Today is my Grandma's 84th Birthday.
She has been my champion and my friend my entire life. When no one - not my parents, my peers or my teachers understood me - she was there. She didn't pretend to understand me, she just loved me and she'd bake that extra special spice cake that I loved, just for me.
When my son was born it was as if she got a second life. She was young again. She is his favorite grandma. They are fast friends.
My gram is 84. . . . today. And yesterday she was admitted to the hospital with acute abdominal pains. She is 84 and when you are 84 and admitted to the hospital, no matter how healthy you were, you change. They don't know what is wrong but she hasn't had anything to eat or drink in about 4 days. It is likely a bowel obstruction or a bowel disease. . . . today is her birthday.
I've already thrown my weight around at the hospital as they've not kept her informed. They have no idea who they are dealing with. I know exactly how and when to throw around my weight ;)
So, think good thoughts. I love you Gramma. Happy Birthday.
Here she is with the Boy.

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Sending good thoughts to Gram.
God bless her!
Hugs to you, too!
posted by
Christina at April 27, 2009 09:29 AM
Praying for your Gram! She's so beautiful, Oddy! I hope it's just a blockage and they can clear it so she can get the heck outta there!!
posted by
Pam at April 27, 2009 09:33 AM
Happy Birthday Oddys Grandma!
Sending prayers for a swift recovery!
posted by
Quality Weenie at April 27, 2009 10:32 AM
Happy Birthday Oddy's Grandma!
Sending prayers for a swift recovery
posted by
Quality Weenie at April 27, 2009 10:33 AM
Sending prayers and good wishes that they can find out what is going on and get her on the mend again. Hugs to you both.
posted by
Teresa at April 27, 2009 10:52 AM
I am sending prayers and well wishes too! {{hugs}}
posted by
Richmond at April 27, 2009 12:58 PM
All praise and glory are yours, Lord our God.
For you have called us to serve you and one another in love.
Bless our sick today so that they may bear their illness in union with Jesus' sufferings and restore them quickly to health.
Bless those who have grown old in your service
and give them courage and strength in their faith.
Lead us all to eternal glory.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
posted by
Mrs. Who at April 27, 2009 05:06 PM
Tried to comment all day yesterday, sorry I'm late, hope all is ok with gramma and that today will be a better day. hugs & prayers.
posted by
patti at April 28, 2009 06:28 AM
Happy Birthday and healing wishes to your Grandmother and Little Man's bestest buddy. I hope they come up with some good information very soon and that you continue to be her advocate. They may not know who they're dealing with, but they will very soon.
Prayers said.
posted by
Lee Ann at April 28, 2009 07:28 AM
I echo what everyone else has said. If she has your fighting spirit, no doubt she'll be fine. God help the person you have to give a hospital smackdown to. You should give them your URL to some of your pissed off sounding posts, and let it serve as a warning that you'll dish 'em a little bit 'o dat if they f**k with the wrong person. Just saying, that's what I would do. Get better, Gramma!
posted by
Erica at April 29, 2009 01:36 AM
JE5vvX umtbnofxxbrw, [url=]ayiximuwcxho[/url], [link=]abubefeixnsc[/link],
posted by
frwcyzftfk at April 30, 2009 04:24 AM
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Meet Remington!
This is my new baby. He is 9 months old and 87.2 pounds. He is a lover. 1/2 St. Bernard and 1/2 lab - all lap dog. He is mess here. I've got to get better pictures.
But, you can see how big he is.

Show Comments »
Congratulations! He's so handsome!!! And BIG. :-D
posted by
Pam at April 20, 2009 12:48 PM
Cute... both of them. ;-)
posted by
vw bug at April 20, 2009 01:21 PM
Good gawd, how big of a lap do you have to have to hold that one??? *L*
posted by
Michele at April 20, 2009 04:10 PM
He's beautiful.
I also have a Remington. He is 1/2 choc lab and 1/2 Weimeremer. He also was 85 lbs at 10 months. He weighs 110 now and is 8 years old. The best dog I have ever had.
The boy will have a new best friend.
posted by
sticks at April 20, 2009 04:29 PM
Awwwwww.... what a smoochy boy!! Both of 'em!
posted by
Richmond at April 20, 2009 04:47 PM
Get that critter a saddle!
posted by
Peter at April 20, 2009 05:09 PM
Holy crap, he's bigger than your kid. I can just see your kid getting dragged all over the yard.
posted by
diamond dave at April 20, 2009 06:10 PM
Looks like a great dog! Got a stall shovel?
posted by
JihadGene at April 20, 2009 11:06 PM
now that is a real dog! no short legged bunny butt there :)
we've got a pony sized western saddle we're not using if you need it, heeheehee
posted by
patti at April 21, 2009 10:32 AM
He's adorable. I just want to reach through the picture and tug on his ears and scritch him!
And the boy is pretty good too :-)
posted by
caltechgirl at April 21, 2009 02:31 PM
Just look at that face on that puppy! OMG! How can anyone not love that dog. Awwww!
posted by
Joan of Argghh! at April 21, 2009 07:25 PM
rFnO54 hjpjyzoflpjp, [url=]jpixfcmptebr[/url], [link=]ogxqerajqywg[/link],
posted by
mkmgexfdxv at April 22, 2009 04:29 PM
Good job, bro 16729, pictures, fboo, pantyhose, 381, porn, 915, amature, 682, beautiful, 748993, mpg, iguea,
posted by
Duxixayu at April 23, 2009 04:12 AM
Ok, I'm taking 120 pounds in the "how big will he get" pool.
posted by
Harvey at April 24, 2009 04:23 PM
In this time of uncertainty,there is hope for those who still have jobs and those who have lost them. I am referring to Day Trading software capable of generating huge profits.
For those who have the savvy to utilize this as an alternative to working for a living, will find Day Trading very lucrative. If you are interested in researching Day Trading I will post this link for you.
Day Trading Robot
posted by
meatfat at April 24, 2009 07:31 PM
How adorable!
posted by
Quality Weenie at April 27, 2009 10:35 AM
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Ching Chong . . .
OK. . . so, have you heard about Texas Representative Betty Brown who said that Asian-American's should change their names so that they were "easier for Americans to deal with"? I'm guessing so that they were easier to pronounce?
She later apologized - but I think she misses the point. Asians - and fuck off! I am one . . . - Asians are all too ready to cow-tow to what a White American asks them to do. Seriously.
You want call me Mista Kim? That ok . . . but my name is Mrs. Choi. . . .pronounced Chae. We take it on the chin cause . . . well that's what our mothers teach us. "Be humble, be quiet, be subservient." "listen, don't speak up." Please.
Obviously, something got lost in the translation with me. . . I blame it on my white parent *snicker.*
But a representative suggesting that Asians should change their names because American's can't pronounce them? Seriously? Has anyone told Shaniquaniqua that she should change her name cause I can't pronounce . . . or let's face it . . . spell it? And don't even get me started on my mama . . . she can't pronounce those names - plus . . . seriously . . . she calls Uzi's "woozies" so pronounciation isn't her strong suite. No one has told Uniquashantiskazi that she should change her name - No. Cause she's black. Yep! I said it.
My mama changed her name when she became a U.S. citizen for two reasons - everyone either mispronounced her name or they called her Kim - her family name. Oh, and then there were those that just called her Kim because they think everyone from Korea is named Kim. So, she changed her name to . .. wait for it! . . . Kim.
Easier no? So, I have this to say to Ms. Betty Brown. . . it is easy to stand on a stool and preach prejudice while blinking innocently and claiming misunderstanding. . . especially with a white-bread name like Betty Brown. Oh, and sweetheart - a little less make-up does wonders . . .Wouldn't you like to have nice skin like us Asians, Ms. Brown? Trust me . . . a little goes a long way . . . Have a nice day, and don't choke on that eggroll I'm sure you'll eat for a "see I love Asians" photo-op.
And for the love of all that is holy - Republicans - shut up! you are just proving the points libtards have been trying to make about you . . .I'm almost ashamed to call myself conservative . . . of course I've never asked someone to White-up their name so I can pronounce it either . . . so there's that . . .
Show Comments »
Oddy - I can pronounce that :)
So glad you are back! I had literally just found you when you disappeared for a while. My hubby is a recovering attorney (now wears a "black dress")
I love to show him your blog and say "see, some attorneys have a sense of humor!"
posted by
patti at April 13, 2009 09:30 AM
Bias at that level is almost unimaginable in 2009! And certainly ludicrous.
I'm with you in the not being able to pronounce a lot of black names; honestly I think they're simply trying to be 'different' by adding extra vowels.
But not once have I wondered 'why don't they change their names to make it easier for ME?' That's the height of pettiness. An entire generation of Jews, Italians... really, people from all over the globe coming through Ellis Island were told to change their names to make it 'easier'... so family histories were rendered mute.
This takes the cake.
posted by
Pam at April 13, 2009 10:34 AM
I'm all for immigrants doing their part to assimilate into American society. Like such things as learning English, getting jobs, and paying taxes. But changing their last name because some dumb Americans can't pronounce it? FOAD. You're right, people like Betty Brown tend to reinforce the negative stereotypes of Republicans and are just going to make it harder for the rest of us to take back the reigns of government that is going out of control with the current administration.
posted by
diamond dave at April 13, 2009 02:52 PM
Well, I know it's awkward when you're introduced to someone with a difficult name, but the thing is, the tough-named people KNOW they have a tough name, and if you take the time to get it right, they always appreciate the effort. But if you can't, well, it's par for the course.
Like when I tried to teach pretty Asian girls my name back in my Navy days.
*sigh* "close enough"
posted by
Harvey at April 15, 2009 12:18 AM
Hell...if my classroom full of 7-year old students can learn to pronounce each other's names...then stupid adults can, too.
Stupid Betty Brown-Cow.
posted by
Mrs. Who at April 19, 2009 10:37 PM
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He's 6 and He Speaks!
As heard in my livingroom:
me: I really want to see that new Star Trek Movie.
him: Mommy, that's cause you are a geek.
me: *blink*
It is so true . . . but then again . . . Chris Pine - totally doable.
Show Comments »
I really want to see that new Star Trek movie, too.
posted by
diamond dave at April 9, 2009 10:05 PM
I plan on seeing it as well.
posted by
Retired Navy CPO at April 10, 2009 08:23 AM
Wow, out of the mouths of babes. hehehe.
posted by
Contagion at April 10, 2009 05:05 PM
WPoCfu qkwsvecuejle, [url=]vjwbikzcmsvl[/url], [link=]lmwukksltjzy[/link],
posted by
mrnxkyiywrq at April 11, 2009 11:57 AM
O, super project. I hope one day to meet you in person, and invite you to join us in the States once again to work with us breeder Not much on my mind these days. kennel triangle, puppies left, sale, I just don't have much to say these days.
posted by
Carolina at April 11, 2009 09:02 PM
Happy Easter! Live long and procreate!
posted by
JihadGene at April 12, 2009 09:34 PM
GJSqjO rvqvikfrnhjb, [url=]kmcevagrcofc[/url], [link=]luiesgkgbnyt[/link],
posted by
cwhvmepa at April 18, 2009 12:04 AM
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Too Cool For School!

Seriously! Too Cool no?
Show Comments »
Now we are getting somewhere. A dirty kid with a dirty four wheeler and an old hound dog in the background.
Necks. Red.
posted by
Two Dogs at April 4, 2009 10:09 PM
More like too cute.
posted by
diamond dave at April 5, 2009 11:45 AM
Love it!
posted by
Mrs. Who at April 5, 2009 05:51 PM
Look how big he's getting!!! GAH!
posted by
Bou at April 5, 2009 10:23 PM
I don't know about too cool for school, but he looks like he aims to misbehave.
posted by
Contagion at April 7, 2009 02:51 PM
What terrific pics you get with your little guy. Excellent. LOL.
posted by
Teresa at April 8, 2009 10:12 AM
No school? Cool!
posted by
JihadGene at April 8, 2009 11:56 AM
Gotta admit, those camo pants DO help him blend into his environment. In this case, the mud-caked tires.
posted by
Harvey at April 8, 2009 12:22 PM
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Room Mother
Rant on . . .
Can I tell you how much I HATE the PTO moms? Seriously. (If you are a PTO mom and I know you? - this doesn't include you.)
I hate school fundraisers. The products are crap. The prices are unreasonably expensive and they do them two and three times a year.
My son is in Kindergarten as you all well know. He had a fall fundraiser in which I grudgingly participated. He also has had a spring fundraiser.
With the spring fundraiser of crap they sent home a glossy folder with all the "prizes" you can win for selling.
Well, there was much whining and gnashing of teeth. "We have to sell this many to get this toy . . . etc . . . etc . . ."
Did I mention he is in Kindergarten? Thus all about the toys? Well. I was not happy to say the very least. I refuse to be a salesperson for my child's school. He goes to public school. I will not take that crap into the office and try to sell it. So, I will buy what is necessary myself. Of course, that number gets inflated as the glossy color photo spread of "prizes" is waived about.
Let's just say that my temper got the best of me and I wrote a "note" to the PTO regarding the crap they want me to sell for my child - because again, he is in Kindergarten and there will be no door to door sales in bum-f&cked egypt where we live.
The "note" reiterated my disgust at the crap they send home. I, oh so gently, suggested where they could stick it. In addition, I suggested they tell me how much they need from my kid for the stuff the PTO supplies. . . you know . . . my share. I'll gladly pay my kid's share and a couple other kid's shares. They'd get all the money instead of just a portion and I don't have to sell crap.
They will look into the opt-out for next year - I am told.
So, today was pick-up day. I got three hours of sleep last night . . . you know where this is going? I pick up my crap only to learn that the glossy prize folder? didn't apply to sales of candy - only to sales of the junk. What did we buy? Candy. So, at 8:45 a.m. I had a crying 6 year old wondering why . . . if mommy bought so much candy . . . all he got was a fucking balloon?
So! Being ever considerate and polite, I asked the fucking twit working in the PTO room that very question. Her curt and annoyed reply was - "sales of candy did not apply"
BUT WAIT ONE COCK-SUCKING MINUTE! They didn't tell us that . . . it wasn't in the materials, it wasn't on the letter home . . . it wasn't on the folder with the glossy pictures of cheap-ass prizes my little one was yearning to "earn."
So I told them again where they could stick it and I told them to make note of my name. If my kid gets this crap sent home with him again, I will see to it that my dog shits in their front yard.
Had I not been holding the hand of my crying 6 year old and a box of candy that didn't "earn" him anything . . . I'd have punched the hole who told me "your son did earn something - he gets assemblies and weekly readers and field trips . . ." Seriously, I would have punched her. I would have made sure to show her how far up her ass she could stuff her weekly readers.
Ok. Rant off.
Show Comments »
Oh, I hate that stuff... crap that the dollar store wouldn't even sell for .50 the kids are supposed to shill for $25!
My heart breaks for the bright eyed boy... It sucks to have school crush your dreams in Kindergarten!
But I know you made it alright for him. {Hugs} to you both!
posted by
Pam at April 2, 2009 03:38 PM
But was it GOOD candy?
posted by
Harvey at April 3, 2009 12:56 AM
the best thing our school ever did was the 'fun run' fund raiser... you pay for the number of laps the kids do on the field. It is well set up, they made it fun for the kids to keep going... it was easy to keep track of the laps the did... you might 'suggest' this to them instead of the crap they send home. Trust me, I refuse to sell it as well... but this was one thing I let my son call his grandparents and relatives on.
posted by
vw bug at April 3, 2009 02:56 PM
When I was growing up, I hated participating in those fund raiser things. I lived in a trailer park that my family owned, so I knew everyone when I had to go door to door. I'd traipse through the park knocking on all 71 trailers. It was embarrassing and awkward. Some felt obligated to buy from me because I was the owner's daughter. But mostly I got a solid "No Thanks!" Arg!
Eventually, my parents did what you did, and just bought all the stuff. And, as you said, it was always crappy stuff.
So I feel your pain and empathize completely.
posted by
DogsDontPurr at April 3, 2009 05:40 PM
i love you girl.
posted by
caltechgirl at April 3, 2009 05:52 PM
Major pet peeve of mine in public schools! At the end of the day, what this actually is, is companies using children as their sales force. I will not - this practice sucks and everybody knows it! I personally buy whatever the min number is for the kid to get whatever the lowest level prize is (usually 2 items, I buy the cheapest) so they are not left out on prize day (sucks, sucks,sucks). I talk to my kids the day they bring the stuff home to explain what is going on and no they will not win the bike or radio. Usually followed by "you already have a bike, and a radio, better than these!" I do not buy from kids who come to my door. By now most know this. If I buy from one, I have to buy from all 20. I don't send my kid through the neighborhood and I owe them nothing. Of course I solved the whole issue when I decided to homeschool my kids. End of problem. However, when one neighbor's kid wanted to raise money for camp by selling home baked bread? I was in big!
posted by
patti at April 4, 2009 08:14 AM
Good for you! Those fund drives were always a major pain in the ass. May as well face up to it early and pony up for the crap up front. You always end up doing it anyway.
What is your estimate of how far she could stuff them?
posted by
Cappy at April 4, 2009 02:32 PM
Our principal HATES those fundraisers. So... we don't do them. He refuses. Thankfully.
posted by
Bou at April 4, 2009 06:58 PM
Speaking as a teacher...I hate them too. Some parents can't afford to buy the crap, and their kids don't get 'any' prizes.
When I do get the 'prizes', I slip it into the kids' backpacks when they're at PE or Music or something...I do not make it a big deal in front of everyone.
It's such a waste of time and money.
posted by
Mrs. Who at April 5, 2009 05:50 PM
I hated doing these things as a kid, and I don't want to put my kid through it either. The most we've done is sell to the immediate family.
posted by
Contagion at April 7, 2009 03:00 PM
posted by
JihadGene at April 8, 2009 11:58 AM
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