May 15, 2007

Thank you.

To everyone that said prayers and other nice things. To everyone who thought good thoughts. To all my friends - YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Thank you.

I lost. Badly. Really badly . . . I guess what has been proven for me is that if you raise in excess of $100,000.00 in a local contest for Judge, you will beat pitiful me - and everyone else - who didn't raise any money - (except the four bumper stickers I sold - thank you again) - but spent my life savings (don't worry, it wasn't that much) on some ads and a mailing.

I don't think this endeavor is worth repeating - not for me anyway. ACK! But I am truly thankful for all your good wishes and nice thoughts. Thank you again.

Posted by Oddybobo at May 15, 2007 09:25 PM | TrackBack

You did what 99% of us would never have the guts to do. Sure we vote (I do) and we may write our elected officials, but how many of us would stand up and say, "I want a change, I will make a change" and then run? What you have done is something of which I am in absolute awe. I'd never have the guts to put myself out there like that.

But you did.

And although it didn't work out the way I wanted it to, I would suspect that the people around you know, you're pretty damn serious in your beliefs. I know we all knew it. Your blog friends. :)

Posted by: Bou at May 15, 2007 09:57 PM

DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! Bout said everything more eloquently... but DAMN!!! I am so sorry...

You did it all right, Oddy - now just wasn't the time. {{{hugs}}}

Posted by: Richmond at May 15, 2007 10:05 PM

Well, Bou said it for me, too. I'm so sorry you lost, but what an adventure just to run and have the experience. I still say GO, ODDY! :D

Posted by: pam at May 15, 2007 10:20 PM

Looks like I got in after 3 very eloquent ladies. They've taken the words right out of my mouth.

I'm so sorry it didn't end right - but I'm glad for your sake that you gave it your best shot. You would never know if you didn't try! You are the very best!

Posted by: Teresa at May 15, 2007 10:27 PM


It's sad how money moves mountains.
Character (and integrity and honesty) should move mountains.

I'm proud of you.

Posted by: Rave at May 15, 2007 10:37 PM

Sweetie, you made a difference, and I am so proud of you for trying.

I hope sometime in the future you do this again... only, maybe you win next time.

Posted by: caltechgirl at May 15, 2007 11:39 PM

You need someone to take the winners out?


Posted by: That 1 Guy at May 15, 2007 11:59 PM

"It is better to have run and lost than never to have run at all." Ok Ok, you can chase me down later and beat me up. Everyone before me said it so well, that I had to come up with something different. I am sorry you lost, I am proud that I know someone who tried. Wow. **hugs**

Posted by: vw bug at May 16, 2007 06:20 AM

You went after your dream. That's not an easy thing to do. AND....remember there's no such thing as NO. It's just Not Right Now.

I'm so sorry it didn't happen. I thought of you all day yesterday. But I'm soooo proud of you for goin' for it. That takes more courage than most folks have.

Know that we love ya. And are proud as hell of ya.

Now take some down time, spend it with that sweet adorable son of yours and your DH. Spoil yourself....

Posted by: Tammi at May 16, 2007 06:32 AM

You are an inspiration, my friend.

I am damn proud to know you.

Something good will come of this, it just may take a little time to be revealed.

Posted by: Christina at May 16, 2007 06:39 AM

Damn proud of you for trying, for chasing that dream; and, dissapointed that the voters were not able to get past the show-snow to elect the best candidate.

Posted by: Laughing Wolf at May 16, 2007 08:01 AM

What they all said.

Posted by: Roses at May 16, 2007 08:01 AM

*leaves bottle of condolence whiskey*

Posted by: Harvey at May 16, 2007 10:29 AM

Yes, but you tried. You took action. THAT is something to be VERY proud of indeed!

Posted by: c.a. Marks at May 16, 2007 10:54 AM

You must be admired just to have the fortitude to run in a political campaign where our true democratic purposes are now corrupted by how much money the other side has. I applaud you! Many would not have even given it “Four Bumper Stickers” worth of try…

Posted by: Edd at May 16, 2007 01:40 PM

I am proud of you none the less!

And never say never again, I bet it will happen again but that time you will win.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at May 16, 2007 04:06 PM

I am sooooo proud of you!!!! When the going got tough you didn't quit, you got tougher. When the running seemed hopeless, you kept right on running. When you were threatened, you talked about it got support and kept right on moving.

YOU ARE AWESOME! The average person would have quit. You are not not average. You're not even made of average ingredients. You are built FORD tough!

You have gained a great deal of knowledge. You will find in time that knowledge will be used for many things. It will definitely come in handy for when you do this again, next time. Maybe when your son's older and he can help campaign with his winning smile and good looks!

Oh, yeah, and Congratulations on a race well run. Money may get more voters to recognize your name but it takes guts and determination to get out there and get your message out without the money.

Posted by: michele at May 16, 2007 04:57 PM

You, you won in my mind. You went out and attempted to fulfill a dream, a goal, a mad attempt to start world domination. Well, maybe not the last one.

Next time we need to start the fund raising sooner, like next week.

Posted by: Contagion at May 16, 2007 05:46 PM

They've said it all...

But great job on even having the courage to do what you believed in. We don't get to see that so much anymore.

Posted by: Sissy at May 16, 2007 06:11 PM

Everyone has already said it very well, but you have the courage and the strength to face a challenge as an AMERICAN should.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at May 16, 2007 10:10 PM

I agree, many folks would never even take the step to atempt to make a change versus just voting. You went on a limb, and sure you lost but you gained something. Everyone here's respect and the confidence to know that you at least stepped to the plate and make a change in something you believe in.

And can't no one take thhat belief away from ya :)

Posted by: BloodSpite at May 17, 2007 02:00 AM

Hi there....uh, I only started reading you about 2-3 months ago, so I came in when you were already in high gear (as such, I missed a lot of backstory).

Nevertheless...totally frickin' cool what you did. Even though ya lost...ya still kick MAJOR ASS for putting yourself out there the way you did. A cliche kinda ickety thing to say, but it still makes you a winner in a lot of peeps' books.

Posted by: Erica at May 18, 2007 11:32 PM

Hey, you might want to think about it again next time. Just take some notes on how the "elected" one performs. When you've got some solid ideas(not that you didn't have 'em already), somebody that might be better at fundraising will come along and maybe you can still do it. One things for sure though, you can't get votes if you don't run, and if you feel as strongly about it as you must have, to have run to start with, I think/hope you'll do so again. I got my sticker, you sell another one, and I'll get that one too. Wish I could've helped more in that department, but hey, it had to be a learning experience, and who knows, perhaps some of the lessons learned will help in your future endeavors. I was so looking forward to saying, "Yeah, I shared a cab outta Austin with a PA. Judge.... ;)".

Posted by: RedNeck at May 21, 2007 08:33 PM