July 31, 2005
Got my drunk onn
So, i'm late to this party, but I'm "Here for the Party" . . .
Just got back in from the Gretchen Wilson, Keith Urban -- wait a moment while I drool -- Kenny Chesney, booze fest that was Cruzan Rum and sweat. They sold Cruzan in Yard Sticks for $15, I am so broke. I am so drunk. I love you guys! I still have one contact in -- oops, now its ripped. Dayum, I just bought that pair.
Off to comment with the rest of ya, and then, sadly, off to bed. Drunk Bobo has to go to church in the am. . . .
mmmm. banana rum . . .
Update: I smelled smoke, it was real smoke, no fire, just smoke. my fan blew up. Pisser! My blogcrawl is done.
Show Comments »
eww...hangovers at church suck. and, yes...i actually know this from experience. :-P
posted by
Pam at July 31, 2005 12:38 AM
Dang - that's a bummer! Not in your bedroom, I hope.
posted by
Barb at July 31, 2005 01:45 AM
posted by
Susie at July 31, 2005 02:01 AM
you fan blowing up is karm a for the whoe lboonig off of the glabcarwl!
posted by
Contagion at July 31, 2005 03:10 AM
eah,, what he said!
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 31, 2005 03:32 AM
Man, rum hangovers are the WORST. Try taking some Airborne--the alleged cold preventive stuff. It works great as a hangover cure.
posted by
Frank L. at July 31, 2005 10:02 AM
"my fan blew up"
posted by
Harvey at August 1, 2005 01:04 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
12:16 AM
Comments (7)
» Ogre's Politics & Views TracksBack with:
Blog Crawl '05: Remains
July 29, 2005
A dear friend
I have just finished speaking to one of the most wonderful women I have ever had the pleasure of never formally meeting! (Let's see if I can beat her to the posting of this great conversation) Christina at Feisty Repartee is absolutely fantastic! Go read her stuff.
She is delightful. Her children are beautiful. Her blog reads like a spicy novel and I cannot wait to continue forging a friendship with this lovely lady!
Show Comments »
Oh, honey, you are da bomb!!
I adore you!
; )
posted by
Christina at July 29, 2005 02:14 PM
I smell smurfs!
Blog Crawl 2005!
Pointless and yet more fun than swimming with bowlegged women.
posted by
Sarah the penguin at July 30, 2005 09:03 PM
*placekicks Smurf*
It's GOOD!
3 points for me!
*stumbles off*
posted by
Harvey at July 30, 2005 10:41 PM
posted by
Ogre at July 31, 2005 12:05 AM
(Looks at blue goo on shoe)
Hey that rymes...
posted by
Graumagus at July 31, 2005 12:06 AM
Dammit I want pumpkin pie...
posted by
Graumagus at July 31, 2005 12:06 AM
Yeah, but where'd the BLUE come from?
posted by
Ogre at July 31, 2005 12:06 AM
Smurfette was a slut.
posted by
Bou at July 31, 2005 12:07 AM
HEy now, I am only half way through my drunk and ya'll are being mean to smurfette?
posted by
oddybobo at July 31, 2005 12:12 AM
It is truly the only way to explain all those smurfs... with only one smurfette.
posted by
Bou at July 31, 2005 12:15 AM
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Karnival of the Kidz
I have been remiss in my kid posting. Here are my two favorite boys playing dress-up. Yep, even boys play dress-up. Mine's the little blonde. He is going for a pseudo-mind trippy look. He told me so! If this was video, you would then see these boys dancing around to the song "Hillbillies" by Hot Apple Pie. My son loves that song!

Show Comments »
simply adorable
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 29, 2005 09:05 AM
Too cute!
posted by
Sissy at July 29, 2005 09:55 AM
Yep! I love when my boys play dress up. Your boys are just sooo cute. Mine are not up to your boys level yet, I can't wait to see when they get there after seeing this picture.
posted by
vw bug at July 29, 2005 12:19 PM
simply dahling!
posted by
Pam at July 29, 2005 05:48 PM
Boy on the right looks like some sort of drunken fighter-pilot gangsta rapper :-)
posted by
Harvey at July 30, 2005 11:39 AM
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July 28, 2005
Intra-Family Blogcrawl

That's right Ya'll! It is time for a crawl. I'll be a bit late to the party, but I will be there. I'll be at a concert so mine'll be tied on by the time I get home. Any of you readers out there who aren't part of the respective families, feel free to join us, the rules are simple.
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Posted by Oddybobo at
05:27 PM
Comments (1)
» And What Next... TracksBack with:
Blog Crawl 2005
Taking a Stand
A beautiful young lady named LaToyia Figueroa disappeared on her way home from a doctor's appointment 10 days ago. She is five months pregnant. She also has a 7 year old daughter.
In the last several months she has been mugged in an unrealted incident and then attacked by her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. It doesn't seem like this story will end without tragedy.
What is it about pregnant women that make them vulnerable to scum?
Better question, when will we as women band together and make scum (male or female) who prey on pregnant women pay? Even if this is a case of domestic violence or a crime of passion it should be a wake up call. Everyday, we see signs in the news and papers about women (and sweet children) who go missing, who are abused, who are murdered. I am taking a stand!
Here is my pledge:
I am no one's victim,
I will make you suffer before you can make me a victim,
I shoot straight and my aim is good,
I will not let you make someone else a victim,
I will protect my family and my friends at all costs,
You will be sorry those evil thoughts crossed your mind.
I will not sit idle why women become victims all around me. Oh! and brother-in-law scum, if you are out there, you will get your due too.
We should have a million woman march, taking back our dignity, our health, our lives. I am not being exclusive, if there are men out there in domestic violence situations, they too are welcome. Or perhaps just a march over evil scum, making sure to dig high-heeled boots into their nether regions!
I send my thoughts and prayers out to Ms. Figueroa's family. I hope she is somewhere safe, and just needed to get away. I hope.
Show Comments »
This story wasn't originally picked up by the news.
Bloggers forced them to work this story by pointing out how they'd be jumping all over it if LaToyia were white.
posted by
Rob at July 28, 2005 04:48 PM
an all woman parade, with heels and guns? I am sooo there
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 29, 2005 12:51 AM
Actually I've been called a chauvinist pig because I treat Pregnant women better then I do others. I tend to look out for them and become over protective, especially if I know them.
posted by
Contagion at July 29, 2005 08:54 AM
Great idea; I'm there!
Every day before my walk I work myself up into a froth; a good spitting MAD, just in case anything happens I can launch myself into whoever... Not that a 47 year old woman is desirable, but I may be perceived as vulnerable, thus an easy target. I end up walking around looking like I'm mad at the world, and I kind of AM, since it bothers me that I must do that, but...
posted by
pam at July 29, 2005 09:29 AM
I cannot tolerate bullies--especially men who victimize women. Nothing makes my blood boil more. I personally have never hit a female. A woman would have to be seriously kicking my ass before I would even consider hitting back.
On two occasions, I had to get physically involved to prevent some a-hole from smacking a woman around. There have even been a few occasions when I escorted my ex-wife (no good feelings between us) to her car after my daughter's late-night dance classes, just to make sure she got home safe. I think it is our responsibility as men to protect our mothers, our daughters and the mothers of our children. Chauvinistic? I think it's just being realistic. Women are the vessels of life for our species.
The kind of monster who would prey on a pregnant woman is the lowest of the lowest--male of female. I think the death penalty should be mandatory for any murder of a pregnant woman--25 to life for any assault.
posted by
Frank L. at July 30, 2005 03:15 PM
I live in the area and its all over the news , her poor father pleading for any thing anyone might know or saw ... I hope she is fine ...
posted by
gina at August 2, 2005 10:11 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
11:21 AM
Comments (6)
» Cotillion TracksBack with:
The Cotillion: Southern Style
» KelliPundit TracksBack with:
The Cotillion: Southern Style
Time To Get Redneck!
Yep, it is official. I am revisiting my redneck roots. I told ya'll about my bastard of a brother-in-law before. Now, he has taken to using threats and violence to display his utter lack of manhood and complete cowardice. Yep, he's a woman (and child) abuser now, in addition to being a world-class ass.
So, as I said, it is official, I will be gettin redneck soon.
On another front, it is 9:35 a.m. I was here at work (1 hour from my home) till 1:30 a.m. and returned at 8:30 a.m. Yep, day is not gonna be too good!
And lastly, as I stare longingly from my 50th floor window, I see the Citgo-Bass Masters competition getting started below. A hot air balloon just took off, and there are festivities, oh where is my fishing rod when I need it?
I need a nap, and this chocolate pop-tart for breakfast is officially nasty. . . more later.
Anyone wanna join me on a redneck-huntin party? (and it isn't even White Trash Wednesday)
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We are filling in the pond on our property... HINT HINT.
posted by
vw bug at July 28, 2005 11:48 AM
Doesn't sound like anything a large piece of carpet, a roll of duct tape and a 10 pound sledge hammer couldn't solve.
posted by
Frank L. at July 28, 2005 03:48 PM
LOL VW! Got room for one one?
posted by
Sally at July 28, 2005 04:49 PM
One MORE. Drat this child of mine..
posted by
Sally at July 28, 2005 04:50 PM
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July 27, 2005

How you like my new doorbell, my man Billy-Joe thought it'd be funny. Erybody's always mounting those deer heads on their walls, now here's a use for its hind-end!
Check out what my noisy naybors here in this here traylor park have to say too:
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Feisty Republican Whore
Show Comments »
that is just wrong.
posted by
Contagion at July 27, 2005 09:02 AM
My WT relatives' interesting uses for stuffed critter parts never ceased to amaze me--lamps, end tables, beer coolers--but this one is pure WT genius!
posted by
Frank L. at July 27, 2005 09:31 AM
Why do I get the feeling that Oddy goes around the neighborhood, taking pictures herself for these "features..."
posted by
Ogre at July 27, 2005 11:40 AM
posted by
vw bug at July 27, 2005 12:16 PM
Ogre, you may not be too far off the mark ;)
posted by
Oddybobo at July 27, 2005 01:19 PM
What an inovative idea Oddy!
posted by
Jay at July 27, 2005 02:21 PM
I like it...
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 27, 2005 09:41 PM
Oh, honey, do you think I could put that thing out before the in-laws are due to arrive??
; )
posted by
Christina at July 28, 2005 10:17 AM
oh gee...that's just wrong on so many levels.
posted by
Pam at July 29, 2005 12:21 AM
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July 26, 2005
Cotillion Tuesday

It's Tuesday, and that means it is Cotillion time. For you newbies, it is a roundup of the thoughts of some very lovely ladies in the 'sphere. This week's lovely hostesses are:
Sadie at Fistful of Fortnights; Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy; Claire at e-Claire; and Denita at Who Tends the Fires.
They have the round up of the lovely ladies of the Cotillion. Go forth and learn!
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July 25, 2005
Just like that . . .
I am a Large Mammal again. I was just complaining this morning about the sudden drop in my status in the ecosystem, but now, I am back to my mammiferous mammalian self.
Now if only I could change other things, just like that . . .
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Yay! And you did it without having to show any cleavage (unless I'm missing a link here - if so, PLEASE provide!)... hehe.
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at July 25, 2005 07:51 PM
I keep going back and forth between mammal and marsupial. Depends on the time of the week!
Yay! Congrats!
posted by
Sissy at July 25, 2005 10:16 PM
I'm an Adorable Little Rodent -- I kinda like that . . . I've never been adorable before!
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 25, 2005 11:48 PM
I read this post too quickly the first time, I swear I thought you posted that you where back to your mammaryific self again.
I know, I'm a bad, bad man.
posted by
Contagion at July 26, 2005 08:56 AM
Hi, I'm looking for the post about Oddy's Mammaries? Am I in the right place? ;)
posted by
Ogre at July 27, 2005 11:39 AM
YAY! Mammaries!
posted by
Harvey at July 27, 2005 02:55 PM
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The Luau
On Saturday I attended a Luau. Now, I don't usually go to parties. I am a bit of a homebody. But on Saturday, being childless, the Better Half and I enjoyed a party.
The food was great, deep-fried turkey, deep-fried venison and desserts like no tomorrow. It was a bring your own beer party, which was evident by the 30 or so coolers lined up in a row. Mine had Twisteds in them. Watermelon. Yum. See, Twisteds are bad cause they taste like koolaid and you drink many more that way. . .
By 4 am, I had managed to polish off many watermelon Twisteds and was having difficulty walking so I, apparently, took a nap - in the yard.
This would not have been so bad had I not been wearing glowy things. Needless to say, everyone knew I was napping, and proceeded to deck me out in Luau attire. (sorry, no pictures, I burned them yesterday) I was decked head to toe in Luau. I had the grass skirt, the lei, the coconut bra (I wonder who put that on me) and a funny grass hat.
I will be wearing said attire for the blogcrawl. I wonder how many Twisteds I will need to start doing the limbo in my computer room . . .
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And we expect pictures THIS time!
posted by
Ogre at July 25, 2005 11:42 AM
Hey you got lei'd this weekend. That better than some folks did :p
posted by
phin at July 25, 2005 03:27 PM
I demand pictures of this!
posted by
Contagion at July 26, 2005 08:57 AM
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Boo Hoo
I used to be a Large Mammalian (in the Ecosystem) and now I am but a lowly marsupial.
No one comes to visit anymore (cept my loyal 5) and that, despite my shameless "Open Thread" the other day.
I must think of something good for this week, but I am too damn tired. I started drinking for this weekend's blogcrawl this Saturday. . . Hmm, I owe a Luau post.
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I'm thinking that drinking thing might bring some traffic... ;)
posted by
Ogre at July 25, 2005 11:42 AM
Try cleavage pictures.
I've been told it's effective, even though it didn't work that well for me :-)
posted by
Harvey at July 25, 2005 11:57 AM
I dropped to "flappy bird" quite precipitously. I think they're having problems with their database. Links to me dropped from 60 to 21.
Technorati has a lot more folks linking to me.
posted by
Rob at July 25, 2005 12:20 PM
I can't even see what I am on my blog since I moved. Added the code... just says I am ____ in the TTLB Ecosystem. ;-)
posted by
vw bug at July 25, 2005 01:22 PM
Awwe, BOBO, do not fret hun. You'll always be a "Large Mammalian" to me ;-)
Yeah, like the other blogger said: "cleavage" may just get ya rockin' and rollin' again ;-P~~~
Hehe... blog ON, you!
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at July 25, 2005 02:58 PM
I think The Bear is going through a system clean up. I jumped way up into the 800s then dropped back down to the 1300s. My traffic is what I look at... it's has remained consistent.
posted by
Bou at July 25, 2005 08:47 PM
I haven't checked my status out much to be able to tell if I rose or fell.
posted by
Contagion at July 26, 2005 08:59 AM
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July 22, 2005
Soldiers stationed at GITMO complained to their visiting Senators - Akaka and Kennedy about the derogatory statements about our soldiers coming out of Washington.
Of course neither Senator has made mention of the complaints, and I will tell you why:
These Washington partisan moonbats do not care about our soldiers or their opinions. What they care about is a story, a good salacious story, which they can use in order to demoralize the population and our fighting forces and place a black mark on the record of our President.
While those moonbats are running around in tight circles, wearing duncecaps and shouting "He lied, he lied!" Our fighting men and women are getting the job done. They watch our six day and night.
Those men and women are saving our butts with the information they squeeze out of terrorists at GITMO. They are making progress in Iraq, though the MSM will never let you know it.
Food for thought, I have a very good friend who was out, completely out of the military after his last tour in Iraq. He worked his menial day job and thought about the freedoms he had taken for granted before. For months he was his normal self. Then, he reenlisted. Much to the horror of his family. He is in Iraq again. When asked why he reenlisted he said: I am free to do what I want here, work my job, go to a movie, drink a coke, all the while my brothers in the military are making that happen for the Iraqiis, it is my duty to go and help them make it happen.
A majority of our fighting men and women believe in what we are doing out there. They don't need moonbats in Washington telling them what they are doing is either unnecessary or wrong. Know this! It doesn't undermine our military when Dickhead Durbin is out parading around spouting nonsense, it undermines his credibility, but strengthens our military's resolve.
Hey Washington! Soldiers have a voice, and a vote, and you can be assured that they will use it when your term is up, whether or not you acknowledge their complaints.
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Amen, sistah!
posted by
Pam at July 22, 2005 03:00 PM
Kennedy is just jealous he didn't get to put women's underwear on his head and squeal like a pig.
posted by
Jay at July 23, 2005 02:55 PM
Oddy, dear Oddy, you just don't understand.
Those poor soldiers were just "misinformed." They didn't really know what it was they were complaining about. Fortunately we have such wonderful saints as Kennedy and Durbin who KNOW what is best for us. They have been annointed as Those Who Know Better. If you disagree with them, you simply are not as enlightened as they are.
Ok, I can't go on, I'm going to be ill.
posted by
Ogre at July 25, 2005 10:23 AM
Obviously the votes of soldiers and their families don't carry as much weight with some politicos, to the point that they tried to keep them out of the 2000 election. It's revolting for sure.
First rule of PR: never mention the complaints.
posted by
Pam M. at July 25, 2005 03:54 PM
You are SO Right On!
Great post -- great sentiments!
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 25, 2005 11:45 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
11:54 AM
Comments (5)
» Fistful of Fortnights TracksBack with:
Quintessential Femme Fatales.
» Cotillion TracksBack with:
Quintessential Femme Fatales.
Birthday Wishes
Birthday Wishes go out to Mustang23 of Assumption of Command. Today is his birthday.
He is short - no, not in height - he and his unit will be coming home from Iraq in less than 100 days. Yippee!!
He, I am sure, will be getting some Gates BBQ when he gets home. I bet all his pen-pals will be there to see him too!
Go over and send him your birthday wishes and your thanks for watching our six!
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July 21, 2005
Open Thread
Ok, I am busy, so I thought I'd post an open thread for all my loyal readers to comment in. *begs for comments*
Tell me about your day, your thoughts, the answer to my last post, anything.
If you don't have a topic, here is one: Coke or Pepsi? Discuss.
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Hey, I sent you an e-mail with the link to my radio station and it bounced back to me.
Since LeAnn the CheeseMistress has gone and posted it on her website, I don't guess there's any reason to try and keep it on the down low anymore.
Yes, there is a ton of stuff messed up on the station website ...no, I don't care.
My picture isn't up, but you can hear me monday-friday 7 to midnight eastern time.
posted by
Sarah the penguin at July 21, 2005 12:15 PM
Cool I will tune in tonight!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 21, 2005 12:23 PM
Definitely PEPSI!! Diet preferably. :)
posted by
Denise at July 21, 2005 12:42 PM
Let see:
I love old B Movies. Use to love, during the winter, snuggling under the blanket with some cocoa and cookies and what the very bad movies.
Day is pretty crappy, so crappy in fact I will post on it.
If I could drink pop it would be Coke. Haven't had one in 9 1/2 years now because of an Arrythmia. Not allowed caffeine.
posted by
Machelle at July 21, 2005 01:10 PM
I want to go home and get into my pool. Yesterday it was a warm 80 degrees in the water. Oh how I love my pool. . .
posted by
Oddybobo at July 21, 2005 01:22 PM
Coke, but only coke in those little glass bottles, and it has to be ice cold. Yummy.
posted by
vw bug at July 21, 2005 01:59 PM
I am most certainly not going to add a comment to this blatant..
Ah, I give up. Coke. Diet Coke.
I had quite a good day, thank you. How was yours?
posted by
Sally at July 21, 2005 02:56 PM
Pepsi all the way! I'm having one right now!
posted by
Sissy at July 21, 2005 05:38 PM
Vanilla coke! yum!
posted by
Jay at July 21, 2005 08:07 PM
None of the above. Budweiser, Long Neck. The Breakfast of Champions!
posted by
Two Dogs at July 21, 2005 10:50 PM
Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper.
It's every flavor in the universe in one can.
posted by
Harvey at July 22, 2005 07:44 AM
Hard-boiled eggs. With paprika.
posted by
Ogre at July 22, 2005 11:16 AM
Coke. I don't do soda, but if I did, it would be coke.
BTW, we call all soda in the South, 'Coke'. I just thought it would be confusing for me to write, "I don't do coke, but if I did, it would be a coke." ;-)
posted by
Bou at July 22, 2005 11:27 AM
Diet Sprite.
Okay, Coke. Rum and Coke, if you got it.
posted by
Jenna at July 22, 2005 02:01 PM
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July 20, 2005
Strange Movie Quotes
When I was a kid, I loved movies (I rarely watch them now). I loved spaghetti westerns and serial mysteries and nature movies and the oldies . . .
Anything John Wayne, anything Katherine Hepburn, anything with cowboys and indians. You get the picture.
Well, out of the blue today I started thinking of a song in some movie I saw long ago. I think it was about a mountain man (a drunk mountain man). He sang a song that i found myself singing today. I need help identifiying the movie:
The drunk mountain man/loner sang "I killed a bear, not over here, over thar!" In a good lilting slur. Anybody know this movie? Can anyone help me?
Bah! I am going to go home and watch John Wayne spank Maureen O'Hara in McClintock one of my favorite John Wayne movies, if only for the scene where they all fight in the mud. Oh and lest anyone think I don't know my John Wayne, my second favorite John Wayne movie? Donovan's Reef *hangs head in shame.*
Show Comments »
LOVE John Wayne movies! McClintock! is number two for me after The Quiet Man. Love Donovan's Reef, as well. Of course! :)
LOVE Kate Hepburn. My favorite was The Philadelphia Story. A delight, from start to finish.
posted by
pam at July 21, 2005 11:57 AM
The Philadelphia Story is my all-time favorite movie, I know every line!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 21, 2005 12:19 PM
I am sure it is the spanking scene...I am sure. I have seen you at enough comment parties to know, it is the spanking scene....
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 21, 2005 05:07 PM
*perks up*
Spanking scene?
posted by
Harvey at July 22, 2005 07:43 AM
Sorry, can't help with the drunk mountain man. I'll ask around next time I'm in the mountains, drunk (shouldn't be long).
And The Quiet Man, Pam? I didn't think anyone else knew that was a John Wayne movie! Loved it!
posted by
Ogre at July 22, 2005 11:15 AM
The Quiet Man is my FAVORITE John Wayne movie....
posted by
Graumagus at July 26, 2005 01:00 PM
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Beam Me Up
Scotty is gone. A moment of silence my friends.
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He got beamed up to a better place. May he rest in peace.
posted by
Jay at July 20, 2005 03:53 PM
(Trying to portray the moment of silence in a comment. Hrm.)
posted by
songstress7 at July 21, 2005 11:53 PM
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WTW - Grill
My good friend VW of One Happy Dog Speaks came across this here advertizement in her local Area Shopper. She thought I'd need one, and she was right. I can't wait to try it out this here Saturday!
Free "Redneck" Bar-B-Que Grill
Stainless steel grill, for FREE, you read right, FREE !
Available in all stores:
Publix - Win Dixie - K-Mart - A&P - Wal-Mart - Walgreen's, etc.
Hurry before they run out of stock !

Check out what my noisy naybors here in this here traylor park have to say too:
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Feisty Republican Whore
Show Comments »
Gotta get me one of those :-)
posted by
Harvey at July 20, 2005 08:57 AM
Now, you left off the Piggly Wiggly. That's where I got mine!
posted by
Cousin Red at July 20, 2005 09:16 AM
Glad you liked it, Couz!
posted by
vw bug at July 20, 2005 11:38 AM
Thats too funny...yet quite creative actually.
posted by
Jay at July 20, 2005 03:54 PM
Ain't it sumpin' like "Needs done be the Mama of all 'ventions"?
posted by
Two Dogs at July 20, 2005 08:49 PM
Wow, you know my family.
I have some pictures of my family I will post soon that you will love.
Talk about some white trash! :-P
posted by
Sissy at July 20, 2005 09:02 PM
for some reason this post reminds me of florida , in seminole county , I had a friend who lived in the sticks , and every time it rained , he said , " its raining like a 2 ton a cow p____ing on a flat rock ... thanks for the laugh ...
posted by
gina at July 24, 2005 11:21 PM
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July 19, 2005
Family Crap
So, my little sista is going through a divorce and she has a small child, a 3 year old. Her husband is the kind of man who thinks only of himself. His words after the birth of his child were "all he does is take my money and my time." Some dad. He still feels that way. When my sister left him (because he said her feelings were not as important as his) he told her he would not pay her a dime for their son. Well, she took him to domestics today and was awarded what she had asked for which was simply $300/month. Not a lot by any means, hardly enough if you ask me (or the domestic relations officer). He wasn't pleased.
I am wondering what possesses a grown man with a family to think only of himself. Can any of you help me out here? Most of my readers are devoted to their partners and/or children. What is the mentality? I will give more examples:
My nephew is borderline ADD you can see it in him. He needs activity, lots of it to keep him occupied and focused. My sister thought a tumbling class or gym class would be good. It was $35.00 a month. He said it was too expensive. In the meantime he has enrolled himself in a $170/month karate class.
My nephew has asthma and requires medication. He says my sister should buy the meds as they are too expensive (she does buy them) then he goes out and buys a $3000 guitar.
My sister wanted to go on vacation over a weekend to take my nephew to Sesame Place. He said no. Then, over my nephew's 3rd birthday, took a $1200 trip to take a pool lesson from some billiards champion, by himself.
When he is home, he forces the boy to sleep in a darkened room because he needs to nap, not the boy, the man. So the boy loses out on activity time because daddy needs a nap!
So again I ask, what possesses a man to think only of himself over his child or wife?
My husband is devoted to us. He never thinks of his hobbies or plans in front of our child. In fact, he has rearranged his life to include the boy in all our pursuits. So I don't have a good reference point. To discuss how the brother-in-law is with my sister would take days, but a lot of you out there know the type. What I want to know is how a man can be like this with his child. Not abusive, just indifferent.
Oh, for anyone wondering, I would have kicked his ass long ago if my husband showed any of those qualities, but I got a winner. My sista got a loser.
I really don't understand it. Can anyone enlighten me?
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I know guys like your ex-brother-in-law. It's easy to explain. They don't like kids, they don't like the idea of being a parent, they havent grown up mentally yet. They never got past those teenage years when it was "all about me".
I know one guy that feels his kids robbed him of the life he wanted. Another one feels his family is holding him back. A third is lazy and feels his wife should do all the work while he goes and plays.
Me, yea I gave up a lot of stuff for my family. But that was my choice. I don't resent my family for any decisions that I made and I don't regret a one of them. Do I wish I could get away with my wife for a while with out the boys, sure. But any parent that says different is either really not in love with their partner or is just boring.
posted by
Contagion at July 19, 2005 05:30 PM
You made a mistake in your second sentence when you called him a 'man'. He is not a real man; unfortunately for his son he's still a little, selfish boy inside.
How you have kept from hiring a hit on this guy is beyond me...
posted by
pam at July 19, 2005 05:35 PM
I'm glad your sister is smart and getting out now.
I'm sorry she is going through that. How tough!
posted by
Sissy at July 19, 2005 08:06 PM
Only $300.00 a month? What a jerk. He obviously don't live in Cal-lah-forn-nee-aa. I fork out $1500.00 a month for my three and I have them half the time! Actually, the boy turned 18 and has been living with me full-time since October. I really gotta get that support order amended!
Anyway, you'll never hear me complaining about the $$$ when my kids are anywhere near. Truthfully, I'd pay twice as much to be rid of their mother (psycho!), and some of that support eventually trickles down to them.
My second wife's ex-husband took very little interest in his boys for many years. He hardly ever saw them and spent most of his time working. (I raised them as my own, with little appreciation for my efforts.) Finally, their dad started becoming more involved and developed a good relationship with the younger boy. The damage was done with the oldest, I'm afraid. He's cordial with his dad, but they'll never be close.
Don't waste any additional time or effort trying to figure out what makes your ex-bro-in-law tick. It's not worth it. He might come around someday, but people rarely change--when they do, it's called a "miracle". Pray for the man. Sounds like he needs it.
posted by
Frank L. at July 19, 2005 11:15 PM
The reason he doesn't like kids, or do anything for anyone else, is because he's still a kid. And a bastard one at that.
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 19, 2005 11:34 PM
I would guess that almost all men get the feeling that the wife and kids are 'sucking them dry'/ruining their life/robbing them of the chance to live their life as they once envisioned it.
They get that feeling every now and then but are adult enough to realize that it would be irresponsible to follow through on it. They realize that they made committments and that these people in their life are real and much more important than dreams that never came true.
That's most people -- there are always a few who will abandon everything they have for things they think they want.
I guess the short answer to your question is maturity (or a lack of same).
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 20, 2005 12:10 AM
Hey, Oddy, how 'bout an address? Karate, huh? This could be fun. He don't look that tough.
posted by
Two Dogs at July 20, 2005 02:06 AM
No, he isn't tough, he is a scrawny, lowlife, and Two Dogs, I've seen your pic, you could take him.
I guess I agree with everyone else, it is a lack of maturity. He is 34 and doesn't think he should have to give up anything for the sake of his family. If you work it right, you don't have to. Your family may be interested in what you are, but he doesn't want them included.
posted by
Oddybobo at July 20, 2005 08:23 AM
Amazing how everyone got this one right -- he's simply an immature, selfish child.
But why, oh why, wasn't a name and address posted? Huh, Oddy? You still trying to keep things clean for the Supreme Court nomination? :)
posted by
Ogre at July 20, 2005 11:21 AM
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Cotillion Time Again!

It's Tuesday, and that means it is Cotillion time. For you newbies, it is a roundup of the thoughts of some very lovely ladies in the 'sphere. This week's lovely hostesses are:
Dr. Sanity of Dr. Sanity; Right Girl of Girl on the Right; Beth of My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy; and Annika of Annika's Journal.
Go see what these beautiful women have to offer. Go now!
Show Comments »
You girls keep on rockin!
posted by
Jay at July 19, 2005 11:57 AM
I would recommend to you to shut...
posted by
Brad Pitt at July 20, 2005 02:07 AM
i would recommend to you to shut...
posted by
nicolegrants kidman at July 20, 2005 02:07 AM
I don't think she is really rocking...
posted by
Jones at July 28, 2005 10:07 AM
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July 18, 2005
Trophy Girls
I was at the Easyriders Rodeo this weekend. For those that don't know, it is a bike event where people put their Harleys to the test. Burn-outs, hill climbs, pulls, races, etc . . .
Sorry, I do not have any pictures as it was at times too bright or too dark to take any pictures, I will simply have to tell the tale myself.
As I have said here before, the Better Half is a firefighter. His volunteer company participated at Easyriders by selling beer to raise money for the company. So of course, while manning the beer truck, we got to see all kinds.
Let me start with Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked to be about 18 (the age to get into the event.) When the Better Half and I arrived at the beer truck at 9 p.m., She was on stage, in a bikini top and jeans, getting doused with water and wiggling and shaking while she chugged a mug o' beer. Then in a southern drawl, she proceeded to tell the crowd of oggling men that she had, in fact, come to this event ALONE! I had the displeasure of meeting Ms. Elizabeth several times throughout the night. While I never served her, as she had a different "gentleman" buying her beers all night, I observed that she was highly intoxicated, probably also high as a kite, and was with a different "gentleman" every hour or so. If Elizabeth wasn't gang-raped that night, I would be surprised. If Elizabeth remembered any of it the next day, I would be shocked.
After sizing up Elizabeth for the night, we moved on to the trophy girl contest. For those who don't know, a trophy girl contest is where young ladies dance for the crowd for 45 seconds and the crowd picks the winner. Dancing is not all that is involved. Stripping is most entirely appropriate, the sucking of nipples is also seen, oh and the gratuitous dousing of what is left of one's clothing with beer or water is also acceptable.
The Better Half, correctly chose the night's winner, apparently she did not have much competition as the size of her upper hemisphere was quite impressive. Also, she was able to shake it to Cherry Pie, much to the delight of drunken bikers everywhere.
Sorry guys, no pictures.
After the trophy girl contest (which I did not enter, because I prefer my ta-tas to stay in my shirt), we were treated to the endless parade of drunken people. Oh, and there were assless chaps a plenty.
There was butterface (everything was nice but her face) Who apparently was too poor for a pair of leather assless chaps, so she made her own out of blue jeans.
There was cellulite mama who really should have jogged a day or two prior to breaking out her assless chaps.
There was ghosty, who really should have tanned before breaking out her assless chaps.
There were two shirtless, 40 something, men in their boxer shorts. Not pretty people.
Then there was the man who walked around with a rubber-penis hanging from his bluejeans. Good times people, good times.
Lastly, there was Elizabeth mentioned above, who changed into what was apparently a pair of underwear in red, white and blue, and this time with a man who was the type who causes you to want to wash after meeting him. Yuck!
Oh, and lest anyone think I couldn't give those trophy girl contestants a run for their money, I was presented with many mardi gras beads, as my "assets", while not bare, are still charming!
I forgot the bikes! Oh man, if you like bikes, you would be in paradise. There were custom choppers, tricked out Harleys, awesome trikes, and a few really cool paint jobs. I wish I had pictures of those.
So, that was my weekend in a nutshell, three days of bikes and debauchery. What did you do?
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It's always fun to go to such an event and remain sober. The drunken behavior is often disgusting and always amusing. Of course, I always remember that "there but for a gallon of beer and a handful of tequila shots go I."
(Uh, you didn't happen to come away with Elizabeth's phone number on anything did'cha? I'll give you 20 bucks for it.)
posted by
Frank L. at July 18, 2005 09:22 AM
Why did we get the bike?
I think I know the answer now.......
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 18, 2005 10:05 AM
Yes Frank, watching the drunks while remaining sober is always entertaining. Oh, and I didn't get Elizabeth's number, but I am sure to run into her at the next event!
AWTM - you are so gonna have fun at bike rallies! If you are going to wear the assless chaps, have a go at the tanning bed first kay?
posted by
Oddybobo at July 18, 2005 10:17 AM
I can't believe a thread involving assless chaps has lasted this long without input from Harvey.
posted by
Babaganoosh at July 18, 2005 10:45 AM
I think we should Googlebomb you with "assless chaps". ;)
We used to have a Harley but never went to any sort of organized event. Rode it to RenFest once.
We're pretty boring, though.
posted by
pam at July 18, 2005 11:12 AM
Reminds me of Key West. Nothing like seeing old fat men in speedo's to make you want to run in the other direction.
posted by
vw bug at July 18, 2005 11:41 AM
Fund raising beer? Now that's something you won't see in the NorthEast...
And hey, the only reason my brother and I were wearing boxers is because we couldn't find our pants, OK?
posted by
Ogre at July 18, 2005 12:53 PM
That was fine but did you have to wear the leather vest without and no shirts Ogre? Man, shave a chest dude.
posted by
Oddybobo at July 18, 2005 01:08 PM
Damn! Sounds like a good time if, as Frank said, you are sober enough to enjoy the specticle. Problem with sober though is drunks are really disgusting when you're not!
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 18, 2005 01:43 PM
Pam - I'm on it...
posted by
Harvey at July 18, 2005 03:05 PM
posted by
pam at July 18, 2005 03:48 PM
Sounds like you had a blast! I'm disappointed there are no pictures. Nothing makes a dance more artful than sucking nipples. Wow! Sounds like something that woulda happened in my home state of Alabama! Yee-haw!
posted by
Jay at July 18, 2005 03:56 PM
I'm just upset that you didn't even attempt photos! Tease! :)
posted by
Contagion at July 18, 2005 05:39 PM
I love watching drunks make fools of themselves. Of course if you had taken out the camera, we could be having a priceless caption contest about now. :D
posted by
Larry Morin at July 18, 2005 06:00 PM
Note: when blog post mentions "assless chaps" and "sucking nipples", comments section fills at incredible rate.
posted by
Frank L. at July 18, 2005 07:26 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:39 AM
Comments (15)
» basil's blog TracksBack with:
Lunch: 7/18/05
July 15, 2005
Hell is Too Kind
Hell is too kind a place for the murderous fanatics who killed, in cold blood, 18 shiite babies the other day.
We have all heard the news. A military humvee was surrounded by children and began handing out candy and smiley face key chains when a speeding car bomb hit the group of babies and the humvee killing 18, many of whom were under the age of 13. The question then is why?
I have the answer and it is as simple as what I have been saying here all along, the fanatics understand the "take it to their doorstep" philosophy, even while our government does not.
They know that if they kill their own babies, anger will foment. It will be directed toward the troops who "lured their babies with candy to be killed." They will say, "if only those Americans would leave us alone, this would not have happened."
We must use this same tactic. Find the village, the town, the family of these homocide bombers and obliterate them.
Let the world know, it is not ok to target babies in order to get your point across. But if you intend to target innocent babies, we will target your complicit families and friends. Let the world know, if you do nothing to stop these abuses, we will stop them with fury, with force, with destruction.
I can't even picture the faces of those beautiful children, struck down before they can make a difference in the lives of their countrymen. It reminds me of Beslan, where fanatical muslims took those beautiful babies from their parents on a day of celebration.
No, hell is too kind for those people. I hope that there is a special place reserved for just them. And no, it isn't a paradise of 72 virgins, it is a place where they will be subjected to humiliation, horror, torture. Where they will relieve the terror of those smiling children day in and day out. No, hell is too kind.
Before you get complacent my friends, remember! they are coming for your babies next.
Show Comments »
Amen! I'm sure the Almighty will give due justice! I'm sure there is an especially horrible place in hell set aside for these son of a &*^&^*!!
posted by
Jay at July 15, 2005 12:10 PM
I agree with you.
posted by
vw bug at July 15, 2005 02:40 PM
I firmly believe that unless you are willing to unleash the full terrible destructive force of your army and totally wipe your foe from the face of the Earth, you should leave your troops at home.
An invading army can never be a "peacekeeping force". It has never, ever, ever worked throughout recorded history. A liberator will be greeted with flowers at his feet, as long as he keeps marching through. An occupying soldier will always be despised no matter how good his intentions may be. I say bomb the crap out them: hard and often.
posted by
Frank L. at July 15, 2005 02:59 PM
Actually the "virgins" they get are 72 spike-penised demons who haven't had any sex in millennia, and are looking to make up for lost time.
posted by
Harvey at July 16, 2005 01:19 PM
Well said!
posted by
Whymrhymer at July 18, 2005 01:46 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:39 AM
Comments (5)
» basil's blog TracksBack with:
Lunch: 7/15/2005
» Cotillion TracksBack with:
Welcome To A Cotillion Carousel !
July 14, 2005
This is Encouraging
Newsflash! for those out there that don't know that I want to sit on the SCOTUS,
Bush has stated that he is willing to consider someone who has never sat on the bench before.
Hello! Here I am!!! Do you think that my personal emails to the POTUS got to him?
Perhaps it was that nomination from Gun Toting Liberal.
Anyway, I have my bags packed just in case. Oh and Ogre, I filled out all the forms in triplicate.
Show Comments »
If you get a seat on SCOTUS, would you let me come and bang your gavel once?
..god that sounded dirtier then it was meant.
posted by
Contagion at July 14, 2005 08:43 AM
Mass petition to the President! The Boboblogger MUST be nominated to the SCOTUS!
And Contagion, it's only as dirty as you make it out to be... which is... extremely dirty.
posted by
The Babaganoosh at July 14, 2005 10:20 AM
You got my vote. Where do we send the mass mailing?
posted by
vw bug at July 14, 2005 12:22 PM
Oh, I can just see the confirmation hearing now:
"Isn't it true that your blogfather is the sickest, most twisted man in the blogosphere and regularly violates the Communications Decency Act?"
Nope, not gonna be pretty.
posted by
Harvey at July 14, 2005 01:19 PM
Barrister I: Ooh, that bit of a morning in the high court!
Barrister II: Oh, oh!
Barrister I: Oh, I could stamp my little feet at the way those counsels are carrying on.
Barrister II: Oh, don't tell me, love.
Barrister I: Oh, dear, objection here, objection there. And that nice policeman giving his evidence so well!
Barrister II: Oh, ah.
Barrister I: Beautiful speaking voice.
Barrister II: And what a body!
Barrister I: Oh, yeah
Barrister II: Oh, yeah. Ooh, ah.
Barrister I: Well, after a bit all I could do was bang me gavel.
Barrister II: You what, love?
Barrister I: I banged me gavel!
Barrister II: Oh, get away!
Barrister I: I did!
Barrister II: Ooh!
Barrister I: I did my "silence in court" bit.
Barrister II: Oh.
Barrister I: If looks could have killed, that prosecuting counsel would have been in for thirty years.
Barrister II: Hum-hum!
Barrister I: How did your summing-up go?
Barrister II: Uh, well, I did my box voice, you know, "what the jury must understand", and they loved it!
Barrister I: Ah.
Barrister II: I could see that little curly-headed foreman of the jury eyeing me!
Barrister I: Really?
Barrister II: Oh, yeah. Cheating devil. I finished up with, I got really strict: "The actions of these vicious men are a violent
state upon the community and the four pounds of the law is scarcely sufficient to deal with their ghastly crimes!"
Barrister I: Oh, yeah?
Barrister II: And I waggled me wig! Whoaaoha!
Barrister I: You waggled you what?
Barrister II: I waggled me wig!
Barrister I: Really?
Barrister II: Ah, the only thing I waggled!
Barrister I: Ooh...
Barrister II: Ever so slightly, stood in effect.
Barrister I: Ooh!
Barrister II: Anyway, I gave him three years. Merely took ten minutes.
Barrister I: Ooh...well, as I said to Melvin Belly the other day, you know: "You can put it in the hand of your attorneys, but it'll never stand up in court!"
posted by
Ogre at July 15, 2005 07:37 AM
Oh that would be great if they picked you.
Just think, the BEF would rule the world in no time!
posted by
Machelle at July 15, 2005 07:59 AM
You need to move down South quickly. Southerner, female, and of Asian descent? You'd be a round-tripper for the W.
posted by
Two Dogs at July 17, 2005 02:00 PM
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July 12, 2005
Today's Cotillion Ball

It's Tuesday, and that means it is Cotillion time. For you newbies, it is a roundup of the thoughts of some very lovely ladies in the 'sphere. This week's hostesses are:
My very good friend Feisty Christina of Feisty Repartee;
Also hosting are: Cassandra of Villainous Company; Janette of Common Sense Runs Wild; and Sissy of Sisu.
Go see what these beautiful women have to offer. Go now!
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You girls are kickin butt! Keep up the great work.
posted by
Jay at July 12, 2005 09:23 AM
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July 11, 2005
The Weekend Chronicle
Well, the weekend is over, but I am still feeling its effects. Too much sun and running around for me.
On Saturday, the day was filled with my son. We laughed, we played, we cleaned up from the 4th of July festivities (the stuff we never got to). The Boy is 2 and his Papa just bought him a Razor go-cart. Yep, the kind made for 8 year olds. It goes 12 miles per hour. My son has to sit on a pillow to work the thing, but man can he drive. He weaves in and out of obstructions like they are not there. He is a phenom on wheels. The boy is going to be a race car driver soon.
On Sunday we spent the day at the FireRescue EMS EXPO. Trucks, gear, gloves, lights, sirens (headaches). . . anyway we had quite a day. It was topped off with swimming and bbq.
I have said this before, but if you are from a community with a volunteer fire department, give them your support. They may save your life one day. A few dollars go a very long way for those departments, and they live off the community, so send them a few dollars in support.
Ok, so, back to Sunday, my son got a Jeep (because his need for all things moving is never-ending). He is too small for it as well, but that does not stop him. He tools around in that thing like a real driver. I am telling you, my kid is going to best Jeff Gordon one day!
That was my weekend. I spent it playing with my son and thinking about my friends down in the lower states and hoping they didn't feel the wrath of Dennis.
Hope all my readers had nice weekends too. Oh, and I still have my fingers crossed about a Supreme Seat . . .
This weekend? Harely-Easy Riders Rodeo on Friday night, Saturday is an amusement park with the family, and Sunday is paintball - I am guessing, migraine for next monday too, what do you think?
Show Comments »
you must take photos at bike rally and post!!!
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 11, 2005 05:53 PM
Nothing like spending time with your children. And we still have our fingers crossed too.
posted by
Jay at July 11, 2005 06:10 PM
Yes, I'm with AW! Pics, please! :)
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 11, 2005 10:39 PM
Pics of girls in ass-less chaps and rubberband tops? Hmm, the guys will love that!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 12, 2005 08:34 AM
mmmm... ass-less chaps... :-)
posted by
Harvey at July 12, 2005 11:12 AM
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July 08, 2005
The White House is set to announce Rhenquists retirement shortly.
Can I get this seat? Can I? Huh? Please? This is my chance. Two vacancies wow!
Show Comments »
If *I* had a vote, you'd be in.
posted by
Harvey at July 8, 2005 06:55 PM
Have patience, Oddy. You really want to wait until I am President. It will be huge.
posted by
Two Dogs at July 8, 2005 09:42 PM
Start working on positioning yourself in the future. I would love to see it happen.
posted by
Jay at July 9, 2005 02:19 PM
I am going to put a call in tonight...
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 10, 2005 11:41 PM
posted by
Ogre at July 11, 2005 11:42 AM
Hmmmm. Word is, there may be four to fill with Stevens not far behind. I can't remember who the talking heads said the fourth would be.
; )
posted by
Christina at July 11, 2005 12:11 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
05:20 PM
Comments (6)
» basil's blog TracksBack with:
Supper: 7/8/2005
Today's Thoughts
Well, there isn't anyone that I know who isn't talking about the terrorist attacks in Britain. Some are talking about how the President and Blair are to blame, others are talking about the injured and the dead, some are talking (in the muslim community) about wanting these horrors to stop.
No one has offered a solution, better than the one our country is currently engaged in.
I have said this before. It is necessary to take the fight to the fanatics' doorsteps. To keep it in their backyard, so more innocents at home are not injured or killed.
Yes, yes, I know, I am forgetting that there are innocents in their backyard too. You are right. But, what better life lesson than to teach them that if they insist on harboring terrorists, or committing terrorist acts, we will be up their six faster than you can say Go!
I know, it sounds harsh, unfeeling and generally without compassion. Here is why. In the fanatical muslim world, (not all muslims mind you) young children are taught from the start to hate America. To grow up with one purpose, to kill Westerners and Jews. The venom that infects these young people can only be wrought out with force at this time.
What is really necessary is for Muslims across the world to step up to the plate and yell stop. To tell the world that their faith is peaceful and that they do not condone terrorism. That 72 virgins do not await them in heaven, just a bowl full of grapes. The problem is, that the leaders of their faith do not condemn terrorism, they incite it. They encourage it. Until they condemn it, you can believe I support military action to go to their homes and root them out.
Look, it sounds extreme, and I have said it jokingly before, but my call for action is to help those who wish it, and to destroy those who wish us harm. I don't mean throwing them in Gitmo where they get gourmet meals and cable tv. I mean destroy them, grind them into the dust of the earth.
Yep, not very christian, or even lady-like of me. When I see the faces of the dead and injured, the children in Iraq that live in fear because terrorists may decide today's the day their daddy dies for saying thank you to an American, I get mad. My asian blood boils up inside me till I am full to bursting. I want to take up arms myself. I want to whoop a battle-cry and avenge the deaths of the innocent.
When calmer, I realize that our fighting men and women have my back. That they know their job and are proud to do it. That they stand at the ready to defend the innocent and destroy terrorists.
I still fear for the safety of my child. I look at the world I grew in compared the one he will grow in and I am afraid. It is not just the domestic dangers that have always plagued us, but now I must fear that he will be in a subway on the way to school or work, or in a daycare next to a federal building, or in an airplane on the way to Disney and a minion from the devil himself will take his sweet spirit from me for no other reason than that he is American.
I will pray for the souls of the lost. I will curse fanatical muslims, and I will hold my family close ever wary that we nowwalk the earth with a target on our backs.
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Personally, I think it's gloves off time. When we catch these terrorist scumbags--or have a very good suspicion who they are--we should simply make a parking lot out of whatever city, village or town they come from. Hey, we know where they grew up--the neighborhood, the street, the address where grandma lives. Bombs away! Chop off their heads and bury them face down in a pile of pig sh*t. Absolute, utterly complete reprisal is the only thing these S.O.B.'s will ever understand.
Yeah, that's harsh. So is bombing a subway or flying planes into skyscrapers. Maybe the evil one-eyed muslim cleric running that "boys school" will think twice about preaching "death to America" if he knows there are bombsights scoping HIS roof!
posted by
Frank L. at July 8, 2005 09:51 PM
Islamic terrorism will stop only when Muslims realise that it will mean the end of Islam. Eventually the rest of the world will be tired of cleaning the blood of it's citizens from ten meters high on the front of buildings. I was, quite franky, surprised that a mushroom cloud didn't appear over Chechnya after Beslan.
It's only a matter of time, either Islam reforms or goes the way of Carthage.
posted by
Peter at July 9, 2005 03:24 AM
But you know, if we take it to their backyard then maybe the "innocents" in their backyard will step up to the plate and tell them to stop it.
If the "innocents" just sit passably by while their own countrymen are out to blow up the world they must suffer the consequences too.
posted by
Machelle at July 11, 2005 09:35 AM
Nuke Mecca.
And if they strike again, nuke it on the highest holy day.
posted by
Ogre at July 11, 2005 11:38 AM
I couldn't agree with you more, it's time for the administration to turn on the afterburner and give full control to our military. We need to send a message, a really big message. You hear people say "What about innocent bystanders and civilians?", you mean like the ones in Faluja? If we had a crack house in our neighborhood or a gang that was causing trouble, do you think the neighbors would not know where they hang out or live? Of course they would so with that said the "innocent" people living in Faluja most likely know where these terrorists are living and meeting and if they don't cooperate with the allies then they are just as guilty as the terrorist themselves. Nuke the whole place!
I'm tired of this crap! I'm tired of America being made to look weak because we restrain our power. I want to show the enemy that they are no match for American firepower and the will to fight. We live in the greatest country on the face of the earth and we need to start acting like it and remind the world who we are and how we got there. May God bless this country and everyone fighting for freedom in His name.
The Patriot
posted by
Patriot at July 14, 2005 06:20 PM
Hi. Just letting you know that I enjoyed your site. Soft voice over the net: http://www.allucher.com/sato_blog/archives/2005/04/post_110.html , Revelations of John
posted by
Kelly Ronald at September 7, 2005 11:19 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
02:22 PM
Comments (6)
» Feisty Repartee TracksBack with:
Come Dance with Us
» Common Folk Using Common Sense TracksBack with:
"The Religion Of Peace™", post #912
» Cotillion TracksBack with:
Come Dance with Us
July 07, 2005
London Calling
London is under attack. Keep them in your thoughts. Makes me glad we have our fighting men and women on the first line of defense against terrorism everywhere.

Flying the Union Jack in solidarity with the British! (hat tip: basil)
On a wholly inappropriate and much lighter note, always looking to lay blame, perhaps instead of pointing the finger at George Bush for this one, wackos can point the finger at the French. After all, they did just get beat out by London for the Olympics. I'm just saying!
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Funnily enough, that was my first thought..
posted by
Sally at July 7, 2005 12:12 PM
Our prayers are with Britain.
posted by
Jay at July 7, 2005 10:09 PM
I am going to try to install this inline trackback feature you have. Man, I'm ignorant on code and stuff.
posted by
Jay at July 8, 2005 08:49 AM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
08:56 AM
Comments (3)
» ManicViking TracksBack with:
Britain - We Got Your Back
» Stop The ACLU TracksBack with:
Britain, We Stand by you
July 06, 2005

Being a good traylor park livin boy, my man went out and bought him a gun. He only had 90 dollars. When he got home, he showed me the gun, since 90 dollars didn't buy a gun, he got a new tattoo. Hmm. I need a new man, this one's plumb dumb!
Check out my noisy naybors while I go smack my man!
basil's blog
Cranky Neocon
Dangerous Logic
Fistful of Fortnights
It Is What It Is
Mean Ol' Meany
Merri Musings
MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Riehl World View
Six Meat Buffet
The Ebb & Flow Institute
The Jawa Report
The Nose On Your Face
The Therapist
Vince Aut Morire
Feisty Republican Whore
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That good ol' boy is gonna done go get himself shot wi' that there tat.
posted by
Contagion at July 6, 2005 08:57 AM
posted by
Teo Dogs at July 6, 2005 09:35 AM
posted by
Ogre at July 6, 2005 04:03 PM
posted by
Dorko at July 7, 2005 02:28 AM
Kinda gives a whole new meaning to "Is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
posted by
Jenna at July 7, 2005 12:13 PM
You have some really cool stuff at your site. I'm sure gonna come back here. Naked truth: http://www.fish4less.net , Port aBuayar
posted by
Kelly Ronald at September 7, 2005 10:42 AM
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July 05, 2005
A Tragic Loss
For those of you not yet aware, Carol, from An American Housewife, lost her husband last week. She needs our thoughts and prayers.
Here is a paypal button if you would like to make a donation to her and her children.
Donations for Carol and her children
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Wish I could figure out how to put the paypal donation button inside a post. I had trouble doing this when I wrote my post about Caroll.
posted by
Jay at July 5, 2005 02:18 PM
I will pray for her and her family.
posted by
Dorko at July 5, 2005 03:43 PM
Prayer on the way.
posted by
Harvey at July 6, 2005 09:42 AM
Good work. I like your site. Port aBuayar: http://www.allucher.com/sato_blog/archives/2005/04/post_110.html , Fantastic blog
posted by
John Reed at September 7, 2005 10:03 AM
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The Cotillion Ball
The lovely ladies at the Cotillion Ball have done it again. This week's hostesses are: Little Miss Attila, the Anchoress, Reasoned Audacity, and Steal the Bandwagon.
Go check out what these women of taste, and good judgment have to say!
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July 01, 2005
A holiday treat
I never leave pictures of myself lying around but here is one of my family. I have told you before about my dad. This is him trying to be all stern. I have really long, and I mean really long, hair, but I have it pulled back all schoolmarmish in this picture. I'm the fat one! Please be nice in the comments.
View image
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What a beautiful family!
And YOU, my dear, are quite the lovely woman. I think we may well be sisters.
; )
posted by
Christina at July 1, 2005 12:02 PM
posted by
Jenna at July 1, 2005 12:29 PM
You're too harsh on yourself.
Good lookin family you got there. Did you read what I commented at GTL's page? I meant it totally innocently and very seriously....if that's something you think you can do.
I look forward to seeing your response.
posted by
Republican Vet at July 1, 2005 02:45 PM
What a cutie-pie!
I am just swamped at work this week, can't blog like I wanna, and I want to go canoeing tomorrow. It ain't gonna happen.
posted by
Two Dogs at July 1, 2005 07:09 PM
Beautiful family...and yes you too! Don't be harsh on yourself!
posted by
Sissy at July 2, 2005 12:32 AM
Great looking family. Great site! Added you to my blogroll. And I'm all for you taking O'Connor's place. Maybe you could add me to your blogroll too?
posted by
Jay at July 2, 2005 01:46 AM
Hey, what a hottie! She'd look alot better in that black gown than SDO'C did, that's fer sure ;-)
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at July 2, 2005 01:15 PM
Is it just me, or does your dad bear a passing resemblance to Michael Ironside?
posted by
Harvey at July 2, 2005 03:13 PM
gorgeous family, beautiful babies, and a stern Dad. American Dream!
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 2, 2005 05:00 PM
What a fine looking bunch! Great smile, Oddy!
posted by
Frank L. at July 3, 2005 02:39 PM
Just wanted to let you know about Carol and American Housewife. Her husband has passed away. She needs our prayers.
posted by
Jay at July 3, 2005 06:09 PM
I love that Picture! Something about the way you Girls and those grandbabies are 'framed' around Dad. And just look at radient YOU! :) Happy 4th of July Oddybobo!
posted by
Dorko at July 4, 2005 12:41 PM
I'm always afraid when I see links to pictures on blogs. I blame Harvey. I'm not sure what I expected, but I sure didn't expect a REAL picture of REAL people! Looks wonderful!
posted by
Ogre at July 5, 2005 12:31 PM
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Good Bye, Hello
Where do I sign up? Who is the owner of the ass I must kiss? Where are my clean shoes?
Justice O'Connor has turned in her resignation! Hurray!
Now, where did the rest of them put their resignations? Hmmm?
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Psst... I nominated you today. Let's DO DIS!
posted by
Gun-Toting Liberal at July 1, 2005 11:57 AM
Hi Oddy...I used to be an attorney in Pittsburgh in a high-price high-rise also--gave up my judge aspirations to pastor a church, though, so you can have the nomination...It would be good to have a common-sense 'Burgher on the bench...
posted by
Makrothumeo at July 2, 2005 01:48 PM
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Posted by Oddybobo at
10:44 AM
Comments (2)
» The Gun Toting Liberal TracksBack with:
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to
» Steal the Bandwagon TracksBack with:
Sandra Day O'Connor Steps Down...
» basil's blog TracksBack with:
Brunch: 7/2/2005
» Stop The ACLU TracksBack with:
Justice and Liberty For All
We need less than 300 more!!!
We need less than 300 comments for Jeff
He graduates from Boot Camp today but he probably won't see these comments for a day or two what with entertaining his family after graduation and that all too short family stay today. Maybe he will see them tomorrow. Anyway, we need to get to 1000, last I checked we were at 722, 723 comments so go on over, even if you have been there before and leave a comment for Jeff. Make him feel good, he has been gone so long!
Or just stop by to offer congratulations to him and thanks for the job he is about to embark upon!
What are you waiting for? I said go!
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Commendable effort on this one :-)
posted by
Harvey at July 2, 2005 03:13 PM
Yay! Over 1,000!
posted by
Ogre at July 5, 2005 10:43 AM
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