November 29, 2008
Momisms . . .
While discussing orthodontia with my mother yesterday she explained that she would like veneers - so that sugar couldn't attack the no ammo on her teeth.
I was not aware we had ammo in our mouths . . . though I've been known to have a loaded conversation or two. Anyway, brush yer teeth so your noammo doesn't decay!
And have a great day.
Show Comments »
What ta hell??
posted by
Richmond at November 29, 2008 04:05 PM
Very funny!!!
posted by
vw bug at November 30, 2008 06:08 AM
Learning Korean Style Engrish with JihadGene...
The term "NO AMMO" means "Not tonight, Honey" as in the making of love...
Or it simply means
"enamel" as in "The enamel on ones teef."
posted by
JihadGene at November 30, 2008 11:24 PM
If you ruse the no ammo, then mouth plobrems splead to guns, too.
posted by
zonker at December 2, 2008 09:58 AM
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November 26, 2008
I got tagged by CalTechGirl . . . for a meme . . . Ack!
The rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Tell 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.
Here goes:
1. I am not short! I am fun sized. With emphasis on the fun . . . cause that's how I roll!
2. When I pull a glass out of my cupboard - for myself only - I automatically wipe off the rim of the glass . . . with my boob (clothed of course). Cause seriously? Perfect shape for glass wiping . . . I'm just sayin!
3. I don't wear makeup - ever.
4. I don't eat eggs (typically) unless they are boiled; I don't eat tomatoes unless in a sauce, salsa, or ketchup; I don't eat peppers but I love the flavor of peppers and all things hot and spicy (except the pepper itself); I don't eat cabbage except in eggrolls or kimchi; I don't eat veal, lamb, goose, goat or oysters though I have eaten each; I don't eat onions but I love onion rings; I don't eat the internal organs of any organism (heart, brain, liver, etc. . .), except for those inside the small dried korean fishies (fully intact) that I love; I don't like food that wiggles - like Jello; I regularly snack on seaweed or wasabi flavored things but I don't like sushi or wasabi paste; I don't eat sausage links or patties but like sausage in general; I don't eat fake meat . . .even if made from tofu which I do eat. I make kick-ass pie.
5. I fight fires - though my specialty is the car fire. I am excellent with a hose (ahem) - nozzle. I have participated in and rocked battle of the barrel (hose wars) and I look stunning in turn-out gear (ok, clearly an exaggeration . . .), and I like to play with the air horn.
6. I struggle with paranoia on occasion - stop looking at me!
7. I can sit on a beach and smell the ocean and listen to the waves for hours. I close my eyes and get lost in it. The smell reminds me of childhood summers spent in Eastern Shore Maryland, of crab boils, ghost crab hunting, campfire stories, suntan oil, boys, wild ponies, Fisher's, boardwalk fries, 1st Street, kites . . . It is that sudden salty air you smell when crossing over the Bay Bridge. That blast of musty, fishy, salty, goodness. Even today, when I get close to the ocean, I hang my head out of the window, shut off the radio and drink in those sounds and smells. Even now, when leaving an ocean destination, I stop to say farewell to the ocean - "until we meet again" cause it is like leaving the arms of an old friend - an old cozy, comforting friend.
I'm not tagging anyone - instead - go and donate to Project Valour-IT we only have two days left in the fundraiser. Think of the difference you can make.
Go here: Project Valour IT.
Or donate here:

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Does the Navy team have a baby? No, I think NOT.
Kimchi sucks, full frontal style.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 26, 2008 01:24 PM
Wow, you've got *rules*. I like that! ;)
I can't eat veal or lamb. I can't eat babies. And I'm pretty liberal about food....!
posted by
pam at November 26, 2008 01:36 PM
comment4, yahoo christmas music, 527,
posted by
christmas carol dickens pictures at November 27, 2008 12:08 AM
#7- Takes me back to the days the wife and I were stationed in Virginia Beach.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Oddybobo and to your family! Turkey & Kimchee are on our table, laid out there with our thanks to God. Gene
posted by
JIhadGene at November 27, 2008 10:21 AM
Happy Thanksgiving
posted by
vw bug at November 27, 2008 08:15 PM
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November 23, 2008
Just Hanging Around
I spent the weekend rappelling off a thirty foot building. I was wearing about twelve layers of clothes as it was in the teens and 20s the whole weekend. Lots of padding . . . you know, in case my ropes gave . . . Wheeeee! At one point . . . the first drop this morning, my feet covered in snow and ice, I slipped off the mat and right into a window, ass first and upside down. I was laughing hysterically but managed to right myself and learned that I'd completed a "helicopter launch" so if ever I rappel out of a helo . . . :) Here I am nearing the ground . . .

Show Comments »
Very awesome!
posted by
vw bug at November 24, 2008 06:13 AM
Wow! I wanna be you!! Except for the cold. I'll skitter down a building, but not when it's cold. I'm a sissy that way...
posted by
pam at November 24, 2008 06:40 AM
Awesome!! :)
posted by
Richmond at November 24, 2008 03:59 PM
Very cool. My 12 year old was walking by and saw this and say 'hey, what is that!' Even the young are impressed.
posted by
adamboysmom at November 24, 2008 06:51 PM
Looks like fun. As long as you don't have to go back UP the rope...
posted by
diamond dave at November 25, 2008 02:59 PM
I used to love rappelling. Now, I am old and my knees are shot and my back hurts. Watching a girl do this makes me feel uncomfortable, I'm calling the ACLU.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 26, 2008 11:10 AM
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November 19, 2008
You Were Warned!
You were warned and you failed to listen. You were told to donate to Project Valour IT and you failed to do so. You have trifled with the Minja. Witness his wrath below!

Before more are attacked by the minja . . . donate. Donate to Valour IT - appease the Minja! Donate now! Donate Below!

Show Comments »
Go Minja, GO!! :)
posted by
Richmond at November 19, 2008 08:36 PM
Show no mercy, Minja Queen!
posted by
zonker at November 20, 2008 01:25 AM
that is great!!!
posted by
vw bug at November 20, 2008 08:51 AM
You've trained him well, Grasshopper.
posted by
JihadGene at November 20, 2008 03:44 PM
Nice blog mate :)
posted by
DrestyStypelp at November 21, 2008 08:42 AM
I'm not afraid of any Minja. I'll just introduce him to the Tickle Monster...
posted by
diamond dave at November 21, 2008 03:51 PM
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November 16, 2008
Not the Minjas!

It's way scarier than you could ever imagine! The minja is not to be trifled with.
Donate now!

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Screamy and Painy. I love it.
posted by
T1G at November 16, 2008 11:43 PM
Too much awesome. I am stealing that photo and never giving credit for where I stole it. But, I shall let you know when I use it. I can only think of one thousand situations that call for the Minja.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 17, 2008 12:11 AM
Please not the minja...
posted by
Definitely Not An 8th Grader at November 17, 2008 12:23 AM
hahahaha. I love it!
posted by
vw bug at November 17, 2008 06:37 AM
That is one scary ninja!!!
posted by
pam at November 17, 2008 08:14 AM
Awesome... :)
posted by
Richmond at November 17, 2008 09:37 AM
Holy frickin' crap. That's frickin' hysterical.
OMG. I can't quit laughing...
posted by
Bou at November 17, 2008 10:08 PM
.... well, that minja definitely scared the hell out of me...... but, then again, my firearms and cheque books a not within reach at this moment!......
posted by
Eric at November 17, 2008 10:16 PM
We are the MINJAS!
The Mighty, Mighty, MINJAS!
Everywhere we go
People want to know-oh
who we are-are
so we tell them
We are the Minja's!
The Mighty, Mighty, MINJAS!
Don't F with the MINJAS!
posted by
JihadGene at November 19, 2008 11:45 AM
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November 14, 2008
I noticed that my blog traffic has dropped off considerably. Why? I can only suspect that it is because I am shilling for Valour IT. Deal with it. Come back, come back often, donate, donate often, tell your friends, family, coworkers . . . help.
I have a friend - Chuck - he inspired this friendly competition. Now, he is, of course, playing for Team Army. I am playing for Team Navy. I have dear - dear friends playing for Team Marines and for Team Air Force. I even have a dear friend playing for the Coasties.
I could have picked any branch. My cuz . . . the one who has lived with me since he was 16 is a Navy-man. So is his brother, his dad and some other members of our families. My dad? He's an Army-man. Met my ma in Korea while he was in the Army. My uncle? He was one of two men who survived after a transport helo he was riding in was shot out of the sky by Viet Cong. He's a Marine. My grandpap was in the Merchant Marine during WWII because he had been in a car accident just before his Navy physical and had a piece of glass in his eye. The MM were activated during the War and he was on a ship that transported German POWs. I own a German .32 he pilfered off one of those POWs. Mine is a military loving family. I couldn't serve but I wanted to do so. My health would not permit it. So, instead, I serve by supporting my military friends. Here are some of my military family . . .

I give what I can, when I can. I thank every service man I run across and I pray for them everyday. Ask yourself if you have done what you can this holiday season. Can you spare a dollar or two? Can you put that coffee down, put those cigarettes back, drink one less beer at Happy Hour. Donate to this fabulous cause. Help make an injured service man or woman feel a little more whole. Donate below.

And for Two Dogs, while he isn't hugging them, he is stabbing them . . . I call it Ninja v. Pumpkin . . . The Ninja won . . .

Show Comments »
There is no one here that would quit coming because of your shilling for Valour IT. Not one person.
Go Chair Force, beat the Frogs! (Okay, I know that it will not happen, AF has never even come close to winning. It's an elitist thing.)
Dang, the boy looks the same in every photo. Not.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 14, 2008 12:59 AM
And dammit, now Vinnie is on the Jawa Report doing the same damn thing. Navy, crap. I am beginning to think that there are zero Chairforce folks in the wideyblagging world.
I guess I need to make some damn phone calls, I would like to make it a damn race one year.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 14, 2008 01:02 AM
Go Navy!! Like that cool little banner; much better than mine... where did you get it? Please and thank you. :)
Great pic, by the way. Reminds me more of a pirate than a ninja.
posted by
pam at November 14, 2008 07:59 AM
Thanks for the info Oddy! I like this banner a lot better... :D
posted by
pam at November 14, 2008 10:32 AM
US Army leads the way! HOOAH!
posted by
JihadGene at November 14, 2008 10:54 AM
Oddybobo says- "I give what I can, when I can. I thank every service man I run across and I pray for them everyday".
Another reason why the Great Reader loves Oddybobo LOOONG time!!! That, and Minjas dealing out the business end of a sword to pumpkins.
posted by
JihadGene at November 14, 2008 11:02 AM
Great pumpkin stabbing!! Yay! Go Navy!!
posted by
Richmond at November 14, 2008 03:32 PM
Excellent pumpkin stabbing!! :) And go Navy! Though I have ties to Army (Pop) Navy (grandfather and uncle) and Air Force (grandfather and uncle).
Thank God for all of them!
posted by
Richmond at November 14, 2008 03:35 PM
Go Marines!
And, uh, that one pumpkin, is that what a pumpkin looks like when it's excited?!
posted by
Quality Weenie at November 15, 2008 12:38 PM
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posted by
tips at November 22, 2008 06:19 AM
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November 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Richmond!
Go quickly and wish my dear friend Richmond Happy Birthday! Now!
And then, come back and donate to the Valour IT Project - we need to raise at least $250,000.00 - we are on the right track but have a way to go. So, give Richmond a birthday shoutout and then give a serviceman or woman the gift of communication!

Show Comments »
God love you - and thank you!!! :)
posted by
Richmond at November 13, 2008 07:35 PM
Holy crap, this place is beginning to look like Obama's website, just begging for money. Where are the photos of the little monster hugging vegetables? It's damn near Winter, you better hurry up with the vegetable hugging pics.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 14, 2008 12:01 AM
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November 12, 2008
What's it Worth?
Tell me? What is freedom worth to you? Is it worth a life, a limb, a dollar, ten?
Think about the freedoms you take for granted and the fine men and women that permit you to do so. What have you given back to them?
When you get that morning cuppa or buy another pack of cigarettes, think of them. Are those brave men and women worth the few bucks you'd otherwise spend this morning on yourself?
Here is your chance to give back. Give something back by donating to the Valour IT Project. Donate here or here or at any of these sites . . .
Show Comments »
November 11, 2008
Go Navy
Each year, friendly competition takes place between supporters of each branch of the military . . . the competition, this year kicking off today, is to see which branch can raise the most money by Thanksgiving for the Valour IT Project. What is the Valour IT project you ask? Valour IT provides laptops with adaptive software for members of our military who have been wounded.
The more money we can raise, the more laptops we can distribute. So please . . . I know that things are tight these days but can you spare a dollar or two for this worthy cause? Please? Should I send pie?
Donate below, and join a team! Go Navy!

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Shit, hell, damn, I forgot about that. I just chunked a bunch of money into Habitat. Dang.
Chrimmus is going to get skinny, now. Thank goodness my rug rat ain't expecting any GI JOE Mobile Command Unit this year.
By the way, Go Chair Force!
posted by
Two Dogs at November 11, 2008 07:03 PM
One of my favorite of all causes... Not sure which team I will throw my donations in with, as I never served... Ah well, maybe help out the Coasties? They are the forgotten ones often... But the pie... well... that might sway donations to Navy.
Thanks for the reminder!
posted by
jck at November 11, 2008 09:30 PM
Go ARMY! Beat the goat-snot out of SQUIDS (navy)!
posted by
JihadGene at November 12, 2008 12:48 AM
GO ARMY! Beat the goat-snot out of the SQUIDS!
posted by
JihadGene at November 12, 2008 12:49 AM
posted by
pam at November 12, 2008 05:04 AM
Glad someone stays on top of these things... Go AirForce!
posted by
vw bug at November 12, 2008 06:12 AM
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November 09, 2008
Holiday Fun
Seems the M-I-L doesn't think I spend enough time cowtowing to her. I don't have the time or inclination really. So she has resorted to trickery. Yep. She is using my child to trap me into spending time with her. She is using my boy to guilt me into dropping everything in order to attend to her every whim.
I call it the Holiday trap. The holidays are a good excuse for her to lure me in so that she can force me to play nice with the relatives. I won't, however, be drawn in by her wiles. Nay, I shall thwart her wiles . . . because seriously - you see a wile, you thwart - am I right?
Anyway, the Holidays should be entertaining. I feel a migraine coming on. A two month-long migraine ending with a New Year's resolution to spend less time with my in-laws, and more time with a good book and a bottle of wine. Wheeeeee!!!
Show Comments »
You birth family's enough for me, just in small doses. One mother is vindictive and manipulative enough.
A future family in law? It's no small part of me that thinks "screw that..."
posted by
Tommy at November 9, 2008 10:37 PM
Ex-Lax in her coffee, trust me.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 9, 2008 10:40 PM
No knitting?
posted by
Christina at November 9, 2008 10:44 PM
Never hurts to thwart a wile is what I always say! Keep thwarting, Oddy! ;)
posted by
pam at November 10, 2008 08:56 AM
Go thwart! And good luck...
posted by
Richmond at November 10, 2008 10:17 AM
My relatives require stronger stuff than wine.
posted by
Cappy at November 11, 2008 09:32 PM
There's only one team worth rooting for.
Go Navy!
posted by
Navy CPO at November 12, 2008 04:21 PM
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November 07, 2008
Speaking to a Wall
I'm not sure what it is about me exactly that causes people to make an effort to disregard what I've said. Family, friends, colleagues, strangers . . . Am I too nice? Not trustworthy? An idiot?
I have an important meeting today in Vegas. In order to conduct this meeting, my partner out there needs a package from me - there are original signed documents in that package. I had my secretary send the package by overnight "FIRST AVAILABLE." So it gets there for our 10:00 a.m. meeting.
Because I obviously don't know what I am talking about or asking for, she second guesses me and sends it air saver. Now . . . why? WHY! would I ask for a package to be sent first available if I didn't mean it? Why is it so hard to just do as I've asked? My meeting is screwed - court required and all.
She obviously doesn't know that I moonlight as a minja. I could scream.
I am not a happy camper. I am not happy at all. Of course, when you start off unhappy, I guess it isn't a leap to just accept the disrespect. If my windows opened on the 16th floor, I'd jump today.
Show Comments »
Oh no no no no.
Listen. I'm "available". You want me to head that way and conduct a little "class" on just exactly how to "listen" and another on "respect"?
Cause I will you know. I'm pretty good at getting those very thoughts across....
posted by
Tammi at November 7, 2008 12:55 PM
Dammit, my thing is that I hate to say things twice. This conundrum that you post is exactly that say something twice.
"Leslie, this package needs to be delivered FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. By that, I mean FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. Please understand, Leslie, the reason that I chose the words, FIRST THING IN THE MORNING, is because I need this FIRST THING IN THE MORNING."
posted by
Two Dogs at November 7, 2008 12:56 PM
Oh, that would drive me straight to the window as well...! I think you should Tammi in for some 'training'. ;)
Hope your day gets better!
posted by
pam at November 7, 2008 01:09 PM
Oh shit. Time to get a new secretary. Good god...
Don't jump...
posted by
Richmond at November 7, 2008 03:24 PM
Don't jump... I need your phone calls! Besides how can you annoy your secretary if you jump... you'll just make her life easier.
posted by
vw bug at November 7, 2008 04:28 PM
hell I need a job, can you start faxing shit here, and I will mail it
posted by
AWTM at November 7, 2008 09:57 PM
Ah, the saga of the Brain-Dead Secretary.
There is a remedy, you know.
posted by
Elisson at November 7, 2008 10:55 PM
No need for you to jump. But a push to the sarcatard, out the same winder, may work.
posted by
T1G at November 8, 2008 12:18 PM
KIM Jong IL say-
If you jump out 16th floor window today...
It hard as hell to bounce back tomorrow.
Great Reader
posted by
JihadGene at November 8, 2008 03:07 PM
What T1G said.
posted by
zonker at November 9, 2008 11:32 AM
Oh time to say Bye Bye to her. I have no patience for incompetent secretaries or aides. If you cannot do as you're told, then... seee yaaa. No kidding.
posted by
Bou at November 9, 2008 09:52 PM
Oh good grief!!! She's an idiot.
It wasn't you, I'm sure you were very clear. But if you can't get rid of her (you may not have any say in it) - then you will have to take matters into your own hands to ensure she listens to you.
After you hand her the package and give her the instructions...
-- make her repeat your instructions back to you
--then hand her a set of written directions and make her read them out loud to you AND
--sign a copy to show she understands what is being said to her.
It won't take her long to figure out that you are serious. Holy crap!
posted by
Teresa at November 11, 2008 05:52 PM
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November 05, 2008
Brand New Day
First and foremost, I am so excited so many voted on Tuesday. What a remarkable thing voting is. You speak with your choice. You may not always be on the winning side but you spoke up and that is to be commended.
Then there is the fact that we elected - collectively - whether you cast your vote for him or not, we elected the first black president of the United States. What a feat. The barriers of color have been broken - whether you believe the barriers exist or not. In my lifetime and my son's lifetime we have accomplished a historic feat. Add to that the fact that nearly 50% of the voting public voted to elect this nations' first republican, female VP candidate. Historic I tell you.
Now, you probably expected me to rant - throw in some expletives. I'll admit, the prospect of a socialist governmental figurehead made me throw up a little in my mouth. But after my wallowing swallow, I came to the conclusion that I can be sore and annoyed and put out over the next four years or I can do something to change it all.
This is a call to arms, so to speak. Not to rise up against Obama - but to educate your friends and neighbors. Teach them to want to think independently, outside the box. Teach them to want to be independent - work toward a goal - a reward. You can pity yourself and vex and vent about the loss or you can work toward creating a better tomorrow. A brand new day.
There is always a bright side - work to achieve it. I will. I will tell whoever will listen that now is not the time to cry in your beer. Be heard. Abandon the rhetoric, the party lines. Speak up, be heard. Point out the facts, or where to find them. Abandon the invective and provide incentive. If you want a change in the next four years you need to work to achieve it. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past. We are better than that. We are all better than that.
I choose to be the kind of American who - when hit with adversity . . . trusts my gut that I will prevail in the end. I won't help you make this new President's life difficult. I won't abide by you stating that he isn't your President. Have respect for the office. Have respect for the choice. Make a conscious effort to change it if you don't agree. Leave the disrespect at the door. It's a brand new day.
Show Comments »
Well said Oddy - well said...
posted by
Richmond at November 5, 2008 07:55 AM
Hey, Pennsylvania, how ya'll like Murtha? Holy crap.
Now, check out the Massachusetts ballot referendum on state taxes.
On the question, "Do you want to continue to pay state income taxes?"
Seventy percent of Massachusetts says, "YES INDEEDY."
Morons rule the world.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 5, 2008 09:17 AM
I will respect this nation's decision. And I will continue, as I did this past 28 years, to speak out for what I believe.
This truly is historic. It is now evident that America is the land of dreams. There are NO barriers.'s time to roll our sleeves and get to work.
Wonderful post Oddy.
posted by
Tammi at November 5, 2008 09:53 AM
Wonderful post Oddy. Very well said!
posted by
Teresa at November 5, 2008 12:36 PM
Eloquent...and right on the money.
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Elisson at November 5, 2008 05:27 PM
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jfsseieonib at November 6, 2008 02:41 PM
The previous post is a stark reminder of the ongoing need for corn storage.
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Cappy at November 6, 2008 06:12 PM
Very nice post...well put....
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Tommy at November 6, 2008 06:21 PM
I think that I have a plan for the future.
The Republican future.
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November 04, 2008
My One True
Because I can post and boast about my baby Boy who isn't a baby any longer. I can't resist his face. I am constantly kissing on him and he lets me. I know it won't last forever. I cherish this time with him as it is so fleeting. Admit it though, you can't resist his smoochy face either! :)

Show Comments »
What a remarkable capture! I have to keep looking at it; perfect!!
And yes, he's adorable. :D
posted by
pam at November 4, 2008 07:07 AM
Such a cutie. What a great picture.
posted by
vw bug at November 4, 2008 01:50 PM
At that age, they're a lot of fun to wrestle to the floor and tickle mercilessly.
posted by
diamond dave at November 8, 2008 11:44 AM
Great kid! The Grandmas and Aunts be all over him like yellow on a Sponge Bob!
posted by
JihadGene at November 8, 2008 09:29 PM
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November 02, 2008
This picture is reflective of my mood today.

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That's beautiful! I just read a book titled 'Twilight', so the title caught me.
It's rare that I can get a good sunset shot; they burn or just generally look horrible... but this is nice and clean... and haunting in its own way...
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pam at November 3, 2008 08:13 AM
Proof of God's work.
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