11 Years Ago Today . . .
I married, at 1:30 p.m. a very wonderful man - while his fellow employees held a moment of silence. (see last years post)
I've been married 11 years today. Time flies when you are having fun - and let me tell you, we do have fun. We've been together as a couple since high school.
My house is a house of laughter. My OB told me that my son would be a happy boy because my husband was always making me laugh.
Now, you would not know it, as he is a very quiet fellow - but he is very, very funny. He and I have driven cross country - hundreds and hundreds of miles where all we did was laugh hysterically for days.
He and I once pretended to be French Tourists in British Columbia just so that I could shout out animal names in French for our amusement.
At my lowest times, and I have had a few, he has been a helpmate and friend - and always there with a smile and laugh.
But the best - the reason why my ass is three times bigger than 11 years ago - my hubby is a chef and is an absolutely amazing cook. So there!
His favorite past-time is spending time with us. The Boy and me. No other man could live with me. I could live with no other.

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OK, that made me cry! Happy Anniversary, you two. You are truly blessed. :)
posted by
pam at November 30, 2007 10:19 AM
I think you're both pretty lucky. A perfect match!
Congratulations! Here's to many MANY more years of love and laughter!!!
posted by
Tammi at November 30, 2007 11:39 AM
Happy Anniversary!
posted by
Quality Weenie at November 30, 2007 12:09 PM
Oh, Happy Anniversary!!
I should have come here first before calling.
; )
posted by
Christina at November 30, 2007 02:54 PM
A very Happy Anniversary!
posted by
Teresa at November 30, 2007 05:42 PM
Happy Anniversary!! I wish you many many more.... :)
posted by
Richmond at November 30, 2007 05:46 PM
Happy, happy anniversary!! *S* Here's a toast to the next 11 years,,,
posted by
Michele at November 30, 2007 06:08 PM
Happy Anniversary!
posted by
vw bug at November 30, 2007 08:55 PM
Congrats and happy Anniversary!
posted by
That 1 Guy at December 1, 2007 07:09 PM
Happy Anniversary and wishing you many, many more years of bliss and happiness!
posted by
Mrs. Who at December 2, 2007 05:58 PM
Happy (belated) anniversary!
posted by
zonker at December 3, 2007 08:08 AM
Yay and hooray!!!
posted by
Ogre at December 3, 2007 01:23 PM
Congrats, try 27 years on for size.
posted by
Catfish at December 3, 2007 07:23 PM
A very belated Happy Anniversary!
posted by
Bou at December 3, 2007 10:19 PM
.... congratulations to you both....
posted by
Eric at December 4, 2007 05:43 PM
Congrat's! That boy's gonna give you all a hand full... sooner or later the "Boy's will be Boy's" thing has a way of ... bein' true.
One day you'll pass one of 'em in a hallway and inform them that "They're late"... don't be surprised when one of 'em says... "No Shit". ;)
Many more happy anniversaries.
posted by
RedNeck at December 7, 2007 08:59 PM
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posted by
wholesale jewelry at December 6, 2009 10:04 PM
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Always On
I'm a lawyer. I've struggled a lot to get to this point in my life. I'm a lawyer. It is my profession, but not who I am. So, I was surprised to hear my husband comment to me last night: "don't you ever shut it off? Are you always in Lawyer mode?"
Shocked I guess because he is right. I can logic - is that an action? - myself out of just about any situation. I've questions swirling through my head at all times. I can usually find the angle, the story, the hidden gem. I am always on.
So, the question du jour is this: Say one is permanently disabled and then that person gets a serious but not usually fatal illness. We will call it Pneumonia.
Treatment for a serious bout of pneumonia involves antibiotics and also possibly help breathing.
Now, say the person doesn't get any better after 4 weeks of treatment in intensive care for pneumonia. Still on a ventilator, still eating through a tube.
Ok, got it? Now, throw in the monkey wrench of a living will which provides no heroic measures, no resucitation. Being placed on the ventilator for a serious but not fatal illness isn't resucitation and was done with the understanding that the person would be well soon.
Ok, still with me? Now, say that person decides to end treatment for the pneumonia. That is an individual's right, isn't it? To end treatment for an illness.
Ahhh, another monkey wrench! Ending treatment may mean a slow, painful death from being unable to breathe because the lungs remain filled with fluid. Then again, it may not.
So, say the doctors end treatment but the lungs don't work and the patient needs resucitated - enter living will.
Ahhh, another monkey, another wrench - the doctor violates HIPPA by calling select family members and informing them of the decision of the patient to end treatment - thus causing the family to enter into a flurry of activity aimed at "gently" persuading said patient to change his mind. . .
Oh wait, did I tell you there were many monkeys at this particular garage?
Here's another, after ordering not one but two psych evaluations to prove mental instability - because really, who would want to die when all they have is pneumonia? The doctor announces to all present that he refuses to follow the patient's wishes because it would be "murder." Since when? If he was a Jehovah's Witness he could refuse treatments!
Oh, but the kicker, the blessed kicker - said patient is a tetraplegic. He has very limited use of his hands and has limited range of motion in his arms andno feeling from his breastbone down. He's been this way for over 20 years, has had two failed suicide attempts that have depleted him of yet more of his physical abilities - what little he had - including the ability to speak without souding like a smoker because of a tracheostomy tube.
After I've gone through all the legal scenarios, all the personal civil rights violations and also the indignity of it all, I come to this: God let him live through two attempts on his own life, he has played the hand he's been dealt - and we are at a crossroads. He has been shown an opportunity - to end medical treatment - the result being the possible end of his life - possible. Perhaps this was in his cards all along?
The problem? Family. Family - compassionate yet jarringly selfish. Content to watch him suffer, to make the obligatory holiday or illness visit, but not content to let a grown man of sound mind decide his own fate - take charge of his own health or lack thereof.
I struggle with the legal side of this potpouri of violations only to come to the realization that perhaps this was God's plan. And to wonder why I am not as selfish - my dear husband will lose an uncle, a father figure, his god father, his mother's twin. Why am I content to allow that to happen? To respect his dignity and his wishes? Is it the law - has it jaded me to human emotion? Certainly it isn't a lack of intimacy. I've known him for nearly 15 years. In 15 years I've seen him leave his bed only during the holidays. 15 years of bed sores, the inability to bath oneself, to brush one's teeth. 15 years of watching the world drive by through a picture window in an overwarm bedroom.
I watched as he struggled to bring a hand to my tiny son's head to brush away the whispy hairs. I watched as he watched the children run around the room longingly. I listened as he described how his cat would curl up on his hospital bed to keep him company in his tiny, stifling bedroom. 15 years of being able to feel pain but not being able to feel his legs. 15 years of a constant morphine drip that didn't dull anything but the senses.
Perhaps, I am jaded, but not because of the law. Because for 15 years I witnessed a struggle I would not wish on my worst enemy - ok, well, maybe my worst - or Hillary Clinton . . .
Next week, God willing, I'll say goodbye to a man who I have both pitied and admired. Next week, God willing. He'll say goodbye to the body-sack he has lived in for over 20 years.
I wonder, does it make me a bad person to want this for him?
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Sometimes the law really is an ass. I hope he finds the peace that he deserves and that you wish for him.
posted by
Jim - PRS at November 17, 2007 12:31 AM
May he rest in peace, and you and yours rest easy...
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 17, 2007 06:42 AM
The dichotomy between theory and practice is something of a monkey itself, at least for me. I sincerely hope your friend is left alone and able to die with dignity. It's what I would wish for myself.
Would I try to save my husband in that situation? Theoretically no. In practice that question might be much harder to answer.
posted by
pam at November 17, 2007 07:29 AM
when my dad was dieing, he ended up in the ER and on life support because my mom was there and said yes ... put him on it. the next day she remembered his wishes and his living will and what she would want and had him taken off. a couple of days later he died. I do NOT think you are an arse nor wrong in seeing it from your point of view. It is the same view my family has. It is hard to let go but selfish to hang on to someone when that someone is ready to go.
posted by
vw bug at November 17, 2007 09:56 AM
... what a horrible, horrible situation.... may he, you, and the rest of the family find peace....
posted by
Eric at November 18, 2007 11:51 AM
We had to face the conundrum ourselves when they had to rush my mom from her little town hospital to Methodist.
See, she'd made it very clear she did not want to be hooked to a ventilator. Yet, the ventilator was just for support, because whatever she had she had a chance to recover.
I apologized to my mom for the decision, but I told her, in the same situation, We'd have to make the same decision...because the ventilation was only for temporary support... not long term.
Still, it was a sobering reminder of the decision my sister and I will have to make someday.
I think your family member has made his own informed decision and it should be honored, as my mom's would have been if the doctor had told us she would only live on a ventilator.
May he rest in peace and joy, free from pain.
posted by
Nancy at November 19, 2007 01:24 AM
Hell no, your the only sane, reasonable person in your family right now.
You are respecting his wishes while the others are being selfish and don't want to go through the grieving process that will come, they want to save themselves the pain and by keeping him alive they can feel better about themselves.
posted by
Quality Weenie at November 19, 2007 08:43 AM
I thought about this for quite a while and I conclude that Eric has the only answer I could even begin to give. May all of you find peace.
posted by
Teresa at November 19, 2007 03:09 PM
what Joe said.
posted by
caltechgirl at November 19, 2007 04:21 PM
You are most certainly NOT the bad guy here, Oddy.
Peace be with you all - the sooner the better.
posted by
Richmond at November 19, 2007 06:02 PM
We went through that a few years ago with my husband's mother. She had had a colostomy bag for over a year from a previous surgery, and was trying to get it corrected with another surgery. (She had suffered terribly with the first surgery and hated the colostomy bag...who wouldn't!) She had to be on life support right after the surgery. We lived over 2000 miles away and couldn't talk to the doctors, and my husband's older sister talked their Dad into keeping Mom on life support despite her express wishes (the Living Will was invalid because Dad signed it as a witness even though we had told him it couldn't be that close of a relative in the state where they lived). Mom stayed on life support for a month, until my husband got his Dad convinced Mom didn't want to just be laying there. She died in less than 30 minutes after life support was removed. The older sister still blames us for their Mom's death...but it was just her selfishness. Mom wasn't living at all.
I don't think you're unfeeling. You just want what he wants for himself. Just be sure that the uncle has fluids if he lapses into a coma. Dehydration is a very painful way to die...slow and lingering. He has suffered enough as it is. God be with your family during this time.
posted by
Mrs. Who at November 20, 2007 06:14 PM
If I was the patient and lived, I'd sue the hell out of the doctor, the hospital and all involved. I have a living will that I don't care if they know 100% that after 2 days I'd live, I never want to be hooked up to machines... ever. If I can't survive on my own, then I don't want to live.
posted by
Contagion at November 20, 2007 06:39 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!
posted by
vw bug at November 22, 2007 06:48 AM
Echoing VW!!!
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 22, 2007 08:35 AM
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And your little dog too!
To the stupid bint who insisted upon driving the shoulder on the BRIDGE this morning to pass as much traffic as possible, then proceeded to cut in front of me and give ME the finger . . . I hope you get food poisoning today!
To the jagoff who thought it'd be cool to prank call me at 3 a.m., I hope your genitals shrivel up and fall off.
To the asscrack that purchased the last diet coke in the machine today - may it be flat.
To all you yahoos out there who insist on riding my six when I am driving 80 frickin miles an hour! Next time - I slam on the breaks, I've got good insurance, do you?
Oh, and just for good measure . . . to the person whole stole my booster seat at the airport last week - we saw it go into the plane - I hope the lingering smells of my Boy's puke come back to haunt you, cause seriously, you can't wash that shit out!
Can you tell I'm having one of those days?
Show Comments »
Man, I hate days like that. Hope the week gets better from here on...
posted by
Teresa at November 5, 2007 06:09 PM
It's all downhill from Monday, Oddy! Hang in there...!
posted by
pam at November 5, 2007 07:13 PM
Go get 'em Oddy!!
posted by
Richmond at November 5, 2007 07:13 PM
Oddy, tell us what you really think.
posted by
Elisson at November 5, 2007 07:22 PM
Wow! Sounds like you need a "Calgon, Take Me Away" kind of vacation. Hope things get better for you soon!
posted by
Lemon Stand at November 5, 2007 07:25 PM
posted by
vw bug at November 6, 2007 09:16 AM
oh, hon, what a mess. You need some pie.
posted by
caltechgirl at November 6, 2007 01:07 PM
Ya wanna borrow my boots? I got an extra pair! They work great for weeks like this....
Hang in there. And don't forget - take names...
posted by
Tammi at November 7, 2007 02:01 PM
.... I can sense so much violence in this post..... deep breaths, oddy.... deeeeep breaths....
posted by
Eric at November 8, 2007 08:29 PM
Um... I'll come back later.
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 9, 2007 07:29 PM
I'm a little skeered right now.
posted by
Jerry at November 13, 2007 08:10 AM
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posted by
wholesale jewelry at December 20, 2009 12:54 PM
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The Haul
This is my baby's haul. He got washed up after trick or treating, took off the spidey costume and dumped out the haul. The only things missing were what he ate "on the road" and a can of soda someone gave him. Oh, the toys . . . specifically the hot wheels were given to him by the neighbor in his "trick or treat" bag - she is such a sweet neighbor!

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WOW! He really cleaned up! :)
posted by
pam at November 1, 2007 09:40 AM
Not including Saturday night, huh??
posted by
Christina at November 1, 2007 09:41 AM
Whoa... that's quite something! Any chewy sprees??
posted by
Richmond at November 1, 2007 09:51 AM
Holy cow!!! I forsee a boy bouncing off walls. LOL.
posted by
Teresa at November 1, 2007 10:35 AM
Ok, so are you going to let him eat it all til he gets sick???
posted by
vw bug at November 1, 2007 10:59 AM
Good haul, however if he dressed like a dark lord of the underworld I think he would have gotten more... but I am biased.
posted by
Contagion at November 1, 2007 05:27 PM
All I got was a rock.
Seriously, they are giving Hot Wheels now? damn, I loved those little cars until my ma beat me with a piece of that damn track when I was about ten. I got rid of the track really quick. That crap hurt.
posted by
Two Dogs at November 1, 2007 06:11 PM
.... what a lucky guy!..... his candy-haul probably outweighs him!.....
.... the Halloween motherlode lies up near where you live, girl..... dont let the word get out.....
posted by
Eric at November 1, 2007 07:48 PM
that's like a year's worth of candy!
posted by
caltechgirl at November 1, 2007 10:16 PM
My kids would be asking to be his friend!
posted by
Mrs. Who at November 3, 2007 02:59 PM
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wholesale jewelry at December 20, 2009 03:09 PM
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