June 30, 2005
To my Feisty Friend Christina,
Have a wonderful birthday! I'll be thinking about you!
P.S. Ya'll she's "29"! Go wish her a happy birthday.
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Girlfriend, you soooo ROCK!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
; )
posted by
Christina at June 30, 2005 06:36 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:14 AM
Comments (1)
June 29, 2005
I was making some of my own firecrackers today for the fourth of july and well, I done blowed my thumb off. Now everybody in the park is callin me stumpy. Can't show ya no pictures cause, well, I done blowed up my camera too. I'm going to the clinic, if you want more stories check out my noisy naybors! He, he, maybe they'll give me a medal, after all, I was doin my patriotic duty in gettin ready for the 4th . . . *passes out from the pain*
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Feisty Republican Whore
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:39 AM
Comments (0)
June 28, 2005
I've Been Thinking, and That Is Bad!
Yep, I have been thinking . . . politics. Now, I got most of my readers from being personal (all 5 of you *wink*) But I got my troll from being political and he's gone and got himself a really great blog so he isn't my troll anymore.
So I am going to get all current events yet again this week, probably to the chagrin of my 5 readers.
I went home and thought about the Supreme Court again yesterday. See, I am utterly perplexed by their "interpretation" of our Constitution.
Let me just start by saying the Constitution is our founding document. It is our law and in it, the Supreme Court is charged with certain duties. They are not all powerful! They should note this for the day when G-d or one of our founding fathers decides enough is enough and strikes them down, but I digress.
I am angry, really genuinely angry. I make my profession in the law. No joke, when I was very young I told anyone that would listen that I wanted to sit on the Supreme Court someday, a pretty lofty goal for a 6 year old. Now, I want to dissolve the Supreme Court, as it is as asinine as the other politicians in Washington. (but if the Prez, wants me for the post, I am so there!)
Let's get back to yesterday, for those of you who are unaware, the First Amendment very clearly says:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ."
This is key, no where, and I mean no where, I looked several times, does this clause say: the government must remain neutral with respect to religion. SCOTUS just yesterday said this was the overriding principal. Really? Where is it in the Constitution, I looked but couldn't find it!
Let's break it down for the ninnies on the bench. The first phrase: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. The Founding Father's fleeing the government called the "Church of England" understood that a state controlled, sponsored, sanctioned, created . . . religion is not a good thing. It does not say the government can't respect religion, or allow its presence in public. Nor does it say if a religious article is on public grounds that equals the establishment of religion. It just doesn't say it.
The next phrase: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Now, class, it doesn't say "except in courthouses, public schools, county municipal buildings, etc . . . but for works of art or historical nature. It isn't there, I checked again. It says, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. That means the people of this great nation should be free to exercise their religion anywhere and in any means they feel inclined to without the interference of the government. (unless the exercise thereof breaks a different law like murder - for those of you following the death of the nun in Europe who was 'gettin the demon out')
Oh, yes, the Constitution also doesn't say, but we'll make an exception if you are a whiny be-yotch who feels offended by my exercise thereof.
The words are plain, there is no ambiguity here. No need for interpretation. Our Founding Father's were mindful of the oppression that One religion so intertwined with the government engendered.
We don't have that here. Sure we have phrases alluding to God, sure we have the occassional Ten Commandments plaque. But we don't have state sponsored religion. Saying "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge doesn't change that fact.
Perhaps when the Supremes said neutral they were referring to that second phrase in the First Amendment. If they were, they still got it wrong. Because they have acted to restrict someone's free exercise of religion.
I am all for the Ten Commandments, the Star of David, Menorah's, Buddah's, medicine wheels, little Hare Krishna's, the Goddess of Fertility, or even a picture of Satan himself being placed smack dab in the middle of the county lawn. That is free exercise of religion, anyone's religion and since it is a public place, owned by the public, the public should get to put anything they want out there and participate fully in that right. It may not be my religion, but it is someone's. And for those with no religion, big smiley faces all around.
This Country was founded on religious tolerance. While we have not always been tolerant, in today's world, it is clear that Christianity is no longer tolerated at all.
Get this straight, all you whiney bastards talking about "separation of church an state," and "I shouldn't have to say the pledge, it hurts my feelings. . ."
Symbols of religion, even statements of religious nature do not "create" or endorse that religion for the masses. They are just symbols and statements, nothing more to you, a whole lot more to some.
In less than one week, the Supreme Court has managed to eliminate property rights and religious rights for Americans. What is next? I will tell you, an avalanche of religious litigation to determine whose cross is historic and who has a pretty picture of an angel and whose plaque of the Ten Commandments is too religious. Disgusting. That we are even having these fights is disgusting.
We have babies dieing because they have no food. We have terrorists bent on killing us because we happen to be Americans or associated with Americans. We have better things to worry about, we really do. But no, we focus our attention on a plaque of the Ten Commandments. For all some people know it was just the title to some movie Charleton Heston made back when he was really nice looking . . . I digress again.
The Commandments are not a threat. They don't shoot flames, bombs, shed articles of clothing, hell they don't even sing! What's more, they can be avoided by a simple "look the other way." You know like libs. do when Dickhead Durbin slanders our military and then sorta apologizes.
I'm sick of all of this. And I am hungry! So that means I'm done ranting for now, but I warn you, any of you, I may be back with more politics soon! It is getting me set for the next election cycle after all!
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Actually it's much simpler than you posit.
When the framers wrote the Constitution they said "Congress shall make no law". No law means just that, no law. Since the courts are instituted to ajudicate law, this means that the Federal Courts have no jurisdiction. None. How could they? No law means nothing to ajudicate. Period.
State and local governments should simply ignore these rulings. They have no basis in law.
Any Federal official trying to enforce such rulings should be arrested and charged with extortion, tresspassing or destruction of property. Judges engaged in meddling where they clearly have no jurisdiction, no law means no jurisdiction, should be arrested and charged with oppression under the color of governement or barratry except that I don't recall the exact spelling.
posted by
Peter at June 28, 2005 01:57 PM
I never thought of it in that vein but I like it.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 28, 2005 02:56 PM
Wow, thanks for such nice comments about my blog, as well as the linkie-luv :-) I don't know that I'm worthy of either, but thanks again.
Hey, I'll *always* be your "troll" ;-)
Good rant! I'm looking forward to more future political views from a lawyer I truly admire :-) Blog ON, friend....
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at June 29, 2005 05:44 PM
Oddybobo for Supreme Court Justice! Seriously girl, you make me proud! :-)
posted by
Pam at June 29, 2005 06:39 PM
I had never been here before but when my on-line friend/adversary "The Gun-Toting Liberal" suggested you for Chief Justice of the SCOTUS I thought I'd come over and take a look-see.
Enjoyed reading this rant about the Ten Commandments decision and thought I'd engage you with a bit of 'Devils Advocacy.'
You're right that nowhere in the Constitution does it say "the government must remain neutral with respect to religion." and it's questionable that that is an "overriding principal" but it seems to me to be a great idea.
If the government does not remain neutral, the opposite will logically have to be true, e.g., they will be free to play favorites. That seems like a real bad idea.
On the other hand, if all religious symbology was banished from all public venues what harm would be done. People are free to practice their religion in their churches, in their homes and within their families and circles of equally religious friends -- there is just no logical reason to plant a religious tableau (any religion) in a public place. Religion is not (IMO) and should not be a public thing -- it's everyone's personal relationship with their God or with life or with nature or with whatever, to them, is worthy of their worship, praise and respect.
Here's another benefit of not allowing public religious displays: there are lots and lots of religions -- if you allow one, you must allow them all. Imagine you go to your court house and, there on the lawn, beside the front door, is some really vile statue from the Church of Satan (Lucifer deflowering a virgin or something like that.) Happy now? You did say: "the people of this great nation should be free to exercise their religion anywhere and in any means they feel inclined to without the interference of the government."
Watch what you ask for!
Realistically, you're advocating the completely unregulated exercise of religion and while that sounds really nifty and American we simply must realize that religion is, literally, anything you want it to be. Either that or we could have the Congress 'define' religion.
No I don't really have any answers to these quandaries! You're the future SCOTUS justice -- you tell me.
BTW: All jousting aside, I like the way you think and if I was POTUS you'd certainly qualify to be nominated for SCOTUS.
Smile: You've been Blogrolled!
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 1, 2005 01:22 PM
Christianity is not tolerated? Er, yeah... WHEN is a Christian FINALLY going to get elected President??
Keep your 10 Commandments in your church (the generic "you") and maybe take a look at them once in awhile. "Love thy neighbor" doesn't exclude homosexuals, Jews, blacks, women, Muslims, liberals, etc.
"Under God" is not part of the original Pledge. It was added by the Knights of Columbus in the '50s. It's intrusive. I don't protest it, I just tell my kids they don't need to say that part.
The only people who are trying to push their agenda on anyone are the Evangelical Christians. Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Want to pray? Knock yourself out. Don't want gay people to get married? Take a look at your own marriage and question why you are so threatened by what other people do.
I am sick and tired of my country being hijacked by religious zealots. I honestly wish the rest of us could secede.
posted by
panthergirl at July 4, 2005 12:44 PM
Yay! Someone who doesn't read my post but rants nonetheless.
This country hasn't been hijacked by religious zealots, unless of course you mean the ones who killed 3000 people on 9-11 or the ones whiney fundies on the left are sympathetic towards.
By all means, secede. Please. I promise not to miss you. While you are gone, perhaps you should take a reading comprehension class. Because your comment had nothing to do with my post. But hey, free country and all . . .
posted by
Oddybobo at July 5, 2005 02:01 PM
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ."
First, the Constitution is law in the sense that it is a framework within which other laws are made. The laws are passed by Congress, and Congress can even ammend the Constitution. The Judicial is a check-and-balance that reviews cases, especially ones based on laws that seem to conflict with the Constitution.
So, you are not going to find many specific references to your daily piccadellos in the Constitution, like "Where does it say the government should be religious-neutral?"
If the Congress makes no laws respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof, it IS neutral. That's what the words mean.
"It does not say the government can't respect religion, or allow its presence in public. Nor does it say if a religious article is on public grounds that equals the establishment of religion. It just doesn't say it."
"The next phrase: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Now, class, it doesn't say "except in courthouses, public schools, county municipal buildings, etc . . . but for works of art or historical nature. It isn't there, I checked again. It says, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. That means the people of this great nation should be free to exercise their religion anywhere and in any means they feel inclined to without the interference of the government. (unless the exercise thereof breaks a different law like murder - for those of you following the death of the nun in Europe who was 'gettin the demon out')"
Actually, as far as I know, what you say is true, with one catch. If your practice of displaying religious artifacts or holding religious ceremonies at public facilities is challenged by other citizens, it becomes a civil legal matter in which the local resolution could end up in the Courts where fairness to ALL citizens must be taken into account.
If I'm not mistaken, in such cases, most courts rule that religious artifacts can be displayed if everybody else has an opportunity to display their religious artifacts. In most cases, this is not practical and opens up a whole new can of worms.
That is why we got that kinda "iffy" read from the SCOTUS on the Ten Commandments thing. It kinda depends on how the artifact is displayed. AND it all starts with a Civil complaint, that is not necessarily a Constitutional crisis.
If one checks with the ACLU, one will find that they don't even enter into such issues unless there is a Civil challenge to the status quo.
posted by
Ghost Dansing at July 6, 2005 05:14 AM
Actually Ghost, "if one checks with the ACLU," one will find that the ACLU never enters a matter on the side of christian freedoms, so thanks, but I won't be checking with the ACLU.
The SCOTUS is charged with interpreting the Constitution (Since Marbury) not adding to it!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 6, 2005 08:20 AM
While all of you kids are looking at the trees, let me show you the forest.
Why is there such a stink about the stone tablets in a courthouse when each and every POTUS has sworn to support and defend the constitution with his hand on a Christian bible?
There it is right there...a forest.
When this country elects a non-christian president, I'll eat a friggin' football helmet.
If SCOTUS was hitherto unaware of a question of promoting a particular religion as being the "official religion of the US government" it is because every Chief Justice who has ever sworn in a President was as dumb as a bag of hammers.
posted by
Sarah The Penguin at July 6, 2005 11:17 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
01:39 PM
Comments (10)
Surveys . . .

Go flood MIT with information for their new statistical project regarding blogs.
Hat Tip: Phin
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Posted by Oddybobo at
01:24 PM
Comments (1)
The Cotillion
It is up! It is a must read! So many fine ladies in one room, how can you not be there now?
The hostesses with the absolute most this week are:
Not a Desperate Housewife
Maxed out Mama
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Posted by Oddybobo at
10:46 AM
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June 27, 2005
Jeff's Graduating!!!
Jeff get's out of Boot Camp on Friday. He wanted 1000 comments at his party but we haven't even broke 300! We need a mad dash of comments at his place so he has something fun to see when he gets to a computer. Show him what he worked so hard at bootcamp for! Go there, and keep going back so that he has well over 300 comments for his graduation gift. Go!
P.S. Ladies, there are many Marines and Firemen to be had still, MacGyver and Rambo are there too, go figure. Bring along your favorite celeb if ya like.
Just go and show Jeff some love!
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Gaaahhh! I can't access your trackback URL! What is it?
posted by
Beth at July 1, 2005 12:57 AM
Nevermind, must have been a server thing. All is Kool now. :-D
posted by
Beth at July 1, 2005 01:04 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
05:30 PM
Comments (2)
They Are At It Again
In what is sure to signal the need to abolish lifetime appointments for the Supremes, they have come down with yet another incoherent, preachy, outside the bounds of precedent opinion that leaves people on both sides of the aisle shaking their heads!
That's right, you cannot display the Ten Commandments in a Court House (unless of course you are the Supreme Court) but you can display it on public property. Now, let me get this straight, God's law has no business in a Court of Law, but is more than welcome in the Post Office hallway? What am I missing? Oh yes, I have scruples but several of the Supremes do not, now, why am I not a Supreme Court Justice??? Oh Yes, because I have scruples.
Now, let's get to the meat of what was surely a deliberate attempt to slap Ole' Roy (the Ten Commandments Judge) in the face (fer gitten all uppity and righteous). Apparently, the Commandments are only "religious" when framed as they were in the Kentucky Courthouse cause they "highlight" the religious content. Ok, back up, what are they when in the artwork on the Supreme Court walls and ceilings? hmmm? But they are okey dokey when displayed on a Texas municipal lawn because they are just part of some historical display.
Rehnquist, though one foot in the grave, recognizes that they are "always" religious, but that religious content doesn't always violate the Establishment Clause (which doesn't regulate "religion" cause *pregnant pause* because that would be unConstitutional).
So, what have our wonderful Supremes given us today? Well, what they have given us is an "I told you to git back in yer place, boy!" dig at Ole' Roy and a coherent finding that a display simply doesn't equal sanction or establishment of religion. Of course both are totally inconsistent with earlier precedent!!! What good are judges if they can't read and follow the law!!!
I'm tired. Tired of wondering what freedom my government under the guise of guys in black robes is going to steal from me next. My land, my religion, my right to chose (cable companies that is). It sickens me that we have no mechanism to force the robes to take heed of the laws, and not to make them up as they go along!
Send in your resignations already and make room for me! I'm coming, just get out of my way.
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Oh yea, all we need is another right-wing nutcase with a gun on the SCOTUS. Wait, scratch that. I'll nominate you as soon as I'm President.
Isn't there some kind of way that Congress can slap the justices down? I seem to remember that there is something about Congress making laws and the courts interpreting them.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 27, 2005 02:19 PM
Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Have you seen the same interpreting I've been seeing lately???
posted by
Oddybobo at June 27, 2005 03:29 PM
I love inconsistance with rulings (end sarcasim)
posted by
Contagion at June 27, 2005 04:06 PM
All I can say is that when one branch fails, you have to start poking at one of the others.
Contact your congresscritter.
posted by
Harvey at June 28, 2005 09:05 AM
Hell, I say we give you a whirl, BOBO. Absolutely NOBODY can possibly screw up the SCOTUS anymore than they already are now. Adding ANY new blood to the SCOTUS would have to be an improvement. Un-freaking BELIEVABLE!
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at June 28, 2005 01:06 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
01:23 PM
Comments (5)
Me so sick
Ok, in the spiral of everlasting sickness, I have caught another of my child's or my nephew's illnesses. This time? Mono. Yep, I shared my fork or food or drink with one too many a sick child apparently. That or my sister drank out of my cup when she had mono in April. The nephew had it in May and the Boy had it early June. (takes about four weeks to hit ya!) The Better Half is sure to get it also.
Here is me - Friday, I go to work, feeling fine, a bit of a sore throat but fine. By 10 am I have a fever, chills, goosebumps (it is 94 degrees outdoors and I have goosebumps). I leave barely make it home, light headed, can't see, etc. . . Sleep all afternoon and night and morning . . .
Saturday, I feel sick, but ok. I go about my daily business, by 5 pm. I can't walk, see, etc . . . it is now 98 degrees and I have buried myself under two winter blankets because I am cold. By 10 p.m. I have a temp. of 103, doctor says "bring her in if it's 104" it didn't get there. (so no real diagnosis of mono, but I know that is what it is).
Sunday, I feel sick but ok. I eat ice cream. First food in like three days. Yum. No fever, not well though.
Today. I am at work, wishing my fever would return. Still sick, but not contagious, unless someone frenches me or eats my food or drinks from my cup. Oh, or pisses me off, in which case, I intend to spit on his/her lunch!
Time for a desk nap!
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*cancels plans to French Oddy*
posted by
Harvey at June 28, 2005 09:06 AM
posted by
Oddybobo at June 28, 2005 09:41 AM
I'm gonna come off sounding like an old Mother Hen, but do not push it, young lady! Mono can lead to heart damage and many other long term problems which I forget at the moment cuz it's been years since I had it. At the very least, pushing past your energy level will prolong the mono, so take this as one of Life's Little Instructions to cut out all the crud you don't want to do for a month or so.
posted by
Claire at June 30, 2005 10:16 PM
Yes Maam!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 1, 2005 08:15 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
11:02 AM
Comments (4)
Some Linky Love
It is my duty to direct everyone's attention to my good friend Fiesty Christina and the birth of yet another wonderful tale at her site. Go read Colors and stay tuned for more!
What is more, she turns "29" again on Thursday. So in honor of her birthday, give her some love!
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Posted by Oddybobo at
10:49 AM
Comments (1)
June 23, 2005
From My Cold Dead Hands . . .
In what is set to become a sweeping and disturbing precedent, a split 5-4 Supreme Court has ruled that a municipality can steal your property and give it to private developers for the "good of the community"
It used to be that the Constitution meant something to the law. The Fifth Amendment allowed the taking of property by eminent domain for the "public good", that is to allow for the building of schools, hospitals, roads and other "public" facilities. Never was a community allowed to steal your property and give it to a private interest so that private interest could make money. Did it happen anyway? Sure. Now, however, the Supreme Court has rubber-stamped any such takings.
LISTEN UP PEOPLE! This means that your town or boro or city can take your land and home and put up a shopping mall and you can't do jack about it!
Yep, they will say the area needs to be "revitalized" to cure blight and they will steal what is yours from right under your nose. This is the liberals at their finest. And Gun Toting Lib, I don't mean you! I mean those so-called "progressives" who are really socialists in sheeps' clothing. The liberals who are all for the redistribution of private property "for the good of the people." To them I say over my dead body!
Now, I live in a very rural community that could benefit from a hotel, shopping mall, hell even a restaurant. I have 13 acres and small house. My land is prime location for such a private development, but I dare anyone to come upon my land and try to take it. When I say dead body, I mean dead body. I will take several people with me on my way out of this life. The perils of trying to steal one's castle, I guess. I will not roll over on that. I will get my family to saftey, say my goodbyes and then pick people off, one at a time, until I myself have perished. I will not go willingly, quietly or without fight.
The Constitution GUARANTEES certain rights. In some instances those rights have been expanded by the courts to include property rights, now the right to your property has been eviserated.
When your home is razed to build a strip mall you can no longer complain. Socialists with their agenda have taken your right to complain away. Oh and private developers and big business don't get off here either. They take advantage of your loss of property and benefit themselves.
I don't buy into the crap that "this will revitalize the community and bring in jobs." Here's one for ya! Hotels hire, for the most part, immigrants for the housekeeping and blue collar work. The desk clerks, at least at the fancy hotels, come from other countries and proudly display that fact on their name tags. So much for "jobs for the community." Oh sure, there will probably be a Walmart to work in, maybe even a new TGIFridays, but at what cost? The cost of someone's property and freedom to live without interference thereon.
I will never, ever visit New London, CT. I will never, ever stay in the fancy waterfront hotel, visit the museum or shop in the strip mall. I will never, ever tire in telling others to shun New London, CT. People's homes, lives, memories, are being stolen to benefit the government of New London, CT, and soon your town.
Watch your back my friends. That prime piece of real estate you sit on, the home where you raised your kids, may just be sold to the highest bidder, by your own government. Think you get some of that "fair compensation?" Think again. The government will pay you bupkiss, and then sell it to some developer for prime dollar.
Nope, you can't blame this one on our current sitting President. This is all on so-called-Judges who think the Constitution and its guaranteed protections are worthless.
Again I say, "over my dead body!" You may take my land, but not before I take some of you out!
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I couldn't believe it when I saw it. My hubby forwarded the news article to me. (I don't get to watch much tv with 2 kids). I am not happy about this. I agree with you... over my dead body (and a few others)
posted by
vw bug at June 23, 2005 01:59 PM
Time to slap a fresh clip in your mailbox & go huntin' bureaucrats :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 23, 2005 02:46 PM
Yes, this is just the latest step in the march toward a socialist utopia, where the government decides what's best for you and your family, even if it means turning you out of your home so that the "community" can be the recipient of someone else's largesse. I'm a couple of hours away from New London, and I am appalled that this could happen in my state. Hey, if you can't get what you want via the voters, get it through the courts. That's why Bush's appointees have gotten so much grief. I am thoroughly disgusted with the whole thing!!!
posted by
Pam M. at June 23, 2005 03:59 PM
You are exactly right Pam. Bush's appointees would, hopefully, curb some of this dictating from the bench. I feel for you, living in a nearly socialist state!
posted by
Oddybobo at June 23, 2005 04:46 PM
Thanks for the honorable mention, BOBO :-)
I cannot freaking BELIEVE this happened! The SCOTUS needs to be bitch-slapped for this one! And the last one (medical marijuana)! What a bunch of kooks.
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at June 23, 2005 09:38 PM
So I take it, if you are for property rights, you are for flag burning. People who burn the flag, are burning the ones that they bought, it is their property (not yours) and so they can do with their property as they see fit. If you are consistent on this issue, then you are far ahead of your conservative friends.
posted by
Tony Martin at June 24, 2005 05:02 AM
You are correct Mr. Martin. While I respect the flag, no revere the flag, I do not think it is this government's place to tell me what I can and cannot do with one I purchased. Not to mention that we still have free speech (or at least we do in theory) and while I don't like it, it is a form of free expression. If we hold as free expression the "Piss Christ" we damn well better hold flag burning in the same vein. And do be so quick to judge my conservative bretheren, much like liberals, the loudest spoken are usually the minority, but because they are the loudest, the label for the respective sides automatically reflects their beliefs.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 24, 2005 09:47 AM
All I can say is wow. How freaking sad!
posted by
Sissy at June 24, 2005 09:50 AM
Hey, that happens, send out a call to arms. it's amazing what "antique" artillary can do to moral. :)
posted by
Contagion at June 24, 2005 10:34 AM
I'll bet you all as much as you have in your banks and wallets that money was involved.
Think about it for a second, these nine judges are all people who own their own houses and property and love owning their own property. They would never want their house taken away from them to build a new shopping mall or Safeway or whatever. Now, if you look at the fact that four, of the nine, voted no and a convenient five voted yes, there's nothing in the world that would make me believe anything but bribery.
I think that for decisions like this, they should appoint nine judges, and up until the very last moment, these ARE the judges that will decide, even they don't know they're really just scapegoats, and on the day of the vote everyone is replaced by people who have had no idea that they would be judges in the matter. Then they are watched by hawks (figuratively, of course!) to be sure that nothing exchanges hands.
I guarantee you they would not have voted to ruin some family's life. These businesses are going to make a lot of money, they know that fifty grand to some judges is nothing compared to what they'll make after it's been finished. It's like doctors that treat a cancer patient for free, they know that when the news gets out about them being such wonderfully nice people, there's a good chance that more people will go to them.
Just once I'd love to get some pictures of a judge taking a bribe, I would blackmail the S out of them, THEN, I would turn in the pictures and start a big deal and make 'em lose their jobs. It's like being a rat in jail, but these guys completely deserve it. And, of course, there's next to no chance that I'll get shanked afterwards. ;)
posted by
Stephen at June 24, 2005 04:38 PM
Like you, I live in the country. Like you, my land is a prime target for developers (people come by wanting to buy land once or twice a month). Like you, I'm enraged.
This is a great post - may I use it for your Cotillion entry?
posted by
MaxedOutMama at June 26, 2005 09:55 AM
Property is property, right?
Any personal posession is part of your property. Land, house, car, gun, ...
The constitution suffered another kick in the nuts in this case, and people are totally up in arms about it (including me). I have yet to hear of anyone 'for' this decision, except 5 supreme court morons, and the muffled roar of an indeterminate number of developers everywhere stifling moans whilst creaming their jeans.
Funny though, how a big chunk of the population thinks it's okay to step all over the second ammendment trying to take away other personal property which we have a right to own.
posted by
Dave S. at June 28, 2005 07:45 PM
Outstanding! Over my dead body indeed. It's remarkable that the highest court in the land, or a majority of it, anyway, treats our Constitution no better than the roll of paper you (hopefully) find in any restroom. When will it end? Now, with Sandy O'Conner calling it quits, the Dems are gearing up for a big brawl in the Senate. It's unfortunate the President didn't already name a nominee... then we'd really have some fireworks for the Fourth.
posted by
Logan at July 3, 2005 05:55 AM
Very nice! I'm putting you at my favourits. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
John Reed at August 10, 2005 10:37 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
11:41 AM
Comments (14)
Does Anybody Know . . .
How I change my URL in both the Alliance and TTLB Ecosystem? Just wondering . . . Thanks!
Show Comments »
While Susie can make the change in the Alliance, it's been difficult for me to get my entry on the 'official' (that is, NZ Bear's) Alliance blogroll changed.
Likewise, somewhere (I can't find it with Bear's new layout) there is a page of instructions to 'self-change' the listing in the Ecosystem. Didn't seem to work for me, but I put it in place during the time he had some major database/Web server issues. Essentially, the code is two lines in the header and for you would be in the form:
Remember, each is on a single line.
I'm not saying it will work, but I'm saying Bear says it will work. I suspect it will and that my situation will eventually be worked out.
posted by
basil at June 23, 2005 09:25 AM
<link rel="DCTERMS.replaces" href="http://boboblogger.blogspot.com/" />
<meta name="DC.Identifier" content="http://boboblogger.mu.nu/" />
posted by
basil at June 23, 2005 09:26 AM
Don't know, but will be moving myself in a week. Let me know how it goes.
posted by
vw bug at June 23, 2005 10:41 AM
Um, basil, buddy, ole pal, what's a header?
posted by
Oddybobo at June 23, 2005 11:46 AM
It's the part of the HTML code that starts <head> and ends </head> and contains stuff in-between.
I could tell you how to edit it on Blogger, but no idea on Mu.Nu
But, if you can get to your template, just add those lines. Best place is probably on a blank line right before the </head>
posted by
basil at June 23, 2005 02:32 PM
I tried the code on TTLB to change my site. It didn't work. I don't know if anything has changed since then (a month ago), but I just added my new site to TTLB and my "rating" shot right back up quickly.
posted by
Sissy at June 25, 2005 10:13 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:56 AM
Comments (6)
June 22, 2005
My new mailbox

How you like my new mailbox? Me and Billierae took a week to build it, and it takes up nearly our entire driveway, but I liked it so much, I had to have it.
Some folks in the traylor park say Ima showing off, but I ain't! Theyz jest jaylos.
Check out what my noisy naybors have to say:
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Show Comments »
Oh wow!
Hey, mailman, go open up the barrel and peek inside for my outgoing mail, woulda ya? ;)
posted by
Stephen at June 22, 2005 09:45 AM
That's awesome!
posted by
basil at June 22, 2005 01:37 PM
That's about a... what... 5.00 cal? :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 22, 2005 09:16 PM
What kind of mail do you get in there? KFC Coupons and Victoria's Secret catalogs?
posted by
Sissy at June 22, 2005 10:36 PM
gotta ask....
is that something you found on the 'net, or is it your mailbox?
posted by
moehawk at June 23, 2005 05:19 AM
Found it on the net Moehawk! I only wish it was my real mailbox.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 23, 2005 08:24 AM
LOL,LOL,LOL! Oddybobo U R 2 much.
posted by
Dorko at June 23, 2005 09:56 PM
Well, dagnabbit. How the tarnation are we eva gonna tip THAT when we get pissed on Saturday night and head of in my friend's pickup truck?!?!
posted by
Elizabeth at June 24, 2005 06:36 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:29 AM
Comments (8)
June 21, 2005
Toys for Papa

In honor of adopted blog-dad Harvey's blogiversary (and a belated father's day to you). I have chosed to bestow this magic 8 ball. Its the Simpson's version for additional insight.
I thought it may come in handy while choosing his new life-path. Happy blogiversary Papa!
P.S. You can also ask it whether or not you can do naughty things with TNT! *wink*
Show Comments »
Oh, I gotta get my dad one of those. He LOVES the Simpsons!
Great job!
posted by
Sissy at June 21, 2005 08:46 PM
Will Harvey enjoy the present?
"Go away. Eating"
Hmmm... not sure what that means :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 21, 2005 09:13 PM
Oh that was perfect! Wish I had thought of it.
posted by
VW Bug at June 21, 2005 09:16 PM
I asked. It said "Definitely". Where's that mailbox, again...?
posted by
Stephen at June 22, 2005 10:04 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:07 AM
Comments (4)
Bad Example/Frizzen Family Blogcrawl
Mark your calendars! The Blogcrawl is set to take off on July 30, 2005 from 7pm to 7am CST.
Leave drunken comments for the families on that date! What are you waiting for? Put it on your calendars!
On a side note, Jeff's comment party is still hopping. Young men are being auctioned off and well, Harvey's gone for more supplies, stop on by! Remember we need 1000 comments by the time he gets out of boot camp, we aren't even close, so bring a friend.
Show Comments »
Posted by Oddybobo at
08:44 AM
Comments (0)
Bonfire of the Vanities
The Bonfire of the Vanities for this week is up, and its pretty interesting. Head on over and see what Evil Glenn has been up to this week!
Show Comments »
Posted by Oddybobo at
08:39 AM
Comments (0)
June 20, 2005
My Dad
In honor of Father's Day, which was yesterday, I thought I would post about my dad. First, as I have said before, he is a gem of a man.
I'll describe him for you so you get an idea of my dad. He is not a tall nor short man, 5 foot 11. He is broad in the shoulders. He has a 'trucker belly' he doesn't drink but his belly resembles a beer gut. He keeps his head closely shaven to hide that he is starting to bald. He has hazel eyes, that are often blue and sometimes green. He has a deep bellowing voice that changes to an even deeper tone when he is angry. And, he has the heartiest, warmest laugh. He is aging gracefully and is still handsome.
While I didn't 'marry my dad' in the sense that I married someone like him, I married a man with the same humor and work ethic as my dad.
My dad is a trucker. He has always worked hard. He'd drive all week and then come home on a friday night, pack the car and drive us to the beach for the weekend because he thought it'd make us happy. My sister and I followed dad around like little puppies, doing anything he asked of us. I learned to change the oil in my car, drive, drywall, build a barn, roof a house and shoot from my dad. I also learned to laugh. My mom isn't one to laugh a lot. She has gone through more than the average person can stand, and so laughing isn't something she ever learned, but my dad! Boy can he make us laugh.
One of the many of my fond memories was a short, week-end camping trip to the mountains. We took our three younger cousins and two neighbor kids with us because my dad thought they'd all enjoy a camping trip. The trip was simple, we set up our camp and got a fire going. We went swimming at the lake till it was dark and then we toasted marshmallows and made up songs to the ones on the radio. My dad made up the funniest song, I can't remember the words now, but I remember laughing so hard I cried. I remember my cousin laughing so hard she peed herself and the two neighbor kids begging to be invited to go camping again.
See, it wasn't the song that was important - it was the laughter. My dad got animated when trying to make us happy. He would run around the camp donning a pretend cape and a microphone. He'd start to belt out a song and get us to give him words, then he'd serenade us all with the funniest lyric ever created, Weird Al had nothing on Dad. We didn't roll our eyes with embarassment, we pretended to be fans and shouted more! more! Then we'd throw marshmallows or sticks at him at the end. We each took our turns with the songs, we were up all night laughing. The next day my side hurt so bad I could barely sit in the car on the trip home.
Most weekends were like that with my dad. Simple, entertaining, memorable. To this day, I go to my dad with every issue I have. Sometimes it irritates my Better Half, but I have noticed that he now does the same thing!
You know you are loved when you are in my dad's company. That is just how he is. You never leave his company without a smile on your face, and you always feel welcome to return. I was the envy of all my friends, and still am.
How much does dad love us? When I went into labor with my son, my dad was on the road working about 900 miles away. He was at the hospital to meet my boy a mere 8 hours after he was born though. He drove all day and night to meet him. Today, "PaPa" is absolutely the most important person in my boy's life second only to me of course.
I wish you all could meet my dad because writing it down here just doesn't do him any justice. You would walk away calling him "Uncle Joe" just like everyone else. As I said, a gem among men, sure to turn whatever is ailing you into a smile! Happy Father's day Daddy!
Show Comments »
I hate reading posts like this because they make me want to have kids :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 20, 2005 09:59 AM
Harv, if you don't want kids, you can be all these things to friends' kids too, like my dad is still.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 20, 2005 10:26 AM
Nice to hear about your Father! Sounds like one of the good ones!
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at June 20, 2005 11:30 AM
Oddybobo ~ What a heart warming post on your Daddy! He sounds like a real man to me, you know? When in his presence you feel love, protected, provided for, nurtured, at ease... and a bit of awe! Sounds like your Father got a lot of things right!
posted by
Dorko at June 21, 2005 07:38 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:02 AM
Comments (4)
Karnival of the Kidz #9
Bora over at Science & Politics has this week's Karnival of the Kidz, go on over and check it out it is a job well done!
Show Comments »
Posted by Oddybobo at
08:39 AM
Comments (0)
June 17, 2005

Here is a picture of the boy fishing and holding the fish he caught himself! Isn't he cute?
Show Comments »
is that a bluegill?
posted by
moehawk at June 18, 2005 05:45 AM
Precious! I do miss the days of taking the little ones fishing. Absolute sweetness!
posted by
Tammi at June 18, 2005 08:33 AM
Maybe it's just me, but I saw that picture and the first thing I thought was... He's going to put it in his mouth. It's just the way he's looking at it. Clone gets that same look, right before he tries to eat something he shouldn't... like the cat.
posted by
Contagion at June 18, 2005 08:59 AM
He's gorgeous!
posted by
Sally at June 18, 2005 03:13 PM
no, he didn't eat it, and yes it is a bluegill.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 20, 2005 08:17 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
10:17 AM
Comments (5)
June 15, 2005
WTW - My Real Family
OK, I didn't have time to do a cool picture for today's WTW post, so I thought I'd tell ya'll a little story bout my real family! My extended family consists of real trash, not good ole' country rednecks, but trash. The kind even us rednecks like to loathe.
Now, for context it helps to know that the Better Half and I have what we commonly refer to as "White Trash Contests." Now, in such contests, we give examples of family activity which constitutes "White Trash" to see whose family is trashier . . . got the picture? Good. Problem is, I usually win. *hangs head in shame*
Here's a sample of why that is.
My daddy was one of three children, his daddy was one of six. We will start with granddaddy's family. Of the six children in grandpa's clan, none went to college. Each had decent sized families in which none of the biological children went to college.
One brother adopted nine children (four of mixed black/white heritage) several of whom went to college (I think), one of whom dated the Seattle Mariners (most of them anyway), one of whom is in Levenworth for dealing drugs, one of whom has been married no less than 5 times and one of whom is a rather successful artist in the south. The others are fairly normal. So far on the White Trash scale, we get a three.
One brother had five children, none went to college. All of whom had babies or married when teens. The three boys were bikers and the women schitzoids. Only one is married to their first spouse. White Trash scale? 5.
Now, we will skip the others cause they are simply too embarrasing and we will move to my grandpa. He had three kids, none went to college. One is a wife -abusing alcoholic whose children have disowned him generally, one is a former abused wife whose children are the basis for this post, and one is my daddy, a gem among men! White Trash Scale? 2.
Ok, so we move directly to the former abused wife. All three of her children are dirty. I mean dirty, the kind where you can scrub for days and still be dirty, dirty. My female cousin doesn't wash her hair. She thinks it makes her more natural or something. Ick! All three had children while in highschool, more than one in fact. All three are on welfare and live either in trailors or govt. subsidized housing. All three steal from family members on a regular basis. Of the three, the oldest has two boys. One is destined to become a serial killer when he is grown. No lie, he's all of 8 and already tried to kill his parents. The other, destined to become a rapist. He is all of 12 and watches porn. Both are beaten on a regular basis imagine *dirty sweaty dad, fat pig mom, cigarettes and beer* "come here boy, I'm fixin to beat yer ass fer watchin my porn!" White Trash Scale? Off the friggin charts!
This is what my family reunions with this bunch of three consists of "you think yer high fallutin cause yer edjacated in some fancy schoolin. Well you ain't no better than me! Woman! Get me a beer!" My reply is usually, "no, I think I'm high fallutin cause I bathe."
My mouth tends to get me into some trouble on occassion. The last visit, I was challenged, by my oldest cousin, to a pistol party -- basically who can shoot better. I won, as he doesn't even own a gun but the man in him figured he could outshoot a girl. This didn't go over with the dirty cousin very well, who threatened me with physical violence. Now, I'm not a genius but I know better than to threaten someone with physical violence when she is holding a fully loaded, very accurate .38 and has just proven she can, in fact, shoot it and, where you have just proven you can't hit the side of a barn standing perpendicular to it!
The legal begal in me knows that I would not have had grounds for self-defense if I had shot said cousin. However, the b--ch in me wanted to shoot him in the nuts and let him bleed out . . .
Ok, sorry for that last, regaining composure. . .
Needless to say, he didn't actually hurt me. See, I confused him with big words so he left. Hmmpf! Some people are so touchy!
Anyway, that is a brief, rambling look into my White Trash World!
Check out some fun from my noisy naybors in the Extended.
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Show Comments »
Wow, reminds me of my own family reunions on my mom's side of the family. The coat of arms on that side consists of a stolen hubcap with a couple of stolen Craftsman wrenches crossed on it :-)
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at June 15, 2005 12:13 PM
Now, I am really confused, is off the charts good or bad? And which are the ones that trashy again? I guess that I didn't read close enough, I'll be back.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 15, 2005 02:00 PM
Hey, that there pistol party weren't fair! Ida just drunk half a jug o granpappy's shine before I tried shootin'. You-un hadn't drunk nuthin.
posted by
Ogre at June 15, 2005 02:06 PM
now now Ogre, I was tryin to keep your identity a secret and you went and ruined it!
posted by
Oddybobo at June 15, 2005 02:49 PM
Hey, don't be so judgmental!!The next president of these here United States might just be one of those overachievers!!
posted by
soundboyz at June 15, 2005 04:16 PM
Your real family. As opposed to your blogfamily. Your blogson is getting up and running again after not having access to a computer for 5 weeks (the humanity!). Not blogging was KILLING me. >_
posted by
Babaganoosh at June 17, 2005 12:05 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
10:51 AM
Comments (6)
June 14, 2005
Michael Jackson Likes Boys
Yep that's right! I am not going to hide the fact that I think Michael Jackson is the Poster-boy for NAMBLA. That a jury had reasonable doubt about his guilt is simply our great system at work.
Don't take this the wrong way, our system is designed to allow a man who molests children to 'get-off' so to speak if the jury members have any doubts about the guilt or innocence of the litigant. This is how our system was intended to work, this is how it worked yesterday. Bravo for those jurors who did their jobs.
Now, on the Michael. My gut tells me he molests children, he thinks he is a child and he doesn't see anything wrong with any of it. *in best Michael voice* "it's just milk and cookies and sleeping, everything is just beautiful."
Look, we, California in particular, have a problem seeing the guilt in celebs. But the writing is on the wall where Michael is concerned, any parent stupid enough to allow their child to "sleep" with Michael in the future, should be charged with child abuse.
Now, can we focus on important things in the world and let Michael fade into Neverland?
Show Comments »
Hello Oddybobo :-)
I just googled NAMBLA. Wha?! I've seen it all now...
posted by
Sally at June 14, 2005 02:52 PM
I really didn't keep up with the arrest and aubsequent trial, but from what I was hearing, it seemed to me that he was guilty. Oddly enough, I didn't care when I saw that he was aquitted. Oh well, back to work.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 14, 2005 08:45 PM
He should have a restraining order put against him from every kid in the world!
posted by
Sissy at June 14, 2005 09:06 PM
The only thing I really would like to see is what evidence the DA presented and how it was presented along with what the Defense came up with. I want to know if the jury found reasonable doubt based on a lack of strength in the evidence or if the defense was able to cast enough reasonable doubt onto it.
Although I do agree with your assessment that Americans are hard pressed to find guilt in celebreties
posted by
Contagion at June 15, 2005 08:42 AM
From what I understand, the prosection's witnesses were incredibly weak.
posted by
Harvey at June 15, 2005 09:46 AM
Oddybobo, I think you're being too harsh on Michael!! After all, this is the same man who said he would commit suicide if there were no more children to play with! He couldn't live if he had to play with himself!!!
posted by
soundboyz at June 15, 2005 04:09 PM
Soundboyz, you always make me laugh!
posted by
Oddybobo at June 15, 2005 05:54 PM
Why do I think that A) This is not the last case involving MJ we will see, B) The man was not actually born in 1958, and C) He will be dead by 2015 regardless?
posted by
The Babaganoosh at June 16, 2005 01:11 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:33 AM
Comments (8)
All my blogspotling posts are now under category "Archived Blogspotling Posts" Thanks Pixy, Jim and the MUNU team! Yay!
Show Comments »
I need to do this. I still haven't. :(
posted by
Bou at June 14, 2005 09:10 PM
I haven't done this because I'm not sure I see any benefits to actually doing it.
posted by
Contagion at June 15, 2005 08:42 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
09:27 AM
Comments (2)
June 13, 2005
Karnival of the Kidz 8
Stop by and see what a wonderful job VW of One Happy Dog Speaks has done with the Karnival!
Show Comments »
Very nice. I hope you'll update very soon. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Alexander Kolt at August 10, 2005 10:42 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:23 AM
Comments (1)
June 09, 2005
My Little Cupcake

Here is my little cupcake having a little cupcake and a piece of pizza at the same time! Don't you just want to squeeze him . . . after he washes his face?
Show Comments »
; )
posted by
Christina at June 9, 2005 01:13 PM
Thankfully, no bug eyes on that beautiful child.
posted by
Nickie Goomba at June 9, 2005 01:42 PM
Cupcake pizza?
I'll have to try that... :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 10, 2005 01:34 PM
Must.hug.beautiful.child.... :D
posted by
pam at June 10, 2005 04:43 PM
Oh I want to kiss that cutie! Right after I wipe that face. ;-)
posted by
VW Bug at June 11, 2005 05:02 PM
Remember when you we're little and the most wonderful thing you could imagine was getting a face full of cupcake like that? Ah, the sweet simplicity of youth!
posted by
Frank L. at June 12, 2005 10:58 AM
He's got priorities. Two of the best foods in his hands!
posted by
Sissy at June 14, 2005 08:09 PM
Nice job. I'm planning to come back here in the future. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Alexander Kolt at August 10, 2005 10:40 PM
« Hide Comments
Posted by Oddybobo at
12:19 PM
Comments (8)
June 08, 2005
WTW - Palm Pilot

I got me one of them there palm pilots! I think it works mighty fine!
Check out my noisy naybors in the traylor park too!
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Show Comments »
Can ya get me one of them thar palm pilots?
posted by
MOM at June 13, 2005 11:07 AM
Wow, I've used one of those forever! I'm waiting for an upgrade! :-)
posted by
Sissy at June 14, 2005 09:07 PM
A very friendly site. Have a nice day! http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
John Reed at August 10, 2005 10:39 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:35 AM
Comments (3)
June 07, 2005
Been Away for Awhile
As many of you know, I have been away from blogging for a while. I have missed everyone. I haven't even gotten much surfing done because I have been so busy. To top the whole thing off, my nephew has mono and another virus and my son will probably be stricken with both very shortly.
My son and nephew do everything together. They share drinks, food, toys, nap-time, everything. You can't pry them apart with a crowbar. So it is only a matter of time before my little munchkin gets sick.
I am actually hoping he won't get sick at all. He had a fever all weekend, but it broke yesterday. Barring any complications, my hope is that that will be the extent of the sick for us.
Since he was sick, I went out and bought him extra track for his Geotrax train set, and we played "twains" all weekend. Yesterday was over 80 degrees and he felt much better, so we played outside all day. Of course this led to an entirely new problem for me:
This was me: Damn bunnies ate my flowers . . .
This was him: Shoot em mommy! Can I watch? Can I? (he has absolutely no idea it means they die)
Ahhh, my son will one day be just like me. Perhaps I will let him shoot the bunnies with water whilst I shoot the bunnies with lead! Damn flea breading, tick infested bunnies. I hate bunnies.
Show Comments »
Man, I know what you mean about the rabbits. For me, it's squirrels. Those little buggers can screw up a yard faster than anything. And hard to hit when they are running on the ground and you live in the city. Oh well, my neighbor didn't really need that gas porch light anyway.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 7, 2005 09:04 AM
"I hate bunnies."
I never get tired of hearing that :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 7, 2005 09:38 AM
the Easter Bunny is ok by me, as long as he keeps bringing me chocolate covered peanut butter eggs.
the rest can eat hot lead. ;)
posted by
moehawk at June 7, 2005 04:59 PM
My grandparents (Germans) used to raise rabbits for eatin'. I love bunnies--fried or in stew. Gramps didn't shoot 'em, though. He whacked 'em in the head with a hammer.
Cool new web site, BTW :-)
posted by
Frank L. at June 7, 2005 10:16 PM
since you hate bunnies so much, you might enjoy this....
have fun!
posted by
moehawk at June 8, 2005 01:02 AM
You always have this to fall back on: bunnies are good eatin' ;-)
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at June 8, 2005 06:56 AM
Wait! You didn't finish the story! Did the bunnies get shot or not? Did you have rabbit stew?
posted by
Ogre at June 8, 2005 07:36 AM
MMMM, rabbit and toast. Now, I have to plant me some new flowers.
posted by
Oddybobo at June 8, 2005 08:35 AM
You should stop in at savetoby.com as well. :)
posted by
Angie at June 15, 2005 08:36 PM
Heh. Indeed. Allo. ^-^
posted by
The Babaganoosh at June 16, 2005 01:06 AM
What an ingenius way to make money!
posted by
Oddybobo at June 16, 2005 08:31 AM
You have a very talented and skilled writting. I had a great time reading your comments. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Peter Back at August 10, 2005 10:38 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:28 AM
Comments (12)
Karnival of the Kidz
Iowa Geek has done a splendid job on this week's Karnival of the Kidz go there for smiles and laughs!
Show Comments »
Posted by Oddybobo at
08:23 AM
Comments (0)
I is a Genius!
Your IQ Is 140 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Genius
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Genius |
(Hat tip basil for this little quizzy)
Show Comments »
Hey, you did pretty good, check mine out.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 15, 2005 02:02 PM
Just letting you know - your site is fantastic! http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Nicolas Trumen at August 12, 2005 06:16 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:11 AM
Comments (2)
June 06, 2005
Problems viewing
If any of you are having problems viewing the banner or the sidebar let me know. I have to maximize the window and hit CTRL and refresh in Firefox and IE on occassion, but am able to see the whole she-bang. Let me know what you think! And let me know if there are still problems viewing.
Show Comments »
I have problems seeing it when I go to your post's url (it looked like part of a seashell). Otherwise it seems fine. Acutally it seems yummy. Ship me some of that pie!
posted by
Rachel Ann at June 6, 2005 08:57 AM
Hey Lady!
The post column thingy is blocking most of the banner...it does look like part of a sea shell.
posted by
Christina at June 6, 2005 12:47 PM
Should be all better now.
Amazing what an extra space here and there will do.
posted by
phin at June 6, 2005 03:37 PM
Yay! Thanks again Phin!
posted by
Oddybobo at June 6, 2005 03:42 PM
works great now!
posted by
caltechgirl at June 6, 2005 11:03 PM
Nice job. I'm planning to come back here in the future. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Alexander Kolt at August 12, 2005 06:13 PM
Very informative site. Good job. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Kelly Ronald at August 12, 2005 06:14 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:34 AM
Comments (7)
June 05, 2005
. . . come inside, come inside . . .
Thanks to all the munus who lent a helping hand. Thanks especially to my fine scaled friend Phin for his technical genius, thanks to all who'll hopefully visit my corner of the mu.nu empire!
Oh, and not to be forgotten, thanks to the Pooklekufr who gave me my tagline!
Update your blogrolls, sound the trumpets, pull up a desk chair and sip a cosmo, if this blog is anything like my life, you're in for a bumpy ride!
Show Comments »
yay!!! Looks great except your banner is hidden behind content on my screen (Firefox, windows XP)
posted by
caltechgirl at June 5, 2005 07:12 PM
Looks fantastic!
or would that be phintastic??
; )
posted by
Chrissy at June 5, 2005 10:23 PM
Yay, congrats!
posted by
Ogre at June 6, 2005 07:39 AM
site looks good!
posted by
Contagion at June 6, 2005 08:49 AM
Whee! Another Munuvian on my blogroll... Like your new digs, Oddy dear!
posted by
songstress7 at June 6, 2005 10:23 PM
Looks sweet..congrats on the new digs!
(And now I've got Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's "Brain Salad Surgery" stuck in my head!) :)
posted by
That 1 Guy at June 6, 2005 11:19 PM
Thanks for the acknowledgment!
posted by
Tom at June 7, 2005 09:15 AM
Your site is a very nice source of info. http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Nicolas Trumen at August 11, 2005 05:13 PM
Nicolas Trumen, spammer extrodinaire has been spamming me, too. Along with his spam friends.
Stayed looking around at your site...nice clean look. Phin did a good job for you... now to read some ofyour past posts.
As they say in spam land- have a great day.
posted by
ilona at September 7, 2005 06:06 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
05:36 PM
Comments (9)
It's Pizza Time!

So, here is an oldie of my little sis and me sharing a slice or two. I'm the older one. She would do whatever I said, it was so much fun ;) We were so sweet and innocent back then. Then we got older and it all went downhill from there.
Oh, and for those who are new, welcome to my new home. Those who know me, please update your blogrolls!
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Great picture! Updated the blogroll!
posted by
vw bug at June 5, 2005 08:55 PM
Blogroll updated. Don't forget about letting Beth know for WTW. The sidebar is half hidden for me as well.
And look at those cute little girlies.
posted by
Two Dogs at June 5, 2005 08:59 PM
70's colors flashback nightmare! :-)
posted by
Harvey at June 6, 2005 08:13 AM
Cute picture! Brings back memories!
posted by
Jen H at June 8, 2005 04:55 PM
I'm asking myself: How can it be that I've never ran through your site before? It's a great one! http://www.dontevercallmyname2.com , http://www.dontevercallmyname3.org
posted by
Peter Back at August 10, 2005 10:39 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
05:23 PM
Comments (5)