June 04, 2007

Stupid People Shouldn't Breed

Saturday, I was visited by my paternal aunt and her two grandsons. She has taken custody of them because her son - my eldest cousin - and his child-bride are complete wastes of space.

These children have been abused phsyically and mentally and they have no chance in the real world.

I am appalled at some of what I learned this weekend, but I will spare you the details and instead focus on something very touching.

I have told you that my son - The Boy - has a great deal of sensitivity for one so young. If you are mad, glad, sad, angry or depressed, he knows it and he acts accordingly. He is a sweet, sweet baby.

Saturday while the two relatives were wreaking havoc, they began to chase each other with a bow and arrow set the Boy has. Now, it is a toy but it still hurts to get hit by an arrow. The boys were being mean to each other and trying to hurt each other. My Boy started screaming from upstairs "Stop it! Stop it!" " Please don't!" In a fit of sobs and with tear stained cheek, he came flying down the steps and into my arms. Now, they were not trying to hurt him, they were not chasing him or even taunting him, but he was upset because they were trying to hurt eachother.

The Boy believes (and rightly so) that families are for loving not hurting. He was so overwhelmed that they would set out to hurt one another that he was moved to tears. He couldn't understand and I didn't have the words to explain it to him, except to say they were playing but could play no more.

He is such a sweet boy that it never crossed his mind that these relatives would genuinely want to hurt each other. He was beside himself with sadness. Such a sweet boy.

I must say that I was ashamed to have members of my family that have ruined these boys. I fear that it is too late for them both. Though there were glimmers of hope.

Within 5 minutes of them being in my home, they were listening, being relatively respectful and kind to the Boy. By the time they left, they were thanking me, hugging me and asking if they could return. I am no softie, generally.

I take a hard line with children who are misbehaving and was having none of it in my home. They were respectful of my wishes for the most part. I fed them, and I fed them well - something for which they thanked me. I demanded that they clean up their own messes, something they never do. I asked for apologies for causing the Boy a meltdown, which were received.

They have a glimmer of hope, but more time with their wretched parents will dash that hope for good. Stupid people should not breed, be this a lesson!

Posted by Oddybobo at June 4, 2007 10:11 AM | TrackBack

As a Grammy raising two little ones that have been abused just let me say that it is a VERY hard job and one that I would wish on no one! It's difficult to take them places and PRAY they behave, when in my heart of hearts I know they won't. The only thing we can do is love them and try to let them know that some adults don't know any better, but that they should love each other and not hurt others. It sounds like your little one is a very sensitive and loving little boy,,,great job, Mom!

Posted by: Michele at June 4, 2007 10:26 AM

You are a rock, Darlin'. I am so happy they got to see what a loving family is like...

Posted by: Richmond at June 4, 2007 10:48 AM

The Boy's actions speak to what a wonderful Mom you are!! And I bet you all made quite an impression on those kids. Sometimes the smallest thing from childhood can stay with us and help mold our characters.

Posted by: pam at June 4, 2007 11:45 AM

It's amazing just how much the little ones need both love and structure, like they're begging to be told how to behave, and then to be praised for it. Good for your little man for trying to show them love, and for you for following up on it.

Posted by: caltechgirl at June 4, 2007 12:11 PM

What those boys crave is stability and direction. Tough love, in other words. I hope their grandparents can give it to them. Your son can see it too and be understanding of others who exhibit problems.

I hope those kids get to see more of you. Best damn thing for them.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at June 4, 2007 02:30 PM

I used to be surprised what people could do to children, until I spent 5 years working law enforcement. Now I just have nightmares.

Posted by: Contagion at June 4, 2007 02:59 PM