December 28, 2006
Christmas Recap
Well, Christmas is over. I've got to dismember my tree and put all my santa heads and snowman heads away.
I only got one 3x sweater from my mother in law. Seriously, I put it on and it fell to my waist.
I only got one inappropriate comment from the Uncle - "you think maybe you can teach the wife a good BJ technique? I keep trying to get her to do it but she won't. . ." I wonder why . . .
I got an interesting gift from the aunt - a booklet that contains a poem written by her 10 year old. The other 100 pages are from kids I never heard of, but it was cute.
I got a laptop from my mama. Yeah!!!
The husband got an air compresser, a floor jack and some jack stands, a wildlife camera to mount on a tree in the woods, and a barbeque set.
The boy got every toy imaginable.
We still have left overs. And, if I never see another cookie again, it'll be too soon.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I've a wedding and a new years' party this weekend - Fun!!
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You and I must have been VERY good cuz I got a new laptop too!!! Merry Christmas
posted by
Gigi at December 28, 2006 11:20 AM
Sounds like Christmas wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be.
posted by
Contagion at December 28, 2006 12:02 PM
WooHoo! Glad it went so well! Enjoy the new laptop.
posted by
Teresa at December 28, 2006 04:49 PM
.. I used to have an uncle like that... but after years of listening to him, I finally snapped.....
posted by
Eric at December 29, 2006 10:07 AM
That's a really bad Uncle! Whoa!!
I am going to start "Operation pack up Christmas" around here too. :(
posted by
Richmond at December 29, 2006 12:32 PM
posted by
vw bug at December 31, 2006 10:12 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
posted by
sticks at January 1, 2007 12:13 PM
Hope you have a Merry New Year, Oddy!
posted by
That 1 Guy at January 1, 2007 07:53 PM
Happy New Year!
posted by
Rave at January 2, 2007 01:38 AM
You should have explained your BJ technique:
"First, you'll need an air compresser, a floor jack and some jack stands, a wildlife camera to mount on a tree in the woods, and a barbeque set..."
posted by
Harvey at January 3, 2007 06:02 AM
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December 26, 2006
The Bestest Present Ever
Of all the toys expensive and not, and the clothes and cookies abundant, the favorite toy of the season?
This $9.99 doggy and blanket that my Grandma got my son at Kohl's. He named it Shoebee and has talked to it constantly since yesterday morning.
There is something wonderful about watching the joy from a child on Christmas morning. This small item brought him joy. I only wish I'd known before I spent all that other money . . .

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LOL - you never know what they're going to suddenly love. What's even funnier is when you buy some great present and they like the box better than the present itself. *grin*
Sounds like he had a terrific Christmas.
posted by
Teresa at December 26, 2006 12:38 PM
There's a strong message here for this Grampa.
posted by
Mickysolo at December 26, 2006 01:13 PM
Heh. Looks like he got a cool scooter to take Shoebee for rides on too! :-)
posted by
Richmond at December 26, 2006 03:45 PM
Remember when we played with rocks, sticks and tin cans for christmas?
posted by
Catfish at December 26, 2006 11:00 PM
he is adorable!!
I noted the collective enjoyed the 50 cent teeny slinkys I got them....
oh and the $3.00 harmonica's...
one never knows what sort of inexpensive novelty will prove to be entertaining
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at December 27, 2006 06:50 PM
As long as the dog doesn't start talking back to him, you're probably ok.
Meanwhile, I got enough coal to keep Detroit in electricity for the next 100 years... stupid Santa and his nosy list-making...
posted by
Harvey at December 27, 2006 11:29 PM
That is wonderful!!! Mine still love the boxes. Sigh.
posted by
vw bug at December 30, 2006 09:39 PM
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December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
This is my guys on Christmas morning. They are angry with me because I'm telling them to wait to open presents till after pictures. I didn't get a very good picture as you can see!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!

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Merry Christmas Oddy. Very cute picture. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at December 25, 2006 02:28 PM
Merry Christmas to you and your guys! :)
posted by
pam at December 25, 2006 04:00 PM
Merry Christmas to a wonderful let them open their presents!
posted by
Mrs_Who at December 25, 2006 08:33 PM
Merry Christmas! Do we get an after picture with everyone all cheery over what they got?!
posted by
Bou at December 25, 2006 09:28 PM
Merry Christmas!!
posted by
Christina at December 26, 2006 09:09 AM
That'll learn ya!
Merry Christmas!
posted by
Ogre at December 26, 2006 09:52 AM
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December 22, 2006
Christmas Presents - UPDATED
To indulge Roses request for more bad Christmas stories I will tell of last Christmas.
Every year we have a traditional Slovak Christmas Eve dinner with my husband's family (A post all its own I assure you). Every year, we get gifts from them though I still am uncertain why.
Last year was the humdinger of all years as far as gifts go. We got scarves.
Now, I like me a good scarf. But, these were homemade scarves. You know the kind that are made of the fleece fabric and then knotted? Yeah - these were not those.
These scarves were about three feet long and were cut out of the fleece fabric. That is all. THAT IS ALL!! Seriously, the cheapest present I ever got. Someone took a bolt of fabric and said "this would make nice scarves" and then proceeded to simply cut the fabric into the shape of a scarf and then hand them out at Christmas! They didn't even cut them evenly, no! you could see the unsteady hand of the scissors as they cut out each scarf. They didn't even wrap them!
I'm sorry, but I wouldn't even put that on my dog. Now, I realize that it is the "gift" that counts. And while I would normally agree - not in this case. I'm thinking that they thought they had an obligation to gift something to us and so presented us with these long pieces of fabric. I would have fixed them - sewn them together, or knotted them, but she gave us all a different color.
I'm usually not so cynical about Christmas gifts, but really - if my 3 year old gave this to me I would be elated, cause a three year old would think that cutting a piece of fabric into a scarf is a masterpiece and it is - from a three year old.
We received these gifts from a 47 year old woman!
As for the mil - I've gotten size 3X sweaters (too big); size xs sweaters (too small), I've gotten electric pink purses, I've gotten plastic inflatable balls which you can put pictures in and then kick around, I've gotten socks, I've gotten books on how to improve my life (I like mine very much thanks) and I've even gotten underwear - not in my size, style or color.
I love the woman, but I'm difficult to buy for. I know it. I prefer if no one buy me gifts because it is unnecessary. I do appreciate the thought. I really do. But I have a box in the basement of gifts given to me by my husband's family that I either cannot or will not use. The box is full folks! Full. I can't throw any away for fear she will ask - as she always does - "where is such and such that I gave you?" She likes her gifts to be acknowledged over and over and over and over and over . . .
We got the MIL a Dyson this year for Mother's Day and Christmas all rolled together. So it isn't as if we mistreat her. There is no cause for alarm with this post - trust me. It is simply that I am difficult to buy for - at least where they are concerned.
Now, they know what I like (snowman heads and snowbabies) and how I decorate, dress and even the movies and music I listen to on a daily basis. But, that knowledge doesn't translate into gifts.
Oh, but back to the dinner - gifts are usually accompanied by something inappropriate from my Husband's uncle. Like for instance when we were dating I was asked if I needed knee-pads for Christmas *wink, wink* because the [one day husband] was looking pretty happy and content lately and I "must be getting in a lot of knee-time."
Then there was the time that my mil bought the underwear and the uncle said "I'd ask you to model that but they aren't sexy enough. Go throw on a negligee and come on out." ----folks, I used to be cute . . . ----
Oh, but then there was the time when he had a running conversation with himself about whether I liked it on the top, bottom or from behind . . . while extolling the virtues of each position and offering to show them to me if I'd like.
Then there was the year I was pregnant with my son and he said - at the dinner table - "she is obviously accustomed to being on her back, now it is time for her to get in the kitchen!"
UPDATED: I almost forgot! My husband's other uncle is a quadraplegic with limited use of his hands though no range of motion. He drinks everything out of a sippy cup. Two years ago, when my son was 1 1/2. The shock-uncle thought it would be cute to put beer in quad-uncle's sippy cup. He put a whole beer in a christmas cup. My son drank said beer. ALL OF IT! No one knew cause - who would have done such a thing. The baby was drunk. Seriously drunk. Slurring his small words, walking funny, falling down. The shock-uncle laughed and explained what had happened. I wanted to run his ass down with a car. No such luck. We don't let the Boy near shock-uncle for fear of a reinactment.
So, trust me!!! I can overlook the bad gifts, cause I've got the bad uncle to look forward to every year! UGH!
Christmas Eve is two days away - how fun.
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Umm... if you get a package from me, I guess you should just mark it "Return to Sender" then... ;)
posted by
Ogre at December 22, 2006 09:35 AM
I'm with you.
For the most part, it's the thought that counts with gifts, but some gifts are just downright awful and more of an insult than a gift. The "scarf" is more of the insult type of gift. And, as I told my kids over the years... no matter the gift you can only say "thank you" and leave it at that. (although that might actually gall the giver who expected a tantrum - *grin*)
As for the uncle... too bad he doesn't get attention anywhere else and has to try to shock everyone with his comments. It must kill him to be ignored. LOL.
posted by
Teresa at December 22, 2006 11:00 AM
My hubby is difficult to buy for... I just tell everyone to get him a gift card. It's easier for everyone involved.
posted by
vw bug at December 22, 2006 12:31 PM
Oh, thank you!
That was very nice!
I *did* hear some helpful advice this week about receiving awful gifts:
Say thank you to the giver, and make sure said gift is proudly displayed the next two or three times that person visits you (you can hide it in a closet in the meantime)...
But after that, you may get rid of it.
And if the giver asks, you may inform him/her that the thing had an "unfortunate accident" and had to remove it.
posted by
Roses at December 23, 2006 12:08 PM
I so could be the shock uncle. If it wasn't for my wife beating a level of tact into me, I would be.
posted by
Contagion at December 23, 2006 01:56 PM
Oh good grief!!
I am feeling so good about our Christmas traditions right now though....
Merry Christmas! :-)
posted by
Richmond at December 25, 2006 09:16 AM
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December 21, 2006
Christmas Meme!
I've been tagged, but this here meme thingy by Richmond. So here goes:
Christmas Meme
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both! Usually bags for those hard to wrap shapes and since I love fun paper and ribbons and stuff, wrapping for all the rest.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial. I hate walking across the floor in my bare feet only to have a pine needle jammed between my toes!
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? Generally the first weekend in January.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, actually, I do.
6. Favorite gift you received as a child? I have no idea, but I'm guessing it was my stereo.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. We got it as a gift when we got married. It is very nice, and all of the pieces are attached so they cannot get lost.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Everyone would say me.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My nephew and my son.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail. Please, email is cheap.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Anything my mother-in-law gives me. She's sweet but has no idea what to buy me.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? It is a toss up between A Smoky Mountain Christmas with Dolly Parton and White Christmas.
13. When do you start shopping? The day after Christmas and all through the year. I usually have all of my big shopping done by October. But then I pick up odds and ends in December like everyone else. I have a Christmas Closet that is always full.
14.Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Ummmm, next question.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Kolachi rolls. Not the cookies, the nut or apricot rolls. MMMMMM.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored inside, white outside.
17.Favorite Christmas song? Leroy the Redneck Reindeer.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We used to travel home, now we are home.
19. Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer? Yes, but they always leave out Leroy.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Right now, a star.
21. Open the presents on Christmas eve or morning? Christmas Morning - after a big hearty breakfast.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? People.
23. Do you have Jebus in your heart this Christmas? Jebus is a dear friend, who brought warmth north with him for Christmas. *wink*
24. What would you like for Christmas? An in-house counsel position near Pittsburgh, or near enough that I don't have more than an 1 1/2 hour commute. Please! Anyone? Buehler?
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I HOPE YOU GET A LITTLE SPECIAL SOMETHING, SOMETHING IN YOUR STOCKINGS! No seriously, I've been told that stockings are enjoyable - fishnet are preferable, but the DH likes the ones with the seam up the back of the leg . . . . . *snicker*
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Oh! Please please please expand on #11!
I'd love to read about some of the things you got!
posted by
Roses at December 21, 2006 09:59 AM
I hope you get your Christmas wish!
posted by
Teresa at December 21, 2006 11:08 AM
Oh wow, after reading the answer to #11, you are one brave cookie, lol. MIL bet you really love her tho!
posted by
Gigi at December 21, 2006 04:30 PM
Smoky Mountain Christmas? Are you making that up?
posted by
Contagion at December 23, 2006 01:50 PM
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December 20, 2006
Dirty Trick!
So, a certain someone got a gift from me but won't open it till Christmas! The suspense! I'm terrible at giving gifts cause I always want people to open them right away. This certain someone (she knows who she is) is all about tradition. Pooh! *smile*
When I get gifts I can't wait to open them. Afterall, it doesn't happen that I get surprises that often so I like to indulge.
So, how about you? Do you wait till Christmas or do you tear into those gifts as soon as you get them?
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Heh. I wait until Christmas Day... ;-)
posted by
Richmond at December 20, 2006 02:33 PM
I'm terrible about giving gifts. I can't keep the secret. So, chances are you will know what you're receiving, because I'm too excited to keep it to myself.
posted by
wRitErsbLock at December 20, 2006 04:01 PM
Heh, considering most of the gifts I've received in my life... waiting until Christmas is not a hardship ;-)
posted by
Teresa at December 20, 2006 06:56 PM
What's wrong with waiting to open a gift?
posted by
Contagion at December 20, 2006 06:59 PM
I agree! I want them to open it right away!
posted by
Sissy at December 20, 2006 07:30 PM
Ehem, not to rat out my friends or anything, but...
Richmond is lying! She's reading one of her presents right NOW!
Unless she's like me and makes exceptions for gifts received ahead of Christmas that are presented in person and the giver won't be around to see you open it on Christmas Day.
THEN it's okay to open early... in person.
posted by
Roses at December 21, 2006 10:04 AM
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December 19, 2006
The Christmas Letter
I had a discussion with a friend last night about the infamous "Christmas Letter". I explained to her that I don't write them. The number one reason I don't write them is this: If you are on my Christmas card list - I love you and you and I speak enough or you know enough about me that you know some of what is happening in my life. So, no need for the Christmas Letter.
Besides I find some Christmas Letters to be outstandingly pretentious or so sad and depressing that I'd like to put my head in the oven after reading them. But, because I'm such a cynical gal, here is the sad and depressing yet slightly pretentious letter I'd send if I sent such things . . .
Dear Family and Friends,
2006 has been a year of changes. Not all of them good ones. My firm was bought by a larger firm, so we wait on the edges of our seats to find out if we still have jobs at the end of the year. On the plus side, I'm working 60-70 hour weeks . . . wait . . . that was the plus side?
The hubby got his raise and a sizable bonus for the year! Of course, we used the bonus to pay off some of the bills that have been quietly nipping at our heels. Then again, with Christmas a blink away, we've replaced those old bills with new ones . . . to ever get ahead *sigh*
The Boy is doing wonderfully. He took me Christmas shopping and declared that he absolutely must buy his daddy a spatula - cause Spongebob had his own - so too should daddy. Later he told me I should get a new purse for Christmas - cause mine "sucks and should be thrown in the trash." My they grow up fast. He and I made sugar cookies on Saturday and had a very nice time! He has become so independent I sometimes wonder where I fit into his life, then out of the blue he'll shout - "Mama! Let's watch tv and snuggle!" I love him.
On the rest o' the family front - my sister has disowned us because my parents finally saw the light and cut her off financially. So, to punish us, she has stated that we are not allowed to see my nephew. The ex-husband of hers disagrees and I have the nephew now and then. We have our fingers crossed that we get him for Christmas. My parents, to punish her, throw "the money they would have spent on her" at complete strangers . . . somehow I'm not seeing the point.
I bought myself a new quad (more bills). I couldn't resist. It was a good deal too. Of course, I bailed off it going down a mighty steep hill and my knee still isn't 100%. Byegones.
The cousin is staying with us for a time, but I think she plans on returning to her old life shortly. She is bored with country life. I can only do so much.
I have a sister in law who doesn't know who Napoleon is. Her question to me? Head cocked to one side, was, "is that like the ice cream?" Heh.
Oh, and one last thing - yesterday my computer crashed at work. Total blow-up. I lost three years of stuff you aren't supposed to put on work computers!
Sorry if I've bored you with the happenings in my life, but Merry Christmas!
Much love, Oddy.
See what I mean? No one wants to get a Christmas Letter from me, trust me. Hell, I threw up a little in my mouth just writing it! *snicker*
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you get everything you want, and if that isn't in the cards - I hope you've family that loves you - holding your hand!
Show Comments »
Great Christmas letter!
posted by
Kurt at December 19, 2006 09:04 AM
Oddy, thaqt was funny..
I do not do a "letter" either...for the same reasons as you..
last night I opened one sent by a relative, in which I was informed she reads my blog, and she finds me "earthy"...
wtf is that..
oh and get yourself a new purse.
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at December 19, 2006 09:11 AM
I don't write them, and I don't even like to get them. And no, it's not because I hate people (even though I do), it's because when you get one of those addressed to "Family and Friends" it seems way too impersonal to me. And no, it doesn't count if they figured out how to use mail merge to put my name up there, either.
posted by
Ogre at December 19, 2006 10:25 AM
"like the ice cream?"
ROFLMAO - that's great.
posted by
Teresa at December 19, 2006 11:18 AM
I do a Christmas letter, but keep it short, sweet and on the cherry side ...
well expect this years letter went something like this ...
Had a job, quit to take a new job, got layed off from that job, 2 months unemployed, got new job, got layed off from that job, more unemployment .. end of year...
posted by
Quality Weenie at December 19, 2006 12:22 PM
LOL! As for the purse, my daughter said she wanted to get me a new coat for Christmas because I look like a homeless person. Hey, I LIKE my coat. It's comfortable, clean, and in good repair. It's three years old so it's not even way out of style.
As for the letter. Me neither. I'm not a writer. Just ask my mother. In my entire life I have only sent her two letters. I'm such a putz. I figure that the old saying about "It is better to be THOUGHT an idiot, than to open your mouth and PROVE it." was written for me. So no Christmas Letter for me either.
Happy Holidays
posted by
Lemon Stand at December 19, 2006 12:59 PM
No letters here, either. If we did, they'd all go out to our attorneys, 'cause the only notable news has been on the many lawsuits we have been juggling due to our ex-es and greedy bastards who sued us for a traffic accident caused by someone else (who was not as well-insured as we were - hence the motivation for that one. "Dismissed." Yeah!)
Hmmm... That's seven attorneys in two states for three legal matters. One of them is using our legal fees to send his daughter to College in Australia. *I've* never been to Australia, dammit!
posted by
Bitterroot at December 19, 2006 03:16 PM
*Ahem* (Mrs. Who is laughing at me right now...)
Oddy: No room for head-hanging - on your part anyway... Hope you didn't take offense - I certainly apologize if that's how I came-off. ALL of the rage is aimed where it belongs - the idiot parties involved - NOT their counsel!
(Although I'd still like to have seen Austrailia before my money did!)
*sheepish grin*
posted by
Bitterroot at December 19, 2006 05:55 PM
Hey, I'd like a letter with more stories about that sister-in-law.
posted by
Roses at December 19, 2006 08:59 PM
I like getting the letters because there are some friends I literally do not see for years. Do I send them? Naa... that requires work. Though I must say yours made me laugh and most don't do that. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday time. Send me some cookies ok????
posted by
vw bug at December 20, 2006 09:24 AM
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December 13, 2006
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

Have you been naughty or nice?
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I've been nicely naughty, so even if Santa doesn't bring me anything, I'm sure my husband will. ;)
posted by
Jenna at December 13, 2006 12:46 PM
Uh... yes! ;-)
posted by
Richmond at December 13, 2006 02:11 PM
Very cute.
posted by
vw bug at December 13, 2006 05:32 PM
... I am not getting anything for Christmas... Santa doesn't like me...
posted by
Eric at December 14, 2006 03:24 PM
I'm afraid there's a lump o' coal in my stocking this year.
The boy looks very happy on Santa's lap. How fun.
posted by
Jerry at December 14, 2006 06:44 PM
I've been oh so very naughty... I deserve a spanking!
posted by
Contagion at December 14, 2006 07:15 PM
What a great picture! My youngest still can't wait to see Santa. Oh how I will miss this part of our kid's childhood.
posted by
Lemon Stand at December 14, 2006 08:30 PM
Your little one is so precious...and even if he has been a little bit naughty, he's too cute not to give him everything he wants!!
posted by
Mrs_Who at December 14, 2006 11:00 PM
We've all been naughty in this house. Sheesh. Naughtiness rules in the House of Bou!
posted by
Bou at December 15, 2006 07:33 AM
he is adorable...
and Christmas at Cabelas, my DH would think he died and went to heaven...
does that mean I am married to a redneck?
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at December 15, 2006 09:26 AM
Let me put it this way... we're replacing our natural gas furnace with a coal-burning one :-)
posted by
Harvey at December 20, 2006 10:06 AM
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December 11, 2006
Weekend fun
This weekend, we took some much needed family time. We went bowling, we made a ginger bread house. We shopped for daddy's christmas present - which is "his bery own spatula, like Spongebob has!" and we even got in some Christmas movies.
I made a real dinner last night - and because the boy has completely memorized the entire "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" book we had:
Who-Roast Beast (beef)
Who-Pudding (vanilla)
Who-Bread (italian)
Who-Hash (potatos)
and gingerbread men cookies - cause the boy likes to bite their heads off.
How was your weekend??

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What an awesome (who) weekend.
; )
posted by
Christina at December 11, 2006 11:20 AM
that sounds like so much fun! And the gingerbread house is adorable.
posted by
caltechgirl at December 11, 2006 01:26 PM
Sounds like it was a terrific weekend for you all. Love the gingerbread house. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at December 11, 2006 01:46 PM
I love the bowling photo. We have a 'premade' Gingerbread house that needs to be put together. I'm excited. I'm hoping to do it next week when they are both out of preschool.
posted by
vw bug at December 11, 2006 03:06 PM
What a nice gingerbread house! It looks very yummy!
posted by
Napster at December 11, 2006 03:12 PM
Quick! Eat the house before it goes bad!
Need help? ;)
posted by
Ogre at December 11, 2006 03:26 PM
How cute, a who dinner:) Nice gingerbread house too! I made those last Wed. with my scout den. They had a lot of fun making and eating them!
posted by
maranda rites at December 11, 2006 04:09 PM
That is AWESOME!! We didn't have nearly that much fun...
posted by
Richmond at December 11, 2006 06:22 PM
Funny! In our house, we never eat roast beef. It's always referred to as "roast beast". :)
posted by
Roses at December 11, 2006 10:19 PM
*picks candy off gingerbread house*
mmmm... candy :-)
posted by
Harvey at December 13, 2006 05:11 AM
That little boy needs me to scoop him up and smooch his cheeks! He is so yummy!!
posted by
Bou at December 15, 2006 07:31 AM
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December 08, 2006
Christmas In Oddyboboland
So, the tree is up and the house is clean(er) and presents are bought. Almost ready . . .
Here are some pictures of the Boy helping with my tree. He is showing off his favorite power ranger ornament. And before anyone says anything . . . yes, I have an addiction to snowman and santa head ornaments!

The puffy eyes are because he was still a little sick.
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its beginning to look a lot like /christmas!!
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at December 8, 2006 09:51 AM
I'd be more worried if you had Santa's butt hanging up there. :)
posted by
Roses at December 8, 2006 09:54 AM
Very nice. Looks like you're on top of the Christmas thing. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at December 8, 2006 11:42 AM
I bet it will be a white Christmas, too!
; )
posted by
Christina at December 8, 2006 12:23 PM
Lovely... Just lovely... :-)
posted by
Richmond at December 8, 2006 03:27 PM
We're getting ready to do that here in the Contagion Household... My all that is alcohol protect me and give me strength.
posted by
Contagion at December 8, 2006 08:09 PM
beautiful, bobo. sweet boy. glad he's feeling better
posted by
shoe at December 9, 2006 10:17 AM
Good looking young man you have there!!! I am so far behind on Christmas prep that I quit worrying about it. The Pixie is getting all my attention.
posted by
Gigi at December 9, 2006 12:20 PM
wonderful. looks great!
posted by
vw bug at December 9, 2006 01:13 PM
Our tree goes up tomorrow! I love your tree. Santa heads and snowmen. Very very cool. and every tree has to have a Power Ranger thrown in for good measure!
posted by
Bou at December 9, 2006 10:36 PM
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December 07, 2006
Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
I remember. Do you?

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I wasn't born yet, but yes. I remember the heroic men and women of Pearl Harbor every year...
posted by
pam at December 7, 2006 09:22 AM
Yup. Rememberance is a good thing.
posted by
Richmond at December 7, 2006 12:53 PM
I remember, but I don't like to think about how many people don't.
posted by
Jim - PRS at December 7, 2006 07:05 PM
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December 05, 2006
Blast of Cold
Folks, it is cold here. That is all.
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We are freezing our collective patootie off here too... Brrrrr!
posted by
Richmond at December 5, 2006 01:21 PM
Richmond, I wouldn't be complainin' if the "patootie" was actually freezing OFF. It's just still numb from the leather seats driving in this morning. (and before anyone asks, yes, I was wearin' pants-for cryin' out loud....)
posted by
Tammi at December 5, 2006 01:36 PM
It ain't exactly summer in Atlanta either. Under and over shirt, sweatshirt, jacket and hat -- and I'm still freezing.
posted by
Mickysolo at December 5, 2006 03:49 PM
I know you folks always make fun of us people from the south during winter, but it is freakin cold here and we just aren't used to it. This morning it was in the high 20's......brrrrrrrr! I couldn't imagine being in PA!
posted by
Napster at December 5, 2006 05:22 PM
78 here today. **snicker**
posted by
vw bug at December 5, 2006 05:53 PM
*throws snowball at VW*
posted by
Harvey at December 5, 2006 11:48 PM
I'm too cold to throw a snowball this morning. (Besides the fact that we don't have enough snow!) It is in the teens....
posted by
Lemon Stand at December 6, 2006 09:41 AM
It's freaking cold! Did we even get a fall?
Good thing I'm going to Arizona this weekend!
posted by
Sissy at December 7, 2006 09:41 AM
It did look mighty cold up there during the game last night. It was 23 when I woke up this morning.
posted by
2 Dogs at December 8, 2006 09:51 AM
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December 01, 2006
What a surprise!
Thank you all for the anniversary good wishes! And the nice compliments.
So, the husband, who is never romantic and doesn't buy me gifts - bought me a diamond necklace for our 10th anniversary yesterday! And the card was extra sweet. I kinda felt bad when I gave him a roll of aluminum foil!
What??? It's the aluminum/tin anniversary! How was I to know he was going to go all mushy on me?
When I saw the gift and started to open it, my son started to cry. I asked him why he was crying and he said "Mommy, I feel soooo bad!, I didn't get you a present, I'm sorry!" What a cutie!
Then comes the bad part. The Boy - has hand, foot and mouth. It is a virus kids in daycare get. Cept, he isn't in daycare. Uggh! Fever last night 102. Uggh!
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Three wonderful men in your life (husband, son, father), who lucky can a girl get??
You deserve them and it (the necklace)!!
; )
posted by
Christina at December 1, 2006 09:55 AM
Ooooohhhh Diamonds! Niiiiice... :-)
And sorry about the Boy - I hope that this passes QUICKLY!
posted by
Richmond at December 1, 2006 04:54 PM
Sorry about the boy but what a wonderful surprise. Made me smile!!!
posted by
vw bug at December 2, 2006 10:12 AM
Oh poor baby, I sure hope he is feeling better soon. And if it makes you feel any better about the gift, I wished Pan a happy birthday this morning and apologized for forgetting his birthday, yet again, when I realized that his birthday isn't until Monday. Duh.
posted by
Tink at December 2, 2006 12:27 PM
Wow. (except for your little guy, poor babe!)
Happy Anniversary!
posted by
caltechgirl at December 2, 2006 09:14 PM
Yes, Jewelry, the gift that gets us out of trouble. Especially when the wife gives you aluminum foil for your anniversary. :)
posted by
Contagion at December 4, 2006 02:27 PM
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