September 12, 2008


Everyone is doing it, why can't I? So, here is my "Finish the Sentence meme"

1. My uncle once: told me I was chunky - I told him "no, I'm fat, the doctor says I'm fat, so I'm fat." I was 3.

2. Never in my life: have I jumped out of a plane - but I would like to do so.

3. When I was five: I could read at a 4th grade level, didn't nap and could recite the Gettysburg Address - sadly, it all ended there.

4. High school was: uneventful for the most part - except, I am guessing, for that Air Force recruiter. *wink*

5. I will never forget: how my friends cared for me in my time of need- and if I haven't told you lately, thank you! I love you.

6. Once I met: Edward James Olmos - and he let me kiss him - I was 19 and for some reason a EJO groupie - must have been the Miami Vice years.

7. There’s this girl I know: who is like my twin (sometimes). She knows who she is.

8. Once, at a bar: I tongued the doorman - got the best seat in the house and free drinks for my girls and me all night and the next one too. - yes, I'm that good - why do you ask?

9. By noon, I’m usually: looking for excuses to leave early.

10. Last night: I was on the phone for several hours.

11. If only I had: more patience, time and wisdom.

12. Next time I go to church: I won't wear the very low cut dress I wore last time when the wind was blowing and we were having church outside . . . byegones.

13. What worries me most: whether I am raising my son right and whether he will be a success in life. That and am I who I'm suppossed to be?

14. When I turn my head left I see: a pile of paper.

15. When I turn my head right I see: the Ohio River

16. You know I’m lying when: I don't lie - often . . . But you wouldn't know it.

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: the hair - I seriously rawked the mall rat doo.

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Viola.

19. By this time next year: I should be Partner.

20. A better name for me would be: ...................Queen Oddy of the Kingdom of Oddyland - we welcome all kinds from the abnormally short to the abnormally tall - the only prerequisite is that liberals need not apply.

21. I have a hard time understanding: the principles of Six Sigma and statistics.

22. If I ever go back to school: it would be to become an English teacher.

23. You know I like you if: I speak to you - at all . . .

24. If I ever won an award, the first person(s) I would thank would be: my family and friends.

25. Take my advice: Seriously, I know what I am talking about.

26. My ideal breakfast is: bacon and fruit and cheese stuffed french toast.

27. A song I love but do not have is: Kid Rock's All Summer Long.

28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: come and see me, I will cook for you. - What kind of pie do you like?

29. Why won’t people: leave me alone, seriously, if my door is closed - go the f&*k away.

30. If you spend a night at my house: Expect to laugh a LOT and eat really really well - but Pee First.

31. I’d stop my wedding so: I could help out a friend.

32. The world could do without: liberals.

33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Cockroaches have bellies?.

34. My favourite blonde(s) : Richmond and her girls

35. Paper clips are more useful than: used kleenex.

36. If I do anything well it’s: cook for, feed, and take care of people - and make up ridiculous lyrics to the songs on the radio.

37. I can’t help but: always be right - and slightly paranoid.

38. I usually cry: at stupid commercials, songs or shows in which I know the ending, but never in crisis - I'm a fucking rock!

39. My advice to my child/nephew/niece: remember to enjoy your life and the people in it. Always think of others. Don't pick your nose in public, and laugh. Laugh like you have never laughed - if you need help? Call Zonker.

40. And by the way: we should all find ways to laugh more. Especially when things get tough for us or our friends - and don't forget there are things worth fighting for and if you lose the fight? make a list . . . *wink*

Posted by Oddybobo at September 12, 2008 09:28 AM | TrackBack

Mmmmm... your ideal breakfast just became *my* favorite! ;)

Now I'm hungry...

Posted by: pam at September 12, 2008 10:43 AM

I don't get 6 sigma either. Makes my head hurt.

Posted by: Navy CPO at September 12, 2008 10:57 AM

Hmmmm, I understand 6 sigma, but seriously, call ZONKER for help? Poor little chitlins,,,*S*

Posted by: Michele at September 12, 2008 01:44 PM

You ARE a rock... :)

Posted by: Richmond at September 12, 2008 04:31 PM

Good to see you back. Some advice:
#2; Make sure to use a parchute or be sure the plane is on the ground.

Also here is the secret to Six Sigma. It is bullshit.

Posted by: Cappy at September 13, 2008 05:59 PM

I'm sure that was a typo, Michele. Apparently she meant "if you need help finding someone/something to laugh at - call Zonker." Heh...

Posted by: zonker at September 14, 2008 10:20 AM