March 03, 2006

Say . . . Do You Know The Way To Antarctica?

I have a beautiful young friend who is just starting out on a journey that most of us would never undertake, much less desire to undertake. She has started a blog to document her travels. Go visit if you are interested!

I have watched my young friend grow into a beautiful and intelligent woman. She is taking part in a research expedition to Antarctica (where, incidentally, they no longer allow sled-dogs).

Let me tell you about Carrie! When she was still in highschool, she spent an entire year (a whole year, in Pennsylvania no less!) sleeping in a sleeping bag, in a hammock, in her yard - wind, rain, snow, sleet, sun etc. . . didn't deter her! To say the boys were impressed is an understatement!

When, I think, a junior in High School, she undertook a trip to Alaska-Alone! Not just to any part of Alaska but to the remote reaches of Eagle Alaska and beyond. She worked on a sled-dog team that trapped wolves as its main business. (Sorry Laughing Wolf, but it is a business in the sprawl of the great yonder). She lived in a tent!

This girl is kick-ass. Let me tell you. During her off season from college she works as a trail clearer in New England. She walks trails with Ax in hand and clears them and keeps them free of debris and managable. She's like a mini-lumberjack.

And don't go thinking she is all crunchy granola either. She isn't. She once found a freshly dead skunk in the woods, thought it was pretty so she brought it back to her dorm to tan it! Another time, she and her woods-friends found a recently dead moose which they butchered up and then proceeded to eat. Not bad eating I'm told.

Underneath all of that though, she is a beautiful young lady. I'll be visiting her blog everyday to hear about her travels. I encourage you to stop by now and then as well! Oh, and she is good people, she gobbles up my chocolate chip cookies like there is no tomorrow!

P.S. I'm doing the happy dance because it is almost the WEEKEND!!

Posted by Oddybobo at March 3, 2006 12:11 PM | TrackBack

No, Moose is okay. A little gamey, but not bad.

I am psyched about the weekend too! Happy Friday! :)

Posted by: Richmond at March 3, 2006 12:27 PM

You're right, she sounds like a *remarkable* young lady! Also, yeah, moose isn't bad eatin'. Not too crazy about it as an entree, but it's very good in soups, stews, etc.; perhaps even tastier than beef is in those dishes.

Posted by: Gun Toting Liberal at March 3, 2006 12:52 PM

She does sound quite remarkable indeed, and I wish her well on this adventure -- esp. as she will leave Uncle George and his crew alone now. :)

Posted by: Laughing Wolf at March 3, 2006 12:59 PM

Sounds like she'd be good to have with on a camping trip.

Posted by: Contagion at March 3, 2006 05:35 PM

She sounds very much like Cindy Garrison. Just google the name and click on the ESPN link - she is an internationally known fly fishing instructor and she has a show on ESPN2. Like your young friend she goes out and does stuff in the wilderness.

I'm very impressed and I hope she loves her trip. Personally I'd freeze to death - but that's just me *grin*. I was never meant to be an outdoor girl.

Posted by: Teresa at March 3, 2006 06:29 PM