August 23, 2006

How to Excite a Redneck

On Sunday morning the fire siren blew and the husband, child and I were off to lend service to our neighbors.

This call was for a dog stuck in a drainpipe. My husband went to the hall to get our gear, whilst the Boy and I went to the scene to "scope it out."

When we arrived, we learned that it was, in fact, two dogs stuck in a drain pipe with a very angry groundhog. The wirehaired terrier and the westy had the groundhog pinned and, in fact, the westy was laying partly atop the groundhog's head. It was surmised that the groundhog would need to be euthanized so that the dogs did not suffer additional injuries. For surely, once one dog was rescued, the groundhog would attack the other, or the three would begin the fight again. It was decided that the groundhog, being a worthless creature, would be shot in order to safely rescue the wee-pups.

Now, to the part on how to excite a redneck . . . .

Once we learned that we would get to do some small game hunting in a drainpipe, we and I mean we all, jumped to see who got to go home for a gun first. It being Sunday, we all had seamingly left our firearms behind. I offered the .38 or the 9mm - too much power. We settled on a .22. I have a revolver and a snubbed pistol, but a long-gun it was to be. Off raced my dear friend to retrieve a .22 with which to dispatch the ornery groundhog.

We redneck firefighters stood around salivating at the prospect of the smell of gunpowder on a sunday morn, when the westy backed out of the drainpipe with help from a pike pole. Covered in blood, the westy was whisked away to be cleaned up. Peering into the drainpipe, it was discovered that the groundhog had, in fact, managed to make a stealthy escape through the maze of drainpipes. The wirehair was rescued and all was right in their world again.

It was with sadness that we all retreated to our vehicles and homes, as we had all gotten very excited and were let down tremendously. No sunday shootin for us.

So, the moral to the story? It is easy to excite a redneck, the prospect of shooting and killing one of God's more ornery and worthless creatures is but one way. The prospect of shooting and killing one of God's more tasty creatures is but another . . . I think I'll have venison for dinner . . .

Posted by Oddybobo at August 23, 2006 04:21 PM | TrackBack

Aw - sorry about the loss of a shootin' opportunity. But there's always the chance you'll be called upon in the future for such a thing. *grin*

Posted by: Teresa at August 23, 2006 04:39 PM

It was probably pretty excitin' for the 'Neck to see his dawgs get rescued... Gun powder or not. Trust me on this one Oddy... 'Necks aint that hard to excite...

Posted by: RedNeck at August 23, 2006 06:54 PM

God, that's like having sex and not climaxing!

Posted by: Contagion at August 23, 2006 07:12 PM


Why can I just picture this?!?!

Posted by: Tammi at August 23, 2006 07:41 PM

Oh hey.... Your house is so very exciting! :)

Posted by: Richmond at August 23, 2006 09:20 PM

Ok, I want to come visit you. I want to go shooting!!!

Posted by: vw bug at August 24, 2006 07:13 AM

Wait, what about the rest of the story? Did you all leave before the person with the .22 got back? Did they get to shoot anything?

Posted by: Ogre at August 24, 2006 12:01 PM

Now that's an exciting Sunday morning!

Posted by: michele at August 24, 2006 07:39 PM

I'm with Orge, And now for the rest of the Story........

Posted by: Tink at August 26, 2006 11:17 AM

Funny, lol. My boyfriend keeps trying to talk me into a rifle (with silencer) to be used to shoot one of the many deer in the neighborhood that keep eating my landscaping. So far, i've kept him from turning into the great white hunter.

Posted by: trouble at August 28, 2006 02:33 PM