringing in each season. They are in order here: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. There is a fifth painting which is in the same series called "Nature" Mother Nature suckling these four cherubs. Some think his painting is amaturish or comical. This post doesn't do them justice. They are beautiful paintings. Simply beautiful.
Tell me - do you like them?

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I love them. There are precious and beautiful. Perfect to gaze into and calm down when you are feeling stressed.
posted by
Sticks at October 24, 2006 07:37 PM
What great expressions. Yes I love the paintings.
posted by
Tink at October 24, 2006 11:12 PM
They are gorgeous! It's a great investment with lots of visual and spiritual appeal.
Enjoy! I unfortunately live in cubicle city and have to look on the ugly mugs of others. Sigh!
posted by
michele at October 25, 2006 05:11 PM
Well it's no "Dogs Playing Poker" but it's good art...girly art.
posted by
Jerry at October 25, 2006 10:26 PM
I like them, they remind me of a print my mother inherited from her aunt.
posted by
caltechgirl at October 25, 2006 11:33 PM
Cool looking. Would look horrible in my house. I need country scenes.
posted by
vw bug at October 26, 2006 01:52 PM
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October 18, 2006
I got your fireman right here!
Do firemen make you swoon? Well, then do I have a picture for you . . . brace yourself ladies!
This one will make you ohhh and ahhhh!

Cute as a button he is!
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Ahhhhh. What a cutie. Please tell me he is the August beefcake? ;)
posted by
Tink at October 18, 2006 02:56 PM
I'm gonna get in trouble for downloading all these great pictures your putting up! But he's so cute - I gotta add him into the slideshow!!!
posted by
Tammi at October 18, 2006 04:05 PM
Aw man, he is just too handsome!
posted by
Sissy at October 18, 2006 07:08 PM
adorable, i love your boy. so sweet. and i spy camo in the background. thanks!
posted by
shoe at October 18, 2006 07:52 PM
That is wonderful!!!
posted by
vw bug at October 19, 2006 07:01 AM
posted by
Rave at October 19, 2006 08:05 AM
He is so absolutely adorable!
posted by
Jenna at October 19, 2006 12:39 PM
Awwwww. My favorite kind of firefighter!
posted by
caltechgirl at October 19, 2006 03:54 PM
He is precious!!
Glad you have gotten to spend time with him
posted by
Armywifetoddlermom at October 19, 2006 05:35 PM
What a cutie-pie! He has to be the recepient of many smooches!
posted by
Mrs_Who at October 19, 2006 08:31 PM
I love a man in uniform! ;)
posted by
pam at October 20, 2006 08:18 AM
... he's a handsome little fella...
posted by
Eric at October 20, 2006 02:01 PM
I hope you have this picture as a screen saver at work for the days you want to just SCREAM. He is so smoochy and yummy!
posted by
Bou at October 23, 2006 06:05 AM
What a cutie pie!!!
posted by
Richmond at October 25, 2006 02:12 PM
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October 17, 2006
What I Did With My Pumpkin
We took pictures!
It is fall here too. A little chilly but fall. That means, picture time! Here are a couple good ones.

What a cute little pumpkin!
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Oh cuuuuuuuuute!!!
posted by
Richmond at October 17, 2006 05:02 PM
Great pictures!! And what a handsome little guy starring in them! :)
posted by
pam at October 17, 2006 05:42 PM
Wonderful Pictures. I cannot WAIT to meet that little guy! (oh, and these go in the slide show!)
posted by
Tammi at October 17, 2006 06:17 PM
he is soooo cute. Glad you didn't paint his hair orange and his eyes black. ;-)
posted by
vw bug at October 17, 2006 08:23 PM
What gorgeous pictures. Look at the greens, oranges and, of course, that handsome young man.
posted by
Tink at October 18, 2006 09:19 AM
Great pictures of a heart stealer! And the fireman one too! What a wonderful smile to come home to.
BTW, hope your you're like rubberband man and can stretch back to normal after your bosses are done with you!
posted by
michele at October 19, 2006 08:20 PM
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Stretched Thin
Pretty soon I'm going to be see-through . . .
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Hang in there...
posted by
Richmond at October 17, 2006 09:52 AM
Yikes!! Don't let 'em do it! You'll be here soon - and THAT will be all about the relaxin'....
posted by
Tammi at October 17, 2006 10:08 AM
I can kinda relate...
posted by
That 1 Guy at October 17, 2006 07:09 PM
Have some pie. :)
posted by
Ogre at October 18, 2006 10:41 AM
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October 12, 2006
The Line
Ok, so last night I was standing before one of my most beloved eateries, finishing a very fun telephone convo with a friend whenout walk to nice looking men.
They were a little rough, looked as if they had enjoyed a brew or two but altogether not bad looking.
As the shorter of the two passed me he said "How you doin?"
People, it has been a long time since I got a "how you doin" and remember, I live in the woods - not Jersey.
I politely responded. Then I went inside to eat with my family, telling them of my brief, yet ego boosting encounter. Through dinner, whenever I'd say anything to the hubby - he'd say "How you doin!" Made for some interesting dinner conversation.
Anyway, I'm doing just fine. That line was well appreciated, I can assure you!
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I'll have to remember that line when I come to pick up my pie.
posted by
Ogre at October 12, 2006 02:34 PM
Hey - how you doin'?
; - )
posted by
Kate from Jersey at October 12, 2006 03:33 PM
Heck, I from Texas and that how I ask...
posted by
jerry at October 12, 2006 06:01 PM
Uhhhh.. I hear that all the time... usually out of my mouth. Wonder where I picked it up?
posted by
vw bug at October 13, 2006 07:13 AM
I HEARD it!!! It happennned!!
How you doin?
I forgot to ask how hot the guy was.....
posted by
Armywifetoddlermom at October 13, 2006 07:55 AM
OMG! This had me laughing because this line (from the character Joey in Friends) always makes me crack up when a guy uses it on me.
It also reminded me of something along these lines that happened to me in an elevator last year. The guy was 70, toothless, had a couple of strands of hair on his head and was walking with a walker. my response to his "how you doin'" was "I'm doing good, but judging from your grin you're doing better"
Old Man: Hey, any day that I wake up still alive, able to walk and can still see to check out pretty girls is a great day for me.
It's all in the perspective I guess. But yes, it is nice for the ego too.
posted by
Michele at October 13, 2006 11:18 AM
Wait? You mean guys still use lines? Really?!?!
And of COURSE he said that to you! You're a little cutie!!!!
posted by
Tammi at October 13, 2006 12:53 PM
That one little phrase has brought many an abashed grin and a soothing afterglow to many women. But also, an arching-glance from a cryptic wife when the husband says it to a very attractive woman
posted by
Edd at October 15, 2006 07:22 AM
... hey, how YOU doin'?...
posted by
Eric at October 16, 2006 10:34 AM
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Keeping a Friend In My Prayers
Whether you pray or not, can you keep a friend in your thoughts?
When you read the post, you will know why.
Though I know it is small comfort to her, the chill of the water likely caused the baby to lose consciousness upon immersion. Though it sounds dreadful, her untimely passing likely spared her a lifetime of misery and pain caused by that sorry excuse for a mother.
Michele, Heros come in all shapes and sizes. You ARE a hero. As we well know, not all heros are successful in their mission - if success is judged by lives saved. Not all heros come back themselves. You are a hero. I'm proud to call you friend.
You have done what few people would choose to do. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Heal quickly my friend, in body and spirit. Know that that sweet child knows from her perch above that you put your life on the line to save hers. Perhaps, just maybe, you have won yourself a new guardian angel this week. Clad in long blonde curls and forever smiling and laughing the way a child should.
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Your prayers must be working because I'm finally moving from sadness to anger. That woman is very lucky I don't live anywhere near the hospital because I'm so angry right now I'd probably go & throw her out of her hospital room window. sorry, those may not be hero like words but they simply reflect what I am, a human with emotions.
Thanks for the support, kind words and prayers. they have helped.
posted by
michele at October 12, 2006 06:49 PM
And Michele, I am sending good thoughts your way as well.
You were incredibly brave and quick thinkning in a horrible situation.
I pray for peace for you...
posted by
Richmond at October 12, 2006 07:41 PM
Oddy, prayer always reminds me of what Martin Luther said in his Table Talks:
None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience.
It is a great matter when in extreme need, to take hold on prayer. I know, whenever I have earnestly prayed, I have been amply heard, and have obtained more than I prayed for; God, indeed, sometimes delayed, but at last he came.
posted by
Edd at October 13, 2006 09:27 AM
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October 10, 2006
Attention Guitar Lovers!
The Boy wants a guitar. I want one that I don't have to tune every five minutes for him so that he doesn't lose interest. I want one cheap - because Santa is on a budget - get my drift? Used is ok. Free is better.
Ok, so, if any of my readers know a guy who knows a guy . . . I have a little guy who wants Santa to bring him his very own guitar.
In my mind I've got:
AF20N 1/2 or Aria AK20 1/2
Taylor Baby, I know fat chance.
But if there are suggestions better than mine . . .
Ok, I haven't actually priced, thought I'd get suggestions first, how bout it? got any?
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Guitar is good.
Much better than drums, I'm thinking.
; )
posted by
Christina at October 10, 2006 01:52 PM
What Christina said... ;)
posted by
Richmond at October 10, 2006 02:28 PM
Cool. Sorry, don't have nor no of any guitars available. I'll keep an eye in our paper.
posted by
vw bug at October 10, 2006 04:57 PM
Ill get back with you by tomorrow, Ts in his room doing homework (tonight over 3 hrs. so far). We bought him a great starter acoustic guitar and case for under $100. Even though he has his dads old Dove but we thought the new guitar was better for him to start with.
posted by
Edd at October 10, 2006 07:14 PM
... check with the pawn shops.... they'll be your best bet at getting something decent that is still playable for around a hundred bucks.... having said that though, you might want to contact Denny or Jimbo... they are more well versed than I...
posted by
Eric at October 10, 2006 07:58 PM
The only thing I know about how to play a guitar is how Pete Townshend used to "play" it at the end of a concert...
posted by
Ogre at October 11, 2006 08:46 AM
Denny and Jimbo were my first two thoughts too, now that Rob's no longer with us. I'm sure they'll have a good suggestion or two.
posted by
caltechgirl at October 11, 2006 07:25 PM
try www.lillyskids.com (of Lillian Vernon) & search for guitar. they're currently having a sale on guitars & covers for the preteen set
posted by
michele at October 12, 2006 06:58 PM
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October 09, 2006
Blame Bush!
Hear that? That is me laughing hysterically while just reading headlines for my daily news intake today.
Yep here is what I got - no links, it's my blog, I can blow you off if I wanna!
N. Korea Conducts Nuclear Test - Iran Blames U.S.
Hu and Abe Join Hands Over N. Korean Nuclear Test
N. Korea Tests Nuke - Wants Congratulations
Pa. Mom Allegedly Throws Baby at Boyfriend
Seriously, who needs to mess with these headlines? They are funny all by themselves, or maybe I'm just tired.
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posted by
Richmond at October 9, 2006 01:14 PM
No, youre not tired; I am from talking to ignorant staff members of Senators and Congressmen
posted by
Edd at October 9, 2006 04:07 PM
It's a month before election day. It's just going to get worse for a while.
posted by
Jerry at October 9, 2006 10:35 PM
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October 05, 2006
My cousin recently moved into my home to escape an overbearing and abusive boyfriend. It was through recent conversations with her that I have made some observations.
Her boyfriend would scream and yell and berate her at the slightest provocation. Nothing she did was good enough, nothing she said was right, you all know the type. The shouts were vile and vicious. He expected her to pay for everything in the relationship and as he drained her bank account, he continued to mistreat her. He treated his children as badly as he treated her, and they in turn treated her badly as well. So, she is with us for a while.
Our pool needed to be recovered last week. Afterall, it is turning fall and it is time to close it up. The cover takes two people at minimum. I was not home. So Cuz and DH and the Boy took on the task aided by the dog, cat, a random garter snake, a bevy of mice and the quad.
What my Cuz said that evening struck me. She said she didn't realize how badly she was being treated until she spent an afternoon with my husband covering the pool. The job is tedious and time consuming and awkward. The Cuz said that her bf would have shouted at her, called her names and been positively ignorant the entire time. My DH? Kind, patient, calm.
She was surprised that he never raised his voice to either her or our son, nor did he call her names or tell her she was an idiot for tripping over a chain. No, he helped her up, showed her how to finish the task and was nice-all afternoon.
To her, nice is an anomoly. To me? It is normalcy. I have been with DH for 13 years. Not once in the 13 years we have been together has he ever, never ever, once said something derogatory or mean in order to hurt me. Never has he called me names - except in jest. Never has he berated my abilities or lack thereof - except in jest. Never has he stood inches from my face screaming obsenities or vile things. NEVER. Afterall, he would have been in pain afterwards . . . byegones.
It is not his nature, nor is it my nature to accept such behavior. My Cuz, it is her nature. Her dad was that way, her bf was too. She simply took it as normal.
This is not to suggest that DH and I don't have our moments of loathing. Afterall, that is normal too. But that is out of earshot or with friends where it doesn't sting one another on the hearing. We respect one another and each other's feelings too much to be so callous. The key of course is respect.
Oh, and love. We love eachother. Life is better because DH is in it. Life is wonderful because our son is a gift to us. The Cuz? She has never felt that way or seen it up close in her 26 years.
How is it that something so normal to me can be so foreign to her? We are in the same family. My dad was the polar opposite of hers and she knew it. When we were kids, she and her brothers would come for the summer and tell my dad "we wish you were our dad". How sad. Look, I'm not trying to oversimplify this. I'm not being idealistic. I know there are undesireable people out there. I just refused to settle for that.
I tried to explain to her, for the last several years, that she shouldn't settle for familiar just because she couldn't find fantastic. This is a huge lesson!! Teach your kids this lesson - DO NOT SETTLE FOR FAMILIAR JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FIND FANTASTIC! Unless of course familiar just happens to be fantastic! .
Seriously, your heart should leap when your love touches your hand. He/She should look at you as if "you are the reason the sun rises."
I've got a very strong personality, I'd never settle for less. But, why should anyone? I don't want my son to ever settle for less. I want him to grow into a man and to meet the woman who thinks the sun rises because of him. I want his woman to feel that he thinks the sun rises because of her. I want them to have little baby stars . . . OK, you get the picture - sappy, yes - but not unrealistic.
The man I married is all of those things. In a month or so we will be married 10 years. Ten years of feeling like no matter what I look like on the outside I'm sitting on a pedestal to him. What a wonderful feeling. I hope Cuz feels that way one day too.
Here is an old pic from last year of the hubby and the Boy. If I do say so myself, big nose and all - he is a dish. *smile*

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He most certainly *is* a dish. And a very lucky guy... : )
posted by
Richmond at October 5, 2006 12:42 PM
I've seen this before, and it is SO true. People who only know one sort of life have absolutely NO CLUE how life can be. They cannot even imagine it. That's why abusive people (for the most part) stay with those who abuse -- they literally do not know there can be anything else.
Nice job, Oddy.
posted by
Ogre at October 5, 2006 06:18 PM
You nailed it. That is exactly why I get on my soap box every now and again. When you're in that dark place, there is no light-no hope. But when you leave and find peace you know - it's better to be alone than to live like that. It breaks my heart that so many people don't realize that it's possible to have someone in your life that treats you with respect and love. You just have to wait for it. And expect it. And settle for nothing less.
Well said! I'm glad your cousin left, and I'm so very glad she has you and your family to see how beautiful it really can be.
posted by
Tammi at October 5, 2006 09:08 PM
I'm sorry your cousin had to put up with that. Life's too short. Good post.
posted by
Dash at October 5, 2006 10:06 PM
'Tisn't the face, but what's behind it that counts.
His face is nice too, come to think of it. Oh, and Y'all make purty babies!
posted by
Nancy at October 6, 2006 01:53 AM
... two handsome fellers, to be sure!...
posted by
Eric at October 6, 2006 09:05 AM
You're blessed.
So's he. And so's your Cuz, 'cause now she's knows there's better out there, and she doesn't have to settle for less.
posted by
Jenna at October 6, 2006 11:25 AM
How special a post! My wife and I will celebrate 39 beautiful years together this December 29. It is a marriage of two different personalities and disagreements happen – it is how we handle those times that make the fantastic. Many years ago “if only” Jane and I could have been there for my First Cousin…
posted by
Edd at October 6, 2006 12:31 PM
I'm so glad you're able to show her such a wonderful example respect, caring and true love.
Ironically, growing up I knew there had to be more, something different and so I set out to search for positive male role models because if I didn't I knew I'd be destined to a life of misery.
I may not have anyone in my life other than my son, but I am happy and at peace. I want for nothing more.
That being said, for being such a good auntie, here's your 10 second vacation:
posted by
michele at October 6, 2006 12:51 PM
BTW, the tall one's a delectable dish, nose and all. And the little one is just hugabbly adorable. You just want to give him lots of smooches!
posted by
michele at October 6, 2006 12:53 PM
He certainly is a dish. And that story just makes him even better!
I hope your cuz learns from you and is able to turn things around.
posted by
Sissy at October 6, 2006 05:37 PM
My prayers go out to your Cuz...thank you for being there for her. I may post something later on a similar situation. I've been thinking about it for awhile...just thank you for being there for her.
posted by
Mrs_Who at October 6, 2006 07:14 PM
Your cousin is lucky to have you.
The healing has already begun.
God bless all of you.
posted by
Roses at October 8, 2006 01:34 PM
That is a wonderful story!!! And I'm glad you are smart enough to pick a great hubby (and he was smart enough to marry you!)
posted by
vw bug at October 9, 2006 06:28 AM
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October 02, 2006
Pumpkin Time!
There are memories I have of my childhood that I cherish. Trips to the beach, the zoo or the fair. Picking out Christmas Trees in the snow with my daddy. Sled riding, hay baling, swingin out over the creek on a vine.
My dad or my family factor closely into each one of these memories. I can close my eyes and see my Grandma hand me a fresh cinnamon roll or I can hear my dad singing a song he made up to make us kids laugh. I catch a glimpse of my younger self swinging through the air on the tire swing my dad hooked to a pully so we'd get more air!
So I try to make the time I spend with my baby boy memorable. He is growing so quickly that I don't know where the time has gone. We are a close family. We three snuggle on the couch together and eat popcorn or ice cream. We lay, splayed out on the floor together and read books or color. We roll down the hill on a crisp fall day, because we can.
I'm blessed to be married to a wonderful man who makes certain that life isn't monotonous. I'm blessed that he cherishes every moment with our son as much as I do.
Now, I'm not always with it on these days. I usually forget the camera to capture those special memories. But I try. Even absent pictures, I hope the Boy remembers these days fondly, like I remember my childhood. I hope he can close his eyes and smell a campfire and hear the crickets chirping. I hope he can look off into the horizon and remember flying kites with his daddy. I hope we've given him a platform from which to jump off and enjoy life with his future children.
So, this past weekend we indulged. We shopped at the penny candy store, we got a toy at Toys R Us and we went on a hay ride to fetch a pumpkin or three from the pumpkin patch. Yep, it's that time of year and I forgot my camera.
So, what you get are three hazy pictures from my camera phone. They are not the best pictures, cause, well, the sun was bright, the wind was crisp and the camera was a phone. . .
Here is my Boy and his dad (doing his best redneck impression) in the pumpkin patch. They are looking for the elusive "tiny pumpkin".

Here is the Boy who has found said "tiny pumpkin" and is elated, though in this picture he looks strangely constipated . . .

And lastly, Boy and daddy with three "tiny pumpkins" a pumpkin booty to be sure!

What do you think? Will he remember these days whilst as a three year old he trudged through mud for the perfect pumpkin? Or will he forget these times which were so magical for me?
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He'll remember.
posted by
Pam at October 2, 2006 11:58 AM
Fabulous pictures!! You are making some lovely memories for him... How could he help but remember such joyous loving days?!?
posted by
Richmond at October 2, 2006 12:12 PM
God, am I grateful for camera phones!!!!
These pictures look great and you'll see, when he's a few years older he'll say to you out of the blue: Mom, do you remember.... Gosh that was a great day!
And you'll get a lump in your throat because you'll get confirmation not only that they appreciated that day and remembered, but that you helped create that great memory. From that will be the springboard on which your grandchildren will enjoy their own childhood.
I think next weekend will be my turn for pumpkin picking.
posted by
Michele at October 2, 2006 12:16 PM
for always making everyone in your family look forward to tommorow, and remember yesterday fondly...
That is called being a gooooood Momma.
posted by
Armywifetoddlermom at October 2, 2006 12:28 PM
posted by
vw bug at October 2, 2006 12:30 PM
Those are great pics!
posted by
Jo Janoski at October 2, 2006 03:46 PM
Beautiful, in every way! :)
posted by
pam at October 2, 2006 05:12 PM
Oh, yes, wonderful memories!
posted by
Mrs_Who at October 2, 2006 10:25 PM
There's no way he'll ever forget, Oddy. He'll definitely remember.
posted by
That 1 Guy at October 5, 2006 10:03 PM
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