April 10, 2008


My personal email address got phished!

You know where some other company takes your email over and sends a spam to everyone on your contacts? Well, that happened to me.

Weird too. I usually don't have any issues with that except with my work email - go figure.

I'm pissed.

Posted by Oddybobo at April 10, 2008 07:58 AM | TrackBack

Dang - that sucks. :(

Posted by: Richmond at April 10, 2008 10:55 AM

Wait a minute. Are you telling me that wasn't you offering the cheap meds, low mortgage rates and horny teens? Oh, crap...

Posted by: zonker at April 10, 2008 11:28 PM

I received nothing. I feel cheated.

Posted by: Two Dogs at April 11, 2008 01:34 AM